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初一教案 第777期




Presidents’ home opens to the public (P4-5)



I. Pre-reading

1. Do you know where the presidents live and work in each country? Try to share it with others.

2. Where do South Korea’s presidents live and work?


II. While reading

1. South Korea’s presidents had the Blue House, or Cheong Wa Dae (青瓦台).

·青瓦台(韩文:청와대,英文:CheongwadaeBlue house),曾是韩国总统(대한민국대통령)官邸,位于韩国首尔特别市钟路区孝子洞(韩国首尔特别市钟路区青花大路),原是高丽王朝的离宫,1426年朝鲜王朝建都汉城(今韩国首尔)后,把它做为景福宫后园,修建了隆武堂、庆农斋和练武场等一些建筑物,并开了一块国王的亲耕地。 青瓦台是卢泰愚(노태우)总统在任时新建的。青瓦台主楼曾为韩国总统官邸。有总统办公室、接见厅、会议室、居室,配楼有秘书室、警护室和迎宾楼等。 2022320日,韩国候任总统尹锡悦宣布,将韩国总统府由青瓦台迁往位于首尔市龙山区的国防部大楼。他还承诺,将在上任首日对外开放青瓦台。5918时,文在寅从青瓦台下班,由于尹锡悦将总统办公室迁至龙山,“青瓦台时代”即将落幕。


2. He said this move would help him better connect with the people.

·connect withconnect to用法:

Please connect the computer to internet.


A good student must connect what he reads with what he sees around him.


·下列情况,通常用介词 with


He’s connected with our school.



The trolleybus connects here with a bus to the airport.



3. Cheong Wa Dae is at the foot of Mount Bukak (北岳山) in Seoul.

·at the foot of ......脚下 如:

at the foot of the mountain在山脚下

We camped at the foot of the hill.  


·at the bottom of:在......的底部

You can see a fish at the bottom of the lake.



4. Its history dates back to the Goryeo Dynasty

·date back to意思是“回溯至,追溯到”

As one of the oldest folk arts in China, paper-cut dates back to the 6th century. 


·date from的意思是“追溯到;开始于;始造(或建)于”,date from更强调起源于某个时间

The drains date from the beginning of the century. 



5. During the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910), it was part of the rear garden at Gyeongbok Palace.

·rear:[rɪə(r)] adj. 后方的; 后面的; 后部的;

rear garden后花园


6. This was the main palace of the kingdom, according to the Korea Times.

·according to:按照,根据。

·according to是介词,其后原则上只接名词或代词,不接句子。

According to the weather forecast, we shall have rain tomorrow.


Each man will be paid according to his ability.



7. The first president decided to work and live there.

·decide [dɪˈsaɪd] 作动词,意为“决定”。其常见的用法有:

(1) decide to do sth. 决定做某事

否定形式: decide not to do sth.,决定不做某事。如:
He decided to go shopping.

He decided not to go shopping.


(2) decide on/upon (doing) sth. 决定()某事。如:
​  We decided on leaving.


(3) decide + 宾语从句。如:
I can't decide where I should go.



8. The building was used to welcome high-level guests.

(1) get / be used to doing sth. 指习惯于做某事,to是介词,后面跟动名词。

He is used to getting up early every day.


(2) be used to do sth. 指被用来做什么,to do是动词不定式,此句是被动语态
​   Radio was used to learn English in the past.


(3) used to do sth. 指过去常常或曾经做某事,to do是动词不定式。
He used to teach English.


He used to be an English teacher.



9. The opening of Cheong Wa Dae excited people.

· excitingexcited都表示激动、兴奋的意思。exciting表示某事物令人兴奋,主语是物,excited的对象是人,主语是人。其他类似的词,surprising/surprisedinteresting/interested也是这样区分的。

1. Are you excited about going to Beijing?


2. He told us an exciting story yesterday.



10. it welcomed thousands of visitors and 74 public representatives

·thousand千,前面要用具体数字,数字+thousand +名词复数 

·thousands of+名词复数“ 数千……”表示笼统数字,即前面不能加具体数字。

类似的用法还有:  hundred(百)



There are two thousand students at their school.   


  There are thousands of thousands of students at their school.   



11. Visitors to the place can book free tickets online ahead of time.

·n. ,,课本,账簿 

·vt.& vi. 预订 

·vt. 登记,(向旅馆、饭店、戏院等)预约,立案(控告某人)

I'll book you on a flight to London.


·ahead of time 表示在原定时间以前,提前,提早。

You should arrive there ahead of time. 


  I'll phone you ahead of time.



III. Choose the answer

1. What does Paragraph 2 tell us about Cheong Wa Dae?

A. It changed its name to the Blue House.

B. It became the office of the new president.

C. It opened for the public to visit.

D. It was a symbol of the people.


2. Which place did past presidents use to welcome important guests?

A. The main building.

B. Sangchunjae.

C. Nokjiwon.

D. Gyeongbok Palace.


3. What do we know about Choi Chang-young?

A. He used to work at Cheong Wa Dae.

B. He is a public representative.

C. He felt moved to visit Cheong Wa Dae.

D. He has met many South Korean presidents.


IV. Word in use

A. Fill in the blanks.

a. according to     b. connect with  c. date back to  d. at the foot of     e. used to

1. I found myself ________ a hill. 

2. Modern climate records ________ 1850.

3. How did you ________ your friends?

4. My brother ________ go swimming in the sea.

5. ________ the timetable, my train leaves at 8:27 am.


