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高三教案 第350期

高三年级08-09学年度第28期  总第350期
What will it lead to? (P2)

Choose the best answer:
1. What is the passage mainly about?
A. The nomination of Gary Locke.
B. Trade relations between China and the US.
C. Chinese-Americans’ recent achievement.
D. People’s reactions to the appointments of Chinese-Americans in Obama’s administration.

2. What have the appointments of Locke and Chu led many Chinese to think?
A. More Chinese-Americans will enter the American political scene.
B. Their achievement means Chinese-Americans will have more influence in different areas.
C. They expect that because of these two, US policy will be more "China-friendly".
D. The two countries will not enjoy a much closer relationship.

3. From the last paragraph, we can see that _____.
A. Chinese-Americans no longer care about their cultural background
B. Chu and Locke will bring changes to the Obama administration
C. some experts think they will most likely act in US interests
D. some experts think they will probably adopt the hard line towards China

1-3 DCC
C。最后一段阐述的是专家对此的看法。尤其是在after all之后的句子更关键。他们是为美国人民服务的美国官员,所以考虑的会是美国的国家利益,故C正确。D选项关于采取强硬路线,文中的原句是尤其关乎国家利益的事件上,他们更可能会毫不犹豫地采取强硬路线,所以是某些方面他们更有可能会这样,而D选项太绝对,没体现这一点,所以C选项是最佳答案。


Teens’ lives hit by economy (P3)
Choose the best answer:
1. The purpose of writing the passage is mainly to tell us ____.
A. the economic recession has had a big impact on teens’ work, life and study
B. teenagers are now having difficulty in deciding which colleges to apply for
C. teenagers don’t know much about the economic recession
D. teenagers are considering giving up their senior trips to save money

2. Because of the bad economic situation, Heather Richars will most probably ______.
A. go to a private university
B. attend an out-of-state college
C. attend a public college in California
D. find a good university as he planned

3. How has Joey Camarda found the recession affects him?
A.    He has to find more part-time jobs.
B.    He has to help his mother do more chores.
C.    He has found that he had more time to study.
D.    His plan to pay for college will be hard to realize.

4. What can we conclude from the passage?
A. Parents punish their teens by giving them less money.
B. Most teens understand what negative economic growth means.
C. Teenagers are finding it harder to do what they want than before. 
D. Teenagers have realized the importance of managing their own money.

1-4 ACDC
3、D。细节、总结题,根据本文倒数第3段Joey Camarda的话,可知他的工作时间缩短了,因此不能挣够用来上大学的钱。所以D正确。其他三个选项文章都没有提到。


Gasol is a true team player (P4)
Choose the best answer:
1. Why did Pau Gasol take up medicine as his major in college?
A. Both his parents expected him to do so.
B. He once wished to find a remedy for HIV.
C. He wanted to find cures for common diseases.
D. He wanted to become a doctor for the NBA star Magic Johnson.

2. Pau Gasol eventually chose basketball over medicine because ____.
A. he realized he had no talent in medicine after all
B. he dreamed of playing with Michael Jordan
C. he admired the way Kobe plays in the Lakers
D. he wanted to play against Michael Jordan in his last few years

3. The word "headed" in Paragraph 6 means closest to _____.
A. led                    B. influenced
C. formed              D. trained

4. From the passage, we can conclude that Pau Gasol ____.
A. enjoys being the center of attention
B. dislikes Kobe’s style on the court
C. is willing to make sacrifices for his team
D. was not popular when playing with the Memphis Grizzles

1-4 BBAC
1、B。原因在第二段:即想要找出所有重大疾病的治疗办法,尤其是找到治愈HIV的办法。所以B正确。C错在common diseases。AD都不能直接从文章推断出。
2.B.根据文章第三段the dream of playing with Michael Jordan可判断B正确。


Happiness is genetic (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. The Australian government wants its government staff to be happy.
B. The reason why certain people have a sunny disposition has been discovered.
C. Scientists have discovered several anti-depressant drugs to control moods.
D. Scientists have found different variants of 5-HTTLPR exist in the same person.

2. From the third paragraph, we know that ____.
A. affected by 5-HTTLPR, the neurotransmitter serotonin works within the blood
B. there are 5 variants of 5-HTTLPR genes which control people’s moods
C. how the neurotransmitter serotonin works is greatly determined by 5-HTTLPR
D. 5-HTTLPR receives chemical messages from nerve cells

3. What does “It” in the sentence "It has been closely linked to mood." in the 3rd paragraph refer to?
A. Serotonin          B. A nerve cell   
C. 5-HTTLPR        D. The brain

4. If a person had the long variant of 5-HTTLPR, he or she would probably ____.
A. like the images of spiders
B. prefer the images of crocodiles
C. enjoy an image of green trees
D. suffer from depression very often

5. What can we infer from the passage?
A. People’s moods can change a little bit under the influence of certain drugs.
B. Researchers showed participants of the research two kinds of images.
C. A person may possess one long and one short variant of 5-HTTLPR at the same time.
D. The author firmly believes that "happiness workshops" will not change people’s moods.

4、C。细节理解、应用题,根据文章第四段可得知拥有long variant of the 5-HTTLPR的人喜欢比较正面形象的图像,而不喜欢负面形象的图像,之后还举例加以说明,故选C。
5、A。推论题,根据文章第三段最后一句可推论出此题答案应选择A。B错在two kinds。C根据文章拥有长短5-HTTLPR变体的人的喜好,可知同时拥有的可能性应该不大。D错,根据最后句可知作者并不是很确定。


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