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初一教案 第768期




Money in the metaverse (P4)


I. Warm up

1. Have you ever heard of the metaverse (元宇宙)?

2. What do you think life is like in the metaverse?



II. Pre-reading

Skim the text. See what jobs people are doing.

People are avatar creators, virtual fashion designers and virtual architects.



III. While reading

Fast reading

1. Is the metaverse a real world?



Careful reading

2. What does Wang Lei do on Soul?


3. Find the phrases in the story that mean the same as the Chinese words.


4. How many users are active on IMVU each month because of their interest in virtual clothes?

A. 45,000       

B. 50,000,000        

C. 200,000       

D. 7,000,000


5. What do Qiu and his team make?


Further reading


IV. Post reading

What do you want to be in the metaverse?


V. Words in use

Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

virtual, platform, creator, active, designer, project


1. You are the _______of your life.

2. She's a well-known fashion ______ of the moment.

3. In the future, people might need to balance (平衡) their real and _____ life.

4. Douyin is a ____ for sharing videos.

5. We are doing a _____ to improve the environment.

6. Most parents said their children had an ____and healthy lifestyle.


Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box.

get dressed, come true, set up, try to, according to, come into being


1. Everything went _________ plan.

2. We decided to ____ camp for the night.

3. How does environmental pollution ___________?

4. Even when you are angry, you should _____ keep cool.

5. He went to the bedroom to ________.

6. All our dreams can ________ if we work hard.





III. While reading

Fast reading

No, it isn’t. It is a virtual world.


Careful reading

2. He creates digital avatars.

3. A) sell like hotcakes (卖得好)

B) pull in (赚钱)

4. D。根据Virtual fashion designer部分第2小段可知,由超过20万的创作者所创作的5千万件商品在 IMVU的虚拟商店出售,这项服务每月为 IMVU吸引7百万活跃用户。故答案选D

5. They make/build virtual houses for users.


IV. Words in use

1. creator

2. designer

3. virtual

4. platform

5. project

6. active


1. according to

2. set up

3. come into being

4. try to

5. get dressed

6. come true





Graveyard of space (P6)


I. Warm up

1. Have you ever dreamed of working as an astronaut in the space station?

2. Do you think the space station will be in space forever?

3. Where do old space stations go?



II. Pre-reading

Predict (预测)

Read the title and guess where the graveyard of space is?

It is in the southern Pacific Ocean.




III. While reading

Fast reading

What does the “space graveyard” refer to?



Careful reading

1. What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A. It took 20 years to build the ISS in space.

B. The ISS can hold 200 astronauts at a time.

C. Space research started in 1998.

D. The ISS is used by many countries.


2. What will happen to the ISS when it is too old to work?

A. It will keep flying in space.

B. It will be made into a museum.

C. It will fall into the southern Pacific Ocean.    

D. It will become Point Nemo in space.


3. What might the word “halfway” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. the furthest place

B. in the middle

C. the nearest place

D. at the end


4. Point Nemo is a good home for space junk because ____.

a. it is named after a famous captain

b. it is the furthest place from land

c. there aren’t many animals

d. there are many nutrients

A. ab                    B. ac

C. bc                    D. bd


5. What can we learn from the story?

A. The ISS will still work for about 9 more years.

B. A book about Point Nemo was written in 1971.

C. Astronauts often train at Point Nemo.

D. There are 263 pieces of space junk above Earth.



IV. Post-reading

1. How long have people used Point Nemo for space junk?

For over 50 years./ For 51 years.

2. Do you think it is a safe way to keep space junk?




Further thinking:

How many space stations are in space now? 

There are two. One is the International Space Station; the other is China’s Tiangong space station.



V. Words in use

Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

aboard, research, fall, astronaut, junk, space


1. Many scientists are also suggesting different ways to clean up space _____.

2. The six astronauts on board will spend ten days in _____.   

3. Market ______ has shown us that people want quality (质量), not just low prices.

4. In 2008, Seoul sent its first astronaut into space ____ a Russian Soyuz rocket.

5. He became an ________ in his forties.  

be named after, more than, a piece of, go into, between … and …


1. Some believe it should ____________ a province.

2. She doesn't understand the difference _____ right _____ wrong.

3. There is still _______ cake on the table.

4. There is room for no _______ three cars.

5. Please wear your mask when you ____ the lab (实验室).

Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box.




II. While reading

Fast reading

People call Point Nemo the “space graveyard”.


Careful reading

1. D。解析:根据文章第一段最后一句可知,来自19个国家的200多名宇航员已经在国际空间站做研究了。故答案选D

2. C。解析:根据文章第二段最后一句可知,国际空间站坠毁的地点在南太平洋。故答案选C

3. B。解析:halfway中的 half 意为“一半”,betweenand…意为“在……与……之间”,由此推断 halfway 为“在中间”之意。故答案选B

4. C。解析:根据文章第三段的第三句和第五句可知,Point Nemo 是离陆地最远的一个地方;由于水里营养物质的贫乏,那里也没有很多动物。故答案选C

5. A。解析:根据文章第二段第二句可知该空间站在2031年左右,它将坠落到地球上并永远“沉睡”,距今大约还有9年。故答案选A


IV. Words in use

1. junk

2. space

3. research

4. aboard

5. astronaut


1. be named after

2. between, and

3. a piece of

4. more than

5. go into

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