B. Choose the answer.

1. I am used to _____ a cup of tea in the morning.

A. have                 B. had   

C. to have              D. having


2. He decided on _____ abroad.

A. go                     B. going   

C. to go                 D. went


3. I've got an _____ piece of work.

A. excite              B. exciting  

C. excited              D. surprising


4. There are two _____ books on the shelf. 

A. hundred          B. hundreds 

C. hundreds of       D. hundred of


5. There are _____ books in the room.

A. thousand         B. thousands of   

C. thousands      D. thousand of


6. It's nothing to get _____ about.

A. excite                  B. exciting   

C. excited               D. excitement








III. 1. C. On May 10, Cheong Wa Dae was opened to the public as Yoon promised.今年的五月十日,韩国总统尹锡悦宣布青瓦台对公众开放。所以本题选C

2. B. Another traditional building is Sangchunjae (常春斋). The building was used to welcome high-level guests.根据文章段落可知常春斋是用来招待最高级别的客人。所以本题选B

3. C. “I am deeply moved that I am at a place that was used by South Korea’s presidents for decades,” Choi Chang-young,通过本句话可知,韩国民众对游览青瓦台深受感动。

IV. A: 1. at the foot of 2. date back to 3. connect with 4. used to 5. According to








Beauty at the bottom (P6)



I. Pre-reading

1. What do you know about the sinkhole?

2. How does the sinkhole form?


II. While reading

1. This amazing discovery happened in Leye County.

·discovery [dɪˈskʌvəri] n. 发现; 发觉;

New scientific discoveries are being made every day.


·discover [dɪˈskʌvə(r)] v. (第一个)发现;认识到; 查明;

Who discovered America?


We haven’t discovered how to improve it.



2. Leye County is known as “the museum of sinkholes”.

·be known for 相当于be famous for “因为、以...而著名

Hangzhou is known for West Lake.


·be known as 相当于be famous as “作为...而著名

Lu Xun was known as a writer.



3. People have found about 30 sinkholes there so far.

·so far表示“到目前为止”“至今”(=until now),若强调so far所描述的谓语动作一直持续到现在,则谓语动词用现在完成时。如: 

I have been a student for nine years so far.



4. The newly discovered one has ancient trees up to 40 meters tall.

(1) “up to” 意为“多达”。例如:

I can take up to four people in my car.

我的车能载 4 个人。

(2) “up to”意为“由……决定,……负责”.

It's up to you whether to accept the present.



5. This is because the sinkholes are separate from the outside world.

·separate [ˈseprət] adj. 分开的;单独的;不同的;各自的;       


·separate from 分离 ; 分开 ; ……分隔开

The Taiwan Straits separates Taiwan from Fujian.


Each villa has a separate sitting room.



6. That provides an environment for new species to form.

(1) provide sth for sb 提供东西给某人

They provided support to the sufferers.

(2) provide sb with sth

I provide him with food. 



7. China has a karst landscape (喀斯特地貌), Veni told Live Science.

·喀斯特地貌(Karst Landform),是地下水与地表水对可溶性岩石溶蚀与沉淀,侵蚀与沉积,以及重力崩塌、坍塌、堆积等作用形成的地貌,以斯洛文尼亚的喀斯特高原命名,中国亦称之为岩溶地貌,为中国五大造型地貌之一。


8. Sinkholes also have deep stores of underground water.

·store n. (大型)百货商店; 商店; 贮存物; 仓库

       vt. 贮存; 贮藏; 保存

This reservoir stores water for our town.



III. Choose the answer

1. What did scientists find down inside the giant sinkhole?

A. A forest.

B. A small town.

C. A museum.

D. A new animal species.


2. What are sinkholes?

A. Cracks in the ground.

B. Tunnels with rainwater.

C. Giant-sized ceilings.

D. Huge Karst caves without ceilings.


3. Which of the following might Chen Lixin agree with?

A. No reporters like to write about sinkholes.

B. Trees grow faster and taller in sinkholes.

C. Scientists should look for new species in sinkholes.

D. Sinkholes won’t be good homes for animals.


4. What does “stores of underground water” mean?

A. shops that sell underground water

B. need for more underground water

C. collections of underground water for use

D. man-made pipes for underground water to flow through


IV. Words in use

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Scientists have made many important d______ (发现).

2. We soon d______ (发现) the truth.

3. What have you found ______ (到目前为止)?

4. The barn can s______ (储存) five tons of grain.

5. We should ______ some help to them. (提供)


B. Choose the answer.

1. China _____ the tea.

A. is known as       B. is known to

C. is known for                 D. is known with

2. Han Hong _____ a singer.

A. is known as       B. is known to

C. is known for      D. is known with


3. Please _____ the white shirt _____ the colored ones.

A. separate … with B. separate … from

C. separate … into   D. separate … to


4. The project will create _____ 40 new jobs.

A. up to                  B. total    

C. come up with     D. up


5. Each girl has a _____ room.

A. separate            B. own   

C. divided                 D. apart








III. 1. A. What did they find at the bottom? An ancient forest! 通过本句话可知,科学家们发现了森林。所以选A

2. D. Its ceiling then falls slowly, opening up huge sinkholes.通过本句话可知,喀斯特洞穴的顶慢慢掉落,就形成了巨大的天坑。所以选D

3. C. “I wouldn’t be surprised to know that some in these caves have never been reported or described by science until now,” said exploration team leader Chen Lixin.


4. C. Sinkholes also have deep stores of underground water. They are like nature’s water pipes (管道). They bring water to 700 million people worldwide,


IV. A: 1. discoveries 2. discover 3. so far 4. store 5. provide



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