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高三教案 第334期

高三年级08-09学年度第8期  总第334期

America’s sweetheart (P1)

Choose the best answer:
1. The writer used the English saying at the beginning to ____.
A. suggest that successful Efron has a not so smooth past
B. suggest that Efron still has a long way to go
C. show that Efron’s success is hard earned
D. show that Efron has beaten his critics

2. How do you understand the sentence “But history, as they say, is a thing of the past” in Paragraph 3?
A. Better let the past be the past.
B. History does not decide future.
C. Different from history, Efron is quite popular now.
D. History plays an important role in Zac Efron’s life.

3. What did Zac Efron probably do when he was bullied?
A. He would ignore them since he knew they just wanted to make him feel bad.
B. He was the class clown so he used these experiences as sources of his jokes.
C. He would take the bullies seriously and later found chances to fight back.
D. He cheered himself up and used it as motivation to move on.

4. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 3?
A. It mainly talks about Zac Efron’s history.
B. It mainly focuses on how Zac Efron grew up.
C. It talks about how hard Zac Efron promoted his films.
D. It talks about how successful Zac Efron is in his career.

5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A. Children often like to make fun of others’ physical features.
B. Director Adam Shankman wasn’t sure Efron is the biggest teen star in America right now.
C. With his current success in movies and more big movie roles to play, Efron is making a fortune.
D. When he goes to the bank, Efron laughs all the way.

1. A。文章结构题,文章开始用了谚语:“谁笑到最后,笑得最好。”这句话暗示笑到最后的人,并不是通常开始就运气好的人,而紧接着下段就提到了主人公从小受到同班同学的嘲笑;后来却在事业上取得巨大成功的事情。所以A选项非常符合作者的意图。
2. C。 句意理解题,此句话作为第三段的开头,后面主要讲现在主人公取得了巨大的成功,所以这里表示历史已成为过去。
3. D 。细节推断题,根据倒数第二段:when you get made fun of, when people point out your weakness, it’s an opportunity for you to rise above.
4. D。 段落大意题,第三段主要讲述了主人公事业上的成功。
5. C 。细节题,根据文章第五段可以判断。

Will it affect you? (P2)

Choose the best answer:
1. The finding of Chinese students at the Beijing International Education Fair showed that _____.
A. US universities prefer to enroll Chinese students than ones from other places
B. US financial crisis has hit hard and affected its universities as well
C. US universities have to lower their standard to enroll more students
D. US universities are trying to attract more donors to help with the budget

2. Which of the following shows how the US financial crisis started and spread?
a. Loans were sold to investors and banks around the world.
b. US banks irresponsibly gave out more loans than it used to.
c. American banks and loan companies had to close or sell.
d. Borrowers can’t pay back the banks.

3. The last four paragraphs are mainly about ____.
A. how much China will be affected by the US financial crisis
B. what China should do to contribute to the recovery of the world market
C. how China can limit the effect of the US financial crisis to the lowest
D. China’s reaction and why China may be able to weather the US financial crisis

4. From the text, we can see that _____.
A. China should have relied heavily on its export industry
B. this crisis is so huge the world needs to cooperate to fight it
C. many other developing countries are not affected in this crisis
D. people who can’t pay back the money should not borrow from the bank

1-4 BBDB
4.根据第7段China will be affected by the financial storm since exports play a big role in its economic growth,排除A。第5段Last week top finance officials from 20 major economies, including China, promised to work together to find a way out of the financial mess…所以B正确。C文章没提到。D项错在从买房人的角度去说该不该借贷,而文章是从银行该不该放贷的角度说的,并没提卖房人应该怎么做。


Chinese students aren’t alone (P3)

Choose the best answer to fill in the chart:
1. The Australian students surveyed don’t sleep enough because they spend more time on the following EXCEPT _____.
A. organized activities and homework
B. communication with friends and family
C. watching television programs
D. enjoying music 

2.  What effects does lack of sleep directly have on the students according to the survey?
A. They become overweight but begin to eat less than before.
B. They feel more depressed and anxious about their school work.
C. They are more likely to be affected with illness in the future.
D. They pay less attention in class and their memory declines.

3. Which of the following suggestions did Mr Olds raise?
A. The students should go to bed earlier to have longer sleeping time.
B. The students should participate less in organized activities.
C. The school should put off the start time in the morning.
D. The school should finish earlier in the afternoon.

