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高三教案 第337期

Winning by one point (P1)
Choose the best answer:
1. Which is NOT true about Hamilton or Massa?
A. Hamilton came first in the last race of the season.
B. Hamilton has made history in Formula 1 race.
C. Massa must have quantities of supporters in Brazil.
D. Massa performed almost to perfection in the last race.

2. Which is NOT one of the reasons why we regard Hamilton’s victory as one of the most dramatic?
A. He won the championship by one point in contrast to his loss last year.
B. He became the youngest F1 champion and the first black winner.
C. He won the championship when he was only a rookie.
D. He was able to win the championship at the last minute.

3. What’s the correct understanding of "Hamilton was on the right side of one point” in Paragraph 4?
A. One point was enough to decide whether Hamilton could win the competition.
B. One point helped Hamilton to win the competition instead of losing it.
C. Hamilton didn’t win the race but got the championship.
D. Hamilton was right to predict his victory before the competition.

4. What did the writer mean by writing “it looked like Massa would steal the championship...”?
A. The writer was surprised to see Hamilton win the championship. 
B. The writer thought Massa deserved to win in his home.
C. You can never know the result until the last second.
D. Massa only got the championship by chance.

1、旨在测试学生是否了解文章中的last race 与season 的关系——最后一场比赛的冠军并不一定就是整个赛季的总冠军(champion)。Hamilton没有赢得巴西站比赛的冠军,但是却赢得了整个赛季的总冠军。
2、第二段第二句明确点出last season是Hamilton的rookie season。因此C项错误。
3、Hamilton 只领先了一分夺冠(第四段:98 to 97),而去年是一分之差失去冠军(第二段)。所以说今年他是on the right side of one point.
4、A选项错误,因为作者这里事实上是在客观陈述当时比赛中的情形,从look like可以看出来,所以用surprised就给作者添加了主观因素,另外作者用了steal the championship, steal还有前面的句子On a wet and rainy track Hamilton needed a top five finish to hold on and win the championship.说明本来Hamilton的胜算很大。只是Massa的出色表现似乎要改变这个可能了。B选项同样给作者添加了主观因素。D答案显然错误理解了冠军是谁。因此C项正确。

Girls do as well as boys in science (P3)
Choose the best answer:
1. What might be the reason to carry out the study?
A. To put Harvard University to shame for its president’s prejudice against girls.
B. To find out if there’s any gender gap in science.
C. To help girls to earn equal social status as boys.
D. To enroll more girls in advanced math courses in the university.

2. Which statement about people’s opinions of girls is NOT true?
A. People still find it hard to believe average girls perform in math as well as boys.
B. Highly educated people are more likely to accept the fact that girls can do well in math.
C. Many teachers and parents advise girls to avoid careers like engineering based on their talent.
D. Some guidance counselors think careers related with math are not suitable for girls.

3. What can we learn from the text EXCEPT____? 
A. Girls used to perform worse than boys in math because they didn’t take as many advanced math courses.  
B. The stereotype about girls and math may lead to misguided choice of future career.
C. The average lower scores of girls in SAT math test prove that boys do better in math.
D. The public doesn’t accept outspoken prejudice against girls’ talent for math despite the stereotype.

4. What does "gender gap" in the last paragraph refer to? 
A. More boys than girls take the SAT to go to college.
B. Many girls are lower-achieving in the math section of the SAT.
C. The difference between girls and boys in learning math.
D. The average scores of girls are lower in the math section of the SAT.

5. The main purpose of writing the passage is to _____.
A. report the findings of a research into girls’ math ability B. criticize those who hold the wrong belief that girls cannot do well in math
C. prove that the stereotype that girls do worse in math is wrong
D. help girls regain confidence in learning math well

1、通读全文,可以发现该调查以gender gap在男女生理科尤其是数学方面上的表现为主要内容。而调查的原因也应该与之匹配,故选B。
2、文章第六段具体说明了许多人,包括teachers, parents和guidance counselors 对于女生在理工类学科方面能力的偏见。显然,B答案中的highly educated people 也包含在内。因此B错误。
4、此处的gender gap是指在SAT数学考试中男女生成绩的总体差异。

Dragon embarks on new adventure (P4)
Choose the best answer:
1. The passage is mainly an introduction to _____.
A. Christopher Paolini          B. a new book, Brisingr
C. Inheritance Cycle            D. Eragon and Saphira

2. What can you infer from the passage?
A. Paolini will write a fourth book about the dragon.
B. Paolini knew his books would be popular finally.
C. Paolini began to write books as a primary pupil.
D. Paolini’s former two books were great successes.

3. Which of the following is TRUE about Brisingr?
A. The dragon egg was in the possession of Varden, king of Alagaesia.
B. Brisingr is the fourth word coming out of the mouth of the dragon.
C. Eragon found the last three dragon eggs when he was 15 years old.
D. Eragon may fail to keep his oath to rescue Katrina from Galbatorix.

4. Who are the main characters in Brisingr?
A. Paolini, Dragon and Saphira
B. Paolini, Eragon and Galbatorix
C. Eragon, Saphira and Galbatorix
D. Saphira, Galbatorix and Paolini

5. What can we conclude from the passage?
A. Brisingr mainly deals with mystical creatures.
B. Brisingr, written by Eragon, will enjoy great success like his former two books.
C. Eragon and Saphira in Brisingr are trained to read each other’s mind without difficulty.
D. Eragon and Saphira managed to escape from their enemy.

  1. B。主旨大意题,本文主要是关于一本新书Brisingr的评论和介绍。

5、D。细节推断题,根据文章倒数第二段Eragon and Saphira have narrowly escaped with their lives可得知答案。C项根据第五段Eragon and his hatched (注) dragon Saphira, who are able to hear each other’s thoughts and share magic可排除。

Unplug it and go (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. The passage mainly talks about ____ of a new car.
A. the batteries                B. the speed 
C. the developing                D. the appearance 

2. Which is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The ‘plug-in hybrids’ will use electricity completely as driving power.
B. The new technology will contribute to the protection of our environment.
C. The technology of using electricity as driving is quite mature now.
D. The biggest challenge of the new technology is that it will cost us more money.

3. How does Bohn feel about the future of the new technology according to the last paragraph?
A. Confident.                 B. Puzzled. 
C. Worried.         D. Disappointed.

4. The new technology is facing the following problems EXCEPT that________.
A. the technology isn’t practical up to now
B. the cost of the new technology is quite high
C. the size of the batteries is too big at present
D. the government won’t support the technology

5. Which of the following is NOT a reason why Li-ion batteries are highly valued?
A. They can store a relatively large amount of energy.  
B. They are often used in hi-tech products.
C. They are easy to be fastened to cars.      
D. They last a relatively long time after being charged.

2、B。细节理解题,根据文章第三段可知B正确。D项根据原文Batteries are the biggest challenge.可排除。目前研制中的种种问题和挑战就说明这种新技术还不成熟。
5、C。细节理解题,答案C并不是锂电池受重视的原因。B选项是对Li-ion batteries are standard in laptops, cell phones, heart devices and similar portable devices.的解释。

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