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高三教案 第333期

Getting a degree in life (P1)
Choose the best answer:
1. After he told reporters that Greg Oden was overrated, Dorsey ____.
A. regretted and felt ashamed of himself
B. brought out his best in the game against Oden
C. proved he was as good as his words
D. proved he was the one who was overrated

2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A. In the championship game in the next season, Dorsey showed that he had drawn a lesson from his mistake.
B.  Dorsey was the first guy from his high school kicked off a college team.
C. Many people in his neighborhood believed college would change Dorsey.
D. Dorsey was brought up in a challenging but supportive environment.

3. The passage is mainly about _____.
A. respecting one’s opponents
B. Joey Dorsey’ lesson in humility
C. the challenges Joey Dorsey faced in his life
D. how to take advantage of college education

4. Which would the writer probably agree to?
A. Many professional sports players are too young to be respectful to their opponents.
B. People shower too much money and fame on young professional sports players.
C. College education can be a good influence on one’s development.
D. Money and fame cannot contribute to one’s growth.

1. D。细节题。答案从第三四段可以看出,他在比赛中表现极差,而他在记者面前对对手的贬低,对自己的夸耀让自己在全国人面前出了丑。所以只有D项—证明了他对自己的高估才正确。
2. A。考查细节与总结概括能力。Draw a lesson指吸取教训,依据是第六段He learned from his mistake。B项根据倒数第二段可以排除。文章说到多西的社区的人都认为他上不了大学,甚至还会是他们高中第一个被大学篮球队踢出去的球员,所以C项也错误。D项错在supportive,别人对他的看法都是负面的。
3. B。文章主要谈的是多西在谦虚方面得到了一次教训。作者认为这也证明了大学教育对人的成长有促进。所以B正确。C只涉及文章一部分。D项文章没有涉及。
4. C。 考查总结概括能力。文章第一段和最后一段都说了大学对年轻人的成长有好处,所以C正确。而其他选项在文章中找不到依据。

Falling in love with Lebanon (P3)
Choose the best answer:
1. What’s the main idea of the passage?
A. It mainly deals with the history and geography of Lebanon.
B. It talks about the language and music of Lebanon.
C. It focuses on the music and tourism of Lebanon.
D. It mainly presents us a general introduction of Lebanon which moves the author deeply.

2. From the passage, we can see that ____.
A. The moment the author got ready to leave for Lebanon, fighting took place in Beirut.
B. Lebanon attaches more importance to oil business rather than tourism.
C. Lebanese people have low standards of living.
D. I had paid more attention to the Lebanese language before I was fond of Lebanese music.

3. How did the author feel when talking about Lebanon?
A. Scared.               B. Puzzled. 
C. Proud.                D. Satisfied.

4. Which is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Lebanon was the homeland of the author’s parents.
B. Lebanese people are famous for their expensive tastes.
C.  Compared with America, Lebanon has a short history.
D. Like her parents, the author was polite to others.

1. D。 主旨大意题,本文主要介绍了黎巴嫩的语言、地理位置、音乐、风俗习惯等方面的情况。字里行间透露出作者对于黎巴嫩的喜爱之情。
2. A。 细节判断题,根据文章第一段可得知答案。BD与文中所述相反。C项—文章没有提生活水平,只提到他们有expensive tastes。
3. C。判断推理题,根据文章可得知当作者在介绍黎巴嫩之时,流露出一种自豪之情。
4. C 。细节题,根据文章倒数第二段可得知答案。

Long time rivalry turns to the Internet (P4)
Choose the best answer:
1. The passage is written mainly to tell us ____.
A. what is the long-lasting competition between the two universities 
B. how the two universities are fighting to attract a wider audience
C. who is the winner in the wave of electronic competition
D. that the rivalry between the two universities now expands to a new battleground

2. The author said that the universities are "taking their ancient competition into the 21st century” because _____.
A. they are competing to see who can give more lectures, films and admissions guides
B. they are both using the Internet to reach a wider audience
C. they want to see whose electronic products are more popular
D. they hope to use electronic admission guides to attract more potential students

3. From the text, we can see that ____.
A. the two high-level universities are worried that they are falling behind in the electronic age
B. the two high-level universities are afraid they haven’t been accessible enough to common people
C. the two universities offered almost the same reason for their launch
D. the two universities never hide the fact that they are competing

4. What does the sentence “After eight centuries the competition between the institutions is fairly even” mean?
A. The competition is totally academic.
B.  The competition is quite fierce.
C. The two universities have strengths in different areas.
D. The two universities are neck and neck.

1. D。从文章第一段开始文章就说两大学的竞争扩大到了互联网上,之后介绍了具体的情况。所以D项正确。
2. B。ACD选项文章都没提到,只有B项符合两校提供的新举措的理由。
3. C。从第三段可以看出C正确。D项从第三段第一句They deny the simultaneous launch is designed to start an iTunes race,可以判断错误。
4. D。难句理解。从第一段和最后一段(尤其是最后还要wait and see)可以看出竞争并没有分出胜负,所以D正确。

Inspired by nature (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. What’s the main idea of the passage?
A. It focuses on how Daimler’s bionic car came into being.
B.  Scientists and inventors’ contribution to modern industry.
C. Nature has inspired a lot of inventions.
D. The Nature’s 100 Best List.

2. Why did top engineers in Germany go to the natural history museum?
A. They wanted to pay a visit to the animals there because they were so lovely.
B. They wanted to carry out a research of boxfish and dolphins.
C. They wanted to search for a model to base on for building a more-efficient car.
D. They wanted to study the science of survival.

3. The clumsy-looking boxfish interested the scientists because of the following reasons EXCEPT that____.
A. it swims using little energy
B. being boxy, it is quite like a car
C. it swims easily in big wind
D. it is a speedy swimmer

4. Which is TRUE according to the passage?
A. In America a self-cleaning paint was modeled on the lotus flower.
B. Zimbabwe engineers learned from termites to create highly advanced heating systems.
C. After the boxfish, many other ideas of new products are borrowed from nature.
D. Nature is a good source to turn to for improving technology.

1-4 CCCD
1. C。主旨大意题,根据全文可知,本文介绍的重点为人们以自然为模型设计发明一些给现代人们带来方便的设施,着重强调了自然给人们带来的灵感与启发。
2. C。细节题,考查德国高级工程师们去自然历史博物馆的原因,根据文章第一段可知答案。文章第一句就说其目的是为了建造更节能的汽车。只有C项和此相关,所以正确。
3. C。细节题,根据全文,C项未提及。最句迷惑性的B项的原文依据是Daimler’s bionic car is modeled on the fish’s boxy skeletalsystem.再联系报纸上的配图,即可确定。
4. D 。考查细节理解与总体概括能力。A项错在lotus flower,应该是lotus leaf。B项错在heating system,原文说的是vents。C项错在after the boxfish,其实这项设计是很新的,而之前就已经有很多这类借鉴于自然的发明。所以只有D正确。

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