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高三教案 第356期

Bullying online (P3)
Choose the best answer:
1. According to the passage, Katherine Evans_____.
A. performed poorly academically in high school
B. created a group against her English teacher on Facebook
C. was not punished for her speech on Facebook
D. was sued by her English teacher for cyberbullying

2. Katherine Evans did the following things on Facebook EXCEPT ________.
A. expressing her hatred toward her English teacher
B. posting a photo of her English teacher on it
C. inviting others to criticize her English teacher
D. exposing personal secrets of the English teacher she hates

3. When a student gets punished at school such as a suspension, he or she will probably face the consequence of ________.
A. being kept from graduating from high school
B. losing the chance of being offered a good job
C. being denied the right of free speech on the Internet
D. being abandoned by friends at school

4. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Not all the responses supported Katherine for her act on the Internet.
B. Teachers have a different opinion from that of Katherine’s lawyer.
C. Katherine’s case is the first such one in American history.
D. There are no clear boundaries when it comes to free speech on the Internet.

1—4 BDBC  
B。细节题。根据第二段honor student可以排除A项,第二段的第二句可确定B正确。根据第五段可排除C项。D项根据第六段可排除。
B。细节理解题。根据第五段“It was a black mark on her record that she said she feared could keep her from getting into graduate schools or landing her dream job.”可判断。
4.C。根据最后一段第一句“The lawsuit is one of about a dozen across the United States that deal with cyberbullying and the explosion of social networking sites. ”可判断。


Brits’ favorite pastime... (P4)
Choose the best answer:
5. Which of the following facts does NOT contribute to people’s love for gardens in Britain?
A. Brits regard their garden as an extension of their house outdoors.
B. Brits treasure the short warm months when they get to enjoy their garden.
C. Brits’ gentle temperament makes them enjoy something like gardening.
D. Brits do not have many public parks to spend relaxing time in.

6. Having read the passage, we know the competition _____.
A. will be held before the 2012 London Olympics
B. is intended to show off one of the Brits’ favorite hobbies
C. will require participants to design a typically British garden in their back yard
D. has the purpose of attracting foreign tourists

7. The writer thinks it is a good idea to hold this competition most probably because _____.
A. it will be the first time to have such a competition
B. gardening is popular with people all over the world
C. gardening reflects the real character of British people
D. it will be a good way to make the Olympic park more beautiful

8. From this passage, we can conclude that Brits _____.
A. love their gardens more than they love their houses
B. enjoy sitting in their gardens as much as sitting in a park
C. are known to love gardening as much as they love tea
D. do not adore gardening as much as before


5—8 DBCC          
7.C。根据第二段最后一句: “It’s a good plan, as the British love gardens almost as much as they love tea. Gardening is an iconic activity in Britain. In many ways it defines Brits, perhaps because they are some of the world’s keenest gardeners”。
8.C。根据第二段最后一句“…as the British love gardens almost as much as they love tea”。


China’s own GPS (P6)
Choose the best answer:
9. What is the passage mainly about?
A. It mainly tells the readers how Global Positioning Systems work.
B. It mainly shows the differences between China’s GPS and other countries’.
C. It mainly tells us how China developed its own Global Positioning System.
D. It mainly introduces to readers China’s own GPS — the Beidou System.

10. Which of the following shows the correct order of how the Beidou System calculates a position?
a. the ground station sends the terminal’s position to the satellites
b. a terminal on earth sends a signal to the satellites
c. satellites send the exact time of receiving the signal to a ground station
d. the satellites send the position to the terminal
e. the terminal’s altitude is decided
A. bcead    B. bcdea    C. dceab    D. deacb

11. What countries or regions are taking the lead in developing GPS according to the passage?
A. Russia, China and the European Union
B. America, Russia and Brazil
C. Russia, the European Union and China
D. America, Russia and the European Union

12. What can we conclude from the passage?
A. The Beidou system can now provide a navigation service to the whole world.
B. The Beidou system is so great that it can match the US’ Global Positioning System.
C. China doesn’t own an independent GPS right now.
D. China’s Beidou system will own 5 more satellites than America’s GPS.


