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高三教案 第345期

Window on Asia (P3)
Choose the best answer:
1. Which of the following is TRUE about the movie?
A. Jamal finally won a big prize after struggling hard to earn an honest living.
B. Suspected of cheating, Jamal was arrested by the police before winning the prize.
C. With skyscrapers being built up everywhere, slums in India have disappeared.
D. Jamal remained in his childhood home in the slums before he was 17 or 18.

2. Viewers can learn from the movie EXCEPT _____.
A. Jamal’s childhood and his bitter experience of wandering across the country.
B. the rapid social changes and economic development in India
C. the poor life of people in the slums against the prosperity of cities in India
D. the secret of becoming a millionaire through personal struggle

3. Why does the movie appeal to the writer?
A. It’s a typical story of the underdog who becomes a hero, which the writer admires most.
B. It’s an Oscar-nominated movie that helps the writer understand the nature of
C. It has an exciting and complicated plot that attracts the writer very much.
D. It reminds the writer of her experience in China and helps her know about Asian countries like India.

4. What can we infer from the passage?
A. The writer is now studying in a school in China.
B. The movie is only welcomed by Americans who have Indian friends.
C. The movie will win the Oscar because of the social problems presented in it.
D. The writer is surprised at the gap between the rich and poor in developing countries.

5. What is the main purpose of writing the passage?
A. To introduce a movie to readers and share her views about it.
B. To persuade more viewers to go to the cinema to see the movie.
C. To express the writer’s enthusiasm towards Asia and its culture.
D. To reveal the true social reality in most developing countries.


1. 此题为细节理解题,B为答案。在文章第3段的第2,3句可以证明选项B的正确。A的错误在于“earn an honest living”,为了生存Jamal和哥哥Salim
在流浪途中也有行骗的时候。文章并没有明说贫民窟因为国家的发展已经消失了,而从下面作者对中国的联想可以想到贫富目前依然是并存的,所以C错误。 从“Jamal and his brother grow and travel across India”可以知道Jamal并没有一直呆在童年时的贫民窟,所以D错误。
3.答案为D。从文章的最后一段可以知道该电影最吸引作者的地方在于“how we
could relate to the scenarios (情节) presented in the movie”,比情节更重要的是给观众提供了“the window onto the social and economic situations in Asia”。
4.推理判断题。Jamal 和 Salim回忆童年这一幕让作者联想到在中国的朋友家望出去,简陋的平房和高楼并存,不由让作者感叹“It was amazing how affluence and poverty could live so close together.”。所以答案是C。作者两年前在中国,从第2段的“halfway around the globe”可推论出作者现在不可能是在中国。提名Oscar并不意味着可以获Oscar,此电影受到有亚洲经历和印度朋友的作者的喜爱,并不等于只有这样的人才会喜爱这部电影。推理一定要合理。


What does it mean to read? (P3)
Choose the best answer:
1. The passage is written mainly to ____.
A. inform readers of Nadia Konyk’s reading habits
B. recommend some good and practical reading websites
C. tell readers the debate over the influence of online reading on students
D. teach students how to combine different ways of reading efficiently

2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A. Nadia Konyk doesn’t do well in her studies because she spends too much time online.
B. Nadia Konyk uses the Internet to do various things including reading and socializing.
C. Nadia Konyk has never been interested in reading, whatever the form.
D. Nadia Konyk spends most of her time online checking e-mails.

3. In the last but one paragraph, the example of Zachary Sims is given _____.
A. to tell readers he is a good example they should follow
B. to convince others of the advantages of online reading
C. to tell readers why he prefers to read stories on the Internet
D. to inform readers that he is an experienced book reader

4. On which websites can you often find stories written by Internet users?
A. YouTube and fanfiction.net
B. YouTube and myyearbook.com
C. Fanfiction.net and quizilla.com
D. Quizilla.com and britneyspears.org

5. What can we conclude from the passage?
A. The author thinks it’s not a good habit for students to read on the Internet.
B. Educational policy makers all support the idea for students to read online.
C. The time spent on the Internet directly leads to teenagers’ bad study results.
D. It’s common that many teenagers prefer reading online to reading books.


A项错在Nadia doesn’t do well in her studies,文章第三段说明Nadia考试得分都是A或B说明成绩很不错。B选项通过Nadia用网络做的事情可以看出,由social networking也就是socializing社交;听音乐、还有阅读别人的文章和作评论。所以B正确,同时排除C和D。
3、B。倒数第二段主旨是前两句话:网络创造了一种新的阅读,学校、社会不应该忽略它,因为做网络阅读更促进了年轻人去阅读和写作,而不是去看电视。所以使用Zachary Sims这个既爱读普通书籍又爱网上阅读的例子来突出体现网上阅读的特殊优势—互动性。
5、D。本文摆出了两方面观点,所以较客观,所以A错误。根据第四段可排除B项。C 选项是干扰项,干扰性很大,但却不是正确答案:因为这只是部分人的观点,并不代表所有人的观点;且文中未提及网上阅读时间对于学习成绩的有直接的不良影响。根据文章第二段可得知答案D。


Oh, and why can’t we ... (P4)
Choose the best answer:
1. There will be no UK football team in the 2012 Olympics because _____.
A. all the best football teams in the country want to enter the Olympics
B. IOC only recognizes a football team that represents the Great Britain
C. the UK is set to be the host of the 2012 Olympics.
D. football is not a popular sport in the country.

2. Why is it so difficult to solve the problem?
A. Putting together the best players from different teams may not provide the best team.
B. Smaller football teams than Scottish team are afraid they will disappear after this.
C. A Great Britain football team is against some individual teams’ interests.
D. No individual football team in the UK is willing to enter as the UK team.

3. From the passage, we can see that _____.
A. people in the UK don’t care how many gold medals they can win in 2012 Olympics
B. Christmas wish lists are usually wishes that are difficult to realize
C. in history, different parts of the UK have been competing in all areas
D. different states in the UK are quite independent from each other


1-3 BCD


Disturbing sleep (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. It analyzes what sleepwalking is and its effects on people.
B. It explains to readers why and how sleepwalking forms.
C. It mainly reports on a recent unique case of sleepwalking.
D. It tells about various kinds of sleepwalking there are.

2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A. More than ten percent of people have the problem of sleepwalking.
B. A boy whose parents are sleepwalkers may become a sleepwalker.
C. Sleepwalking is a problem which is related to both age and anxiety.
D. Sleepwalkers won’t hurt others at all when they are sleepwalking.

3. Why does Siddiqui say the unique case of the sleepwalking woman is more notable?
A. Two of her e-mails sent while sleepwalking seemed like alien’s works.
B. The case of the sleepwalking woman has interested scientists in the world.
C. The case of the woman is the first known account of "sleeping e-mailing".
D. The sleepwalking woman took a lot of complex actions.

4. What does the phrase "make sense" mean in the 7th paragraph?
A. have a clear meaning   B. move others deeply
C. have a good end          D. interest others

1-4 CBDA
2、B。细节推论题,根据文章最后一段with a family history of…可得知答案B。根据倒数第三段可以排除A。C项错在age。D项根据第一段murder可排除。


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