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初三教案 第680期



STEM for everyone (P2)



I. Pre-reading

·When it comes to scientists, who comes into your mind?

List some scientists who are men.






List some scientists who are women.






Some famous female scientists:

Madame Curie (1867-1934):

Marie Curie, polish-born French physicist, famous for her work on radioactivity (放射物) and twice a winner of the Nobel Prize. With Henri Becquerel and her husband, Pierre Curie, she was awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics. She was the sole winner of the 1911 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, and she is the only woman to win the award in two different fields.


Tu Youyou (1930-):

Tu Youyou, Chinese scientist and phytochemist (植物化学家) known for her isolation (分离) and study of the antimalarial (抗疟剂的) substance qinghaosu, later known as artemisinin, one of the world’s most effective malaria-fighting drugs. For her discoveries, Tu received the 2015 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine (shared with Irish-born American parasitologist William Campbell and Japanese microbiologist Ōmura Satoshi).


II. While reading

1. What is the stereotype?



2. What is the situation of female scientists in science field?




3. According to UNESCO, the number of women who study STEM is _____ the number of men.

A. equal to

B. far more than

C. much less than

D. close to


4. What is female scientists’ initiative?



5. Who is Lenore Blum?



6. What did she said?



7. Lenore Blum thinks that _____.

A. more female scientists should find different jobs

B. women scientists are good role models

C. scientists should be known by more people

D. women are good at studying science


8. She Power in Tech is a program that _____.

A. shares stories of women scientists

B. teaches basic scientific knowledge

C. picks up future women scientists

D. spreads the latest scientific developments



当句子强调的是动作承受者,不必说出执行者或执行者含糊不清时,多用被动语态,由助动词 be + 及物动词的过去分词构成。

Safety checks are required for every single building.


9. What problems are female scientists facing now?

a. Having fewer resources than male scientists.

b. Bearing no hardships compared with males.

c. Lacking opportunities to make decisions.

d. Being unable to work while having a baby.

A. abc          B. abd         

C. acd          D. bcd


III. Words in use

Fill in the blanks.

1. I made a suggestion but they chose to i_____ it.

2. He decided to go abroad to p_____ his further study.

3. The countdown to the rocket l____ will begin at 9 am.

4. I can't p____ Jay as a ballet dancer.

5. I used to s____ a bedroom with my brother.

6. He dislikes me, so he often treat me u____.


B: Choose the answer.

1. Helen made a successful _____ in cabaret.

A. task                        B. mess

C. excuse                  D. career


2. We should be thankful to those who _____ you.

A. imagined         B. supported   

C. included             D. provided


IV. Post reading

What other kinds of discriminations are happening around us?

Gender discrimination


Racial discrimination


Old age discrimination


How can we deal with them?



II. 1. Scientists are men.

2.·The number of women who study STEM is less than men.

·Female scientists are treated unfairly.

  3. C.

4. Call on gender equality in STEM areas all over the world.

5. A female scientist from the US who attended the forum.

6. 女性科学家应该作为榜样在重要的国际舞台上得以更好的展现,让她们的声音成为鼓舞年轻人的一种途径。

  7. B.

  8. A.

  9. C.

III. A: 1. ignore 2. pursue 3. launch 4. picture 5. share 6. unfair

   B: 1. D 2. B






Looking back into the past (P6)



I. Pre-reading

·What is the function of a Space Telescope? Let's take Hubble space telescope as an example.

NASA launched Hubble in 1990. Hubble is as long as a large school bus. It weighs as much as two adult elephants. Hubble travels around Earth at about 5 miles per second. That is as fast as driving a car from the East Coast of the United States to the West Coast in 10 minutes. Hubble faces toward space. It takes pictures of planets, stars and galaxies. It has seen stars born and die. It has seen galaxies that are trillions of miles away. Scientists have learned a lot about space from Hubble pictures. The pictures are beautiful to look at too.



II. While reading

1. The Webb Space Telescope can’t _____.

A. see infrared light

B. explore dust clouds

C. explore black holes

D. find young stars


Hubble: can only see visible light

Webb: can see infrared light

1. examine stars inside dust clouds

2. record how young stars grow

3. find other life forms in space


2. Paragraph 3 is written to introduce _____.

A. how far Webb can see in space

B. how Webb looks for other life forms in space

C. how Webb works in space

D. how Webb was sent to space


3. The word “unfold” in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by _____.

A. break

B. spread

C. grow

D. reflect


4. Webb will start sending pictures to Earth _____ after reaching its orbit.

A. 29 days

B. a month

C. five months

D. six months


5. The building of Webb is _____.


6. Nasa sent Webb into space to _____.

A. replace Hubble

B. send messages to aliens

C. explore the unknown universe

D. take pictures of our planet


III. Words in use

Fill in the blanks

1. Is there intelligent life elsewhere in the ________ (宇宙)?

2. I could ________ (判断出) that he was angry from his expression. 

3. Won‘t you please _____ _____ (送回) my picture?

4. Natural selection is a ________ (关键的) part of the Theory of Evolution. 


IV. Further reading

What Makes Hubble Different From Telescopes on Earth?

The mixture of gases that surround a planet is called its atmosphere. Earth's atmosphere changes and blocks some of the light that comes from space. Hubble flies around, or orbits, high above Earth and its atmosphere. So, Hubble can see space better than telescopes on Earth can. Hubble is not the kind of telescope that you look through with your eye.  Hubble uses a digital camera. It takes pictures like a cell phone. Then Hubble uses radio waves to send the pictures through the air back to Earth.

Where Did the Name Hubble Come From?

Hubble is named after Edwin P. Hubble. He was an astronomer. An astronomer is a scientist who studies the planets, stars and space. Edwin P. Hubble made important discoveries about the universe in the early 1900s.                                                          

What Is the Future for Hubble?

In 2009, astronauts flew to Hubble on the space shuttle. This was the fifth time astronauts went to fix Hubble. They put new parts and cameras in the telescope. So, it is working very well. Hubble will not be fixed again. In 2020, Hubble turned 30 years old. It still takes beautiful pictures of objects in space.


1. Why NASA send Hubble into space rather than use telescope on Earth?


2. How did Hubble get its name?


3. What will happen to Hubble after Webb starts its work in space?



V. Post reading

Writing task:

Think about what you want to know about space. Write down the reasons why you are curious about it.









II. 1. C

2. B。韦伯可以通过观察遥远星球大气层中是否有甲烷和二氧化碳来判断是否有外形生物存活的可能性。

3. B。发射之前望远镜是折叠的状态,进入轨道后会展开。

4. C6个月后开始传回照片,飞行29天后进入轨道,相减应该是5个月。

5. hard

6. C。主旨大意题。NASA发射韦伯望远镜的目的是为了更好地探索星际文明,而不是为了替换Hubble 望远镜,也不是为了给外星人传递信息。D选项并不是NASA发射韦伯的目的。

III. 1. universe 2. tell 3. send back 4. key

IV. 1. Because Hubble can see space better than telescopes on Earth can.

2. It is named after astronomer Edwin P. Hubble. 

3. It will still take pictures in space and send them back to Earth. The launch of Webb doesn’t bother the orbiting of Hubble.


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