9—12 DADC        
9. D。主旨大意题, 本文主要介绍中国自己研发的GPS—北斗卫星定位系统。
10. A。细节理解题, 根据文章第3段即可知第一步是地球上的终端设备发射信号给卫星,即b,最后一步是卫星把位置发给地球的终端,即d,这样只有A正确。
11. D。细节理解题, 根据文章第2段即可知答案为美、俄、欧盟。
12. C。推理题, 根据文章2段最后一句中国急切地要摆脱对国外GPS的依赖,即可推论出答案。


Being a good example (P8)
Choose the best answer:
13. Ovechkin put his gloves over his hockey stick because ______.
A. he is a great hockey player
B. his hot stick could warm him
C. he was celebrating his success
D. he usually acts like a bad sport

14. Which of the following words can be used to describe Ovechkin after he scored his 50th goal EXCEPT____.
A. generous                    B. proud        
C. skilful                      D. overjoyed

15. What the author really minds is that________.
A. Ovechkin behaved inappropriately
B. Ovechkin was criticized by people
C. sportsmen nowadays don’t care about being a bad sport
D. kids will learn bad behavior from their models

16. According to the author, kids’ sports differ from professional sports in the fact that ______.
A. kids don’t play sports for fun
B. they have different aims to achieve
C. professional players have better skills
D. kids can’t show emotion during the game

17. Which of the following statements will the author probably disagree with?
A. When we have fun, the principle is that we shouldn’t hurt others.
B. In order to improve their skills kids should take sports seriously.
C. Sports stars should shoulder their social responsibilities for the kids’ sake.
D. Sportsmen can show off in whatever way they like as part of a game’s entertainment.

13—17 CADBD
13. 答案是C。从第二段可以知道Ovechkin是用一种炫耀的方式来庆祝他在球场上的胜利。他是想表示他是一个伟大的冰球运动员,但不是因为他是一个了不起的运动员就应该在赛场上炫耀,A项在逻辑上有误。“…that his stick is red-hot”是一种比喻的手法,并不是他的球棍真的是热的,B项错误。D项本身的内容就错误,文章中并没有提到Ovechkin总是赢得没有风度,根据文章内容,他的这次炫耀行为也不是他常有的行为。
14. 答案是A。要求选择选错误项。文章中提到“Ovechkin is a terrific hockey player.”,他的进球得分也说明他的skilful,在赛场上的过度炫耀,是因为他的proud/overjoyed,但是作者说他是a poor sport说明他不够generous。
15. 答案是D。从“I wouldn't mind what Ovechkin did except for one thing: It sets a bad example.”可以知道作者在意的是Ovechkin给青少年树立了一个坏榜样,“Kids see their favorite sports stars celebrating and acting like bad sports and the kids want to do the same thing in their games.”,他们会受到坏的影响。
16. 答案是B。But professional sports are different from kids' sports. Professional sports are mostly for entertainment. Kids' sports are not entertainment. Kids should play sports to improve their skills, learn how to compete and have fun.这就是professional sports和Kids' sports区别所在:目的不同。
17. 答案是D。要求选择选错误项。虽然作者说“Showing emotion during the game and celebrating touchdowns and goals can be part of the fun and excitement.”,但鉴于sportsmen对青少年的楷模作用,他们随心所欲地在赛场上宣泄情感的做法也不是作者所认同的,从文章倒数第二段的"one-way fun."例子中,可知作者不希望看见以伤害他人为代价的fun。所以A符合作者的看法。“Kids should play sports to improve their skills, learn how to compete and have fun. If kids show off after they score or make a good play, that doesn't help them improve or have fun.”证明作者希望青少年要认真对待体育运动,提高技艺,不要学习职业运动员的一些不好的做法。本文以Ovechkin的例子引出本文,正是要探讨sportsmen所应该承担的社会责任。这样BC项也符合作者的想法。只有D是作者认为不应该做得,所以答案为D。


  上期答案:1-4 DCDA          5-9 CBCAD      
10-13 DDCB        14-17 BCDD

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