4. What does "obese" in the sixth paragraph mean?
A. average        B. fat        C. sleepless        D. overeating

5. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Australian students usually take part in activities in the afternoon.
B. More students are short of sleep on weekends than on weekdays.
C. Being overweight has an effect on the length of the sleeping time.
D. The survey suggests that teenagers need 8-9 hours’ sleep a night.

1. 此题归纳了澳洲学生睡眠不足的原因,文章第3段说这个调查“found those who slept least did not watch more television”,所以看太多电视并不是影响睡眠的原因。
2. 文章第2段提到 “sleep deprivation” 会造成“serious drop-offs in school performance, attention and memory”, 所以选项D是睡眠不足直接造成的结果。而选项A中提到的肥胖是睡眠不足引起的,但后半部分是错的,学生并没有因此而吃得更少,相反,第6段的最后一句告诉我们睡眠不足会刺激食欲,意味着会吃得更多。选项B C 不是直接的结果,只是将来可能出现的情况。睡眠不足是“a possible source of future problems”。
3. 此题为推理题,判断的关键依据是文章第4段讲到Mr Olds “favors a later start over an earlier finish because he believes organized sport and activities would still consume the latter end of the day.”,他希望学校能推迟上课时间,而不要提早结束一天的活动上床睡觉,因为运动和活动还是要安排在“the latter end of the day”。在第2段Mr Olds 还说“governments should consider later or flexible school start times”,因此C项正确。
4. 词义猜测题,可充分利用上下文来完成此题。第6段开头就提出“overweight children sleep less”,瘦的孩子比“obese”的多睡20分钟,可见“obese”和“overweight”意思是一样的。
5. B项的错误在于讲反了,更多澳洲学生平时比周末缺少睡眠。在文章最后一句话可找到论据。C项谈的是肥胖和睡眠时间的关系,“being overweight had no specific effect on sleep patterns, and it was more likely that shorter sleep times triggered appetite-stimulating hormones”说明肥胖并不是睡眠时间少的原因,而是睡眠不足刺激食欲引起了肥胖,因此C项错误。青少年需要的睡眠时间是The US National Sleep Foundation提出来的,和此调查无关。“organized sport and activities would still consume the latter end of the day”,从“still”可推测学生通常在一天的后半段时间进行活动和锻炼,所以A项正确。

As good as it gets (P6)

Choose the best answer:
1. What does "halt" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
A. moment        B. height        C. stop        D. delay

2. What may humans look like in one million years according to Professor Steve Jones?
A. Super-beings.                   B. Stupid goblins. 
C. E.T.                              D. Modern humans.

3. Professor Jones made this prediction because _____.
A. modern man no longer needs to worry about survival
B. globalization has turned the earth into a small village
C. forces behind evolution have been replaced by some others
D. studies about the process of evolution have equipped us with enough knowledge to do so

4. What’s the correct understanding of "nowadays the beds are getting closer together"?
A. In modern times people have to live in a crowded world due to the increasing population.
B. Now it’s a growing tendency that people from different races or nations get married.
C. Today many more people have more than one sex partners and produce more children.
D. Nowadays people who are more open to different cultures mix well with each other.

1-4 CDDB
1. 此题为词义猜测题,“halt”出现的句子告知读者全篇的主旨大意,所以读者读懂全文讲的是以往推动人类进化的条件在当代社会不复存在,而造成人类进化的“停滞”,就可以判断“halt”的含义为答案C“stop”。
2. 人类进化进入停滞时期,所以“The people living one million years from now, should Man survive, will be the same as modern-day humans.” ,即使人类可以延续到百万年后,他们的外貌和今天的人类是没有什么分别的。
3. Professor Jones提出这一预测的原因是目前对进化过程的了解已经足够到做出这样的预测(第6段),可以判断D正确。另一原因就是推动进化的因素都不再起很大作用了。虽然现在人们生活的环境没有那么严酷了,但是还是有生存的问题存在,所以A选项错误。B选项虽然和randomness沾边,但是太宽泛,所以排除。C文章并没有这样体现。
4. 此句出现在 “randomness”这一段落中,讲叙的是当代社会因为跨国婚姻的兴起,全球种族融合的趋势,"随机基因变异"这一进化条件因此也失去了,所以句中的 "beds"指的是人类繁衍生息的婚床或是婚姻关系, “getting closer” 意思是不同种族间通婚的情况越来越多了。选项A正确。

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