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高三教案 第348期

Is racism over? (P1)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is mainly talked about in the passage?
A. The influence of Barack Obama’s victory on American citizens.
B. Black people’s reactions after Barack Obama was elected president.
C. The living circumstances of the blacks in the United States.
D. The great role the blacks played in electing Barack Obama president.

2. After Barack Obama’s election, __________.
A. a major victory has been made in civil rights battle
B. the blacks get equal chances to work and study
C. some blacks are worried race-based policies will be dismissed 
D. economic problems, replacing civil rights problems, top Obama’s schedule

3. What does “addressing” in Paragraph 6 most probably mean ?
A. Giving a speech about    B. Making good plans about
C. Trying to solve                 D. Writing letters about

4. What can we conclude from the last two paragraphs?
A. Barack Obama’s election has greatly improved racism in America.
B. Lauren McGlory doesn’t think much of Barack Obama’s victory.
C. Lauren McGlory calls on every child in America to learn from Obama.
D. Lauren McGlory believes Obama’s election will benefit the blacks.

5. What can we infer from the passage?
A. Barack Obama’s being elected President means little to the black people.
B. Some social problems concerning blacks still exist despite Obama’s election.
C. All the black people in the United States gave their votes to Barack Obama.
D. Barack Obama paid more attention to solving the problems concerning the blacks.

Myths about taking it easy (P3)
Choose the best answer:
1. Which of the following is TRUE about US high school seniors according to the text?
A. If you behave badly in school, your teachers will give their comments on your work to your college.
B. If you skip some classes and copy answers directly from textbooks, chances are no one would notice.
C You can depend on your teachers to get through the second semester because they are very kind.
D. Some students may feel relaxed after they receive acceptance letters from the college.

2. What will happen to your college admissions essays?
A. No college admissions will bother to read the long essays.
B. A brilliant college admissions essay will win you a ticket to the university.
C. When your test scores show clearly how you are as a student, essays just don’t count.
D. Your college admissions essays are definitely an important part for college admissions to consider.

3. The student beliefs are listed here _____.
A. as the author supports their beliefs
B. as students wonder what the real situation is
C. as these are what really happens in their life
D. as students want to relax their last few months off

4. The purpose of writing the passage is mainly ____.
A. to inform us how US seniors spend their second semester in high school
B. to tell us what US high school seniors think of their second semester
C. to advise US high school seniors on how to spend their second semester
D. to share with us certain facts about the study and application of US high school seniors


‘I am a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world…’ (P4)
Choose the best answer:
1. Which of the following statements about Barbie is NOT true?
A. Barbie is 50 years old this year.
B. Barbie is named after her inventor.
C. Barbie represents the latest fashion.
D. Barbie is a name for an ignorant girl.

2. The following are reasons why Barbie attracts girls EXCEPT________.
A. her appearance              B. her being fashionable
C. her fit body                       D. satisfying girls’ imagination

3. Which of the following can prove Barbie’s success as a toy?
A. She sells well and earns a lot of money for the company.
B. Most mothers buy a Barbie as gifts for their daughters.
C. She arouses disagreement about the image of women.
D. She remains young and beautiful for half a century.

4. Barbie causes much controversy because ____.
A. not every mother thinks she is really beautiful
B. her remarks have insulted American women
C. she promotes an image against healthy and intelligent women
D. she challenges people’s thoughts about beautiful women


Recession worries spread panic (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. What effect has the news of recessions brought about?
A. Many people have started to make decisions according to their financial status.
B. Many people have panicked and begun to spread their worries to their relatives.
C. Some people have come to think it necessary to store some basic medicine.
D. Many people have become less confident in investing and spending.

2. Which of the following is NOT responsible for the recession, according to the text?
A. Economic factors.         B. Psychology.
C. News reporting.              D. Profession.

3. The last two paragraphs imply that ____.
A. we should face recession optimistically
B. there’s no need to change in a time of recession
C. there’s no need for us to worry about our worries
D. feeling stressed is ok and you’ll get over it in time

4. The story is mainly about ____.
A. how to react in the face of recession
B. how recession has affected people economically
C. the horrible cycle of recession and how to break it
D. the influence of the news media on people in a time of recession


Is racism over? (P1)
2、C。细节理解题,根据文章第四段可排除AB项。C项在第一二段体现很明显,所以正确。D项错在replacing civil rights problems,文章没有任何体现Obama以前的工作最重要的是民权问题。
4. D。细节推论题,根据全文最后一段:“It is a great thing that Obama did win,” McGlory says. “I’m not trying to downplay that. I think he’s going to serve as a catalyst for change.” 可知McGlory认为奥巴马会给黑人的生活带来好的变化。故此题答案应选D。


Myths about taking it easy (P3)
4. 从文章前两段都以问句结尾,还有第三段说明美国高三学生中的不同看法,可以看出文章是关于美国高三学生在第二个学期的一些困惑、不明确的一些想法,并针对这些想法阐述了真实情况。所以D正确。


‘I am a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world…’ (P4)
1. 答案B。细节理解题。Barbie的全称为Barbara Millicent Roberts,从第二段“An invention of Ruth Handler for her daughter Barbara”可知是以发明者的女儿的名字命名的。因此B项错误。
2. 答案C。Barbie吸引女孩的原因在文中可归纳为:1) “Her waist remains tiny, her legs long and slim”是讲她的外貌;2) “Her hairstyle, clothes and make-up have changed to reflect the latest trends.”和92年的“Teen Talk Barbie”说明Barbie紧跟潮流,与时俱进;3) 从“Barbie allows young girls to imagine being grown up and to play at different jobs”可看出Barbie满足女孩的幻想。只有C项说Barbie的健康的身体,违背了原文中关于Barbie身材的句子,“an impossibly long neck”和“ an unrealistic idea of body image”,并非健康的。
3. 答案A。从“she is still pulling in $3.3 billion a year”和“two Barbie dolls are sold every second somewhere in the world”可证明Barbie的成功。B和D项本身的信息有误,B项错在“Most”,而D项只是客观陈述Barbie的形象,和她的成功没有关系。C项只能说明Barbie的争议性,不能证明她的成功。
4. 答案C。Barbie引起争议在文中有两处提及,一是“One of the most common criticisms of the doll is that she promotes an unrealistic idea of body image for a woman.”,这种身材不是健康正常的体形;二是“This angered many American women as it suggested beauty is just skin deep.”,这是一种肤浅的美的形象。C项把两个原因总结在一起了。B项的错误在于Barbie并没有出口侮辱人,而是Barbie成为一个有侮辱性的词,专指那些浅薄无知的女孩。D项也是文章没有的含义,Barbie并没有挑战人们对漂亮女人的看法,只是在某种程度上“changed the way we think about women”。


Recession worries spread panic (P6)
D。考查细节与总结能力。通过第一句可知关于经济危机的新闻导致人们在恐慌中做出决定。之后列出了具体的哪些决定。而A体现的是比较理智的决定。B错在spread their worries to their relatives,文章没提到。而C选项与第一段最后一句:有些人甚至都不买必要的处方药了刚好相反,所以排除。第三段再次说明了这方面的报道影响了消费者和投资者的信心。所以D正确。
2.D。根据第二段,可知有三个原因:economic factors, psychology and the news media.所以选择D。


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