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高三教案 第359期

Crisis over college (P3)
Choose the best answer:
1. What does “Big envelope” probably refer to according to the passage?
A. A text message.              
B. A large gift package.
C. An admission letter.           
D. A scholarship letter.

2. Mike may give up Notre Dame because of _____.
A. travel fees
B. financial concerns            
C. poor exam results
D. worries about living far away from home

3. There are an increasing number of American senior students who ______.
A. apply for a private university
B. apply for financial aid
C. change their spending style
D. choose a university within the state

4. What can we infer from the passage?
A. Mike Maietta will attend university in the fall of 2013.
B. Rachel Brown has given up NYU because of its high tuition.
C. Living in San Diego is as expensive as in New York.
D. College students can borrow money to cover costs.

5. Which of the following factors contributes to more students applying for Stanford?
A. Reduced annual tuition and fees.
B. Lower standards to draw more students.
C. More financial help for students during the recession.  
D. An interest-free loan for students from low-income families.


1—5 CBBDC 
1. 答案是C。从“The big envelope meant the excellent university in Indiana had offered him a place in its Class of 2013.”可知“big envelope”指的是大学的录取通知书。“Rachel Brown was happy to get a thick envelope from New York University.”,其中“thick envelope”和“big envelope”意思相同。
2. 答案是B。Notre Dame的录取通知书给Mike带来狂喜,“But the $51,300 annual fee is a big obstacle. So Mike and his parents are considering offers from several other colleges and are calculating the costs of tuition, housing and holiday trips home.”,所以如果Mike放弃Notre Dame,一定是出于经济上的考虑。
3. 答案是B。细节理解题。“More than 7.6 million American students have filled out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, a 19.9 percent increase over last year.”从中可以知道越来越多的学生申请经济援助。
4. 答案是D。推理判断题。从Rachel Brown的经历可以知道,她不想毕业时已欠下债,“I’d have to take out a loan for $15,000”,说明大学生是可以通过贷款来支付大学费用的。“the excellent university in Indiana had offered him a place in its Class of 2013.”,今年是2009年,2013年应该是Mike大学毕业那一年,A项错误。“I’m going to check and see if there’s any way that NYU can offer me any financial aid.”,Rachel Brown还在作最后的努力,还未放弃纽约大学,B项错误。“she is seriously considering the University of California San Diego, because of the high cost of tuition and living in New York.”,说明纽约的生活费用高于圣地亚哥,C项错误。
5. 答案是C。“And a record 30,428 students applied for 2,300 places at Stanford, partly because the university increased financial aid for families earning below $100,000.”可证明C项正确,创记录那么多的学生报考Stanford,部分是因为Stanford增加了对来自家庭年收入低于10万美元的学生的经济援助。


Impossible mission  (P4)
Choose the best answer:
6.    What’s the passage about?
A.    It is a film review.
B.    It is a short biography of Yao.
C.    It is a short history of two NBA teams.
D.    It is a sports review.

7.    What do most people think about the games between Rockets and Lakers according to Battier? 
A.    They think Rockets have a good chance of winning.
B.    They think Rockets are not likely to win at all.
C.    They think it is still hard to tell the result.
D.    They think the two teams only play in movies.

8.    When the writer says “...guns drawn but knees knocking", what does he really mean?
A.    Yao and his teammates are ready to play but not confident in themselves.
B.    Yao and his teammates are trying to kill Kobe before the games.
C.    Yao and his teammates are starring in a thriller movie.
D.    Yao and his teammates are well prepared and confident.

9.    Which of the following statements is true?
A.    Rockets will play against Lakers in the first round of the playoffs.
B.    Hollywood is making a movie about the games between Rockets and Lakers.
C.    Yao Ming and Kobe Bryant are leading players in their teams.
Rockets lost all games to Lakers during the last two decades.



6—9 DBAC 
6. D. 本文是体育评论,而不是电影评论。
7. B. In other words, no one expects them to win。
8. A. knee knocking表示害怕,所以不是很自信。
9. C. 从文章可以知道,他们都是领军人物。


Which city has the best... (P4)
Choose the best answer:
10. Why didn’t Paris and London make it into top 10 this year?
A. Because there are too many tourists in the two cities.
B. Because they are so big that it’s inconvenient for people to live there.
C. Because there are still lots of poor people in these two big cities.
D. Because the two cities have very diverse cultures.

11. Generally speaking, which part of the world has the best quality of life?
A. North America. 
B. Central Europe.
C. South Asia.    
D. Oceania.

12. How many Swiss cities are in top 10?
A. One.         B. Two. 
C. Three.      D. At least three.

13. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. The survey was conducted by a company called Mercer.
B. Singapore has the best quality of life in Asia according to the survey.
C. Beijing moved up in the list because of improvements in transportation facilities.
D. Bagdad has been at the bottom of the list since last year.

10—13 CBDD  
10. C. the reality is that they are huge and diverse cities with very high levels of poverty in some areas
11. B. Switzerland and Germany are in central Europe.
12. D. Besides Zurich and Geneva, the rest of the top 10 (6 in total) were dominated by German and Swiss cities
13. D. Baghdad, capital of Iraq, remains at the bottom of the list for the third year in a row.


Just saying hello  (P6)
Choose the best answer:
14. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. It tells readers how to take good care of dogs.
B. It tells readers what to do to make dogs happy.
C. It tells readers how dogs greet others.
D. It tells readers what dogs do to amuse owners.

15. The phrase "shower you with" in the 2nd paragraph most probably means ____.
A. help you take a bath with
B. frighten you with
C. show you his anger by using
D. cover you with

16. The 2nd paragraph is written mainly to tell readers ____.
A. how dogs greet their owners
B. that dogs like jumping up on people
C. that dogs enjoy ruining their owners’ shirts
D. how dogs show their love

17. How does a dog say hello to another one?
A. By sight.
B. By both sight and smell.
C. By smell.
D. By sight and touch.

18. What can we conclude from the passage?
A. By sniffing, dogs can tell any other dog that has been around lately.
B. It’s a bad habit for a dog to sniff the wrong end of another one.
C. Two strange dogs will begin with a quick sniff of the each other’s noses.
D. A dog’s sense of sight is thousands of times better than that of humans.

14—18 CDACC
14. C 主旨大意题,本文讲的是狗如何和别人打招呼的事情。
15. D 词汇意思题,根据文章第二小段可得知:当主人不满意狗前面打的招呼时,狗就会以很多的吻倾注到主人身上以博得主人的欢心。
16. A 段落大意题,文章第二段主要讲的是狗如何和主人打招呼的事情。
17. C 细节题,根据文章第4小段即可知答案。
18. C 细节题,根据文章第6小段就可知答案。

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