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初一教案 第765期




Shining qualities of today’s youth take the spotlight (P4)


I. Warm up

1. Do you know what Generation Z refers to?


2. Are you a Gen Zer?


3. What do you think of Gen Zers?


II. Pre-reading

Predict (预测):

Read the title and guess what this passage is about.


III. While reading

Fast reading

1. Who makes Beijing Winter Olympic Games more wonderful?

2. How do they make the Games more wonderful?


Careful reading

3. Maud recorded a moment when ______________________ at the opening ceremony.

4. What does Maud think of the volunteers?

5. What did Yang Jinhe do at the Beijing Winter Olympics?

6. When did Su Yiming decide to put his heart into snowboarding?

7. Which Chinese food is Leerdam’s favorite?

8. Translate what Gu Ailing said into Chinese.

You know it doesn’t matter if other people are happy or not, because I feel I am doing my best.



IV. Post reading

What can we learn from these Gen Zers?


Further thinking

As a Gen Zer, what do you think of yourself?



V. Words in use

Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

volunteer, inspire, share, impress, debate

1. Teachers should ____ their students to think creatively.

2. Jenny and her parents decided to _____ the housework.

3. She now helps in a local school as a ______ three days a week.

4. It didn't _____ me as a place to visit.

5. After a long _____, they agreed with each other. 


Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box.

help with, be known for, focus on, decide to, dream of

1. We need Mr Zhang to _______ our reading.

2. Xi’an ________ its delicious local food.

3. We should _______ environmental protection.

4. They _____ share a salad and pasta.

5. My little brother ________ being an astronaut.




IV. Words in use

1. inspire

2. share

3. volunteer

4. impress

5. debate


1. help with

2. is known for

3. focus on

4. decide to

5. dreamed of





Pollution we can hear (P6)


I. Pre-reading

1. What is pollution?

2. What kinds of pollution do you know?


Predict (预测):

Read the title and guess what this passage is about.



II. While reading

Fast reading

1. According to the UN, noise pollution takes place when _____.

A. sounds are unwanted and louder than 65 decibels

B. sounds around you are over 120 decibels

C. neighbors walk around you

D. people talk at an airport



Careful reading

2. What does the UN report want countries around the world to do?

A. keep quiet about pollution

B. deal with noise pollution

C. stop cities from growing

D. protect the natural environment


3. How might noise pollution affect (影响) us?

a. We might feel tired.

b. We might have heart disease.

c. We might sleep more than usual.

d. We might have hearing problems.

A. abc     B. acd    

C. bcd     D. abd


4. What does the phrase “fix the problem” mean?

A. Study the problem.

B. Live with the problem.

C. End the problem.

D. Make the problem worse.


5. According to the last paragraph, what can students do to fight noise pollution?

A. Build barriers along railroads.

B. Build roads made of rubber.

C. Keep quiet while taking cars.

D. Make less noise for their neighbors.



III. Post-reading

1. Is there any noise pollution in your community?


2. What is it? How did it affect (影响) your life?


IV. Words in use

Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

pollution, health, poor, painful, serious

1. Smoking is harmful to your ____.

2. The woman was unhappy about the _____ service at the hotel.

3. We need more laws (法律) to stop______.

4. He didn’t want to say much about the _____ experience.

5. The government still faces very _____ problems.


Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box.

take action, do harm to, die from, as soon as possible, ask … to

1. Staying up late can _______ your health.

2. Lots of bears  ________ hunger.

3. The government are  _______ to stop the violence (暴力).

4. The zoo was _____ improve the living conditions of the animals.

5. The boy’s parents told him to come home________.





II. While reading



IV. Words in use

1. health

2. poor

3. pollution

4. painful

5. serious


1. do harm to

2. died from

3. taking action

4. asked to

5. as soon as possible

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