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高三教案 第362期

S362-S3 Answers to Quiz time 
1-4 BACC              5-8 CBDD              9-11 ADB
12. findings       13. emotions 14. equal      
15. the eyes       16. the mouth     17. similar           
18. more        19. a cultural gap                  
20. difference       21. communication


To drink or not to drink? (P4)
1. The new law by the city of Milan ____.
A. aims to keep Italy’s sipping culture alive
B. forbids selling alcohol to people under 16
C. is welcomed by Italian young people
D. has reduced the number of underage youths getting drunk
2. Which of the following places has the lowest drinking age?
A. Milan       B. New York      C. Mexico      D. Canada
3. Why do many US university presidents want lawmakers to consider changing the drinking age?
A. Because they have received complaints from many young Americans about the unfairness of the laws.
B. Because they agree that people old enough to vote and join the army should be allowed to drink.
C. Because they believe that the law is pushing underage youths toward alcohol instead of stopping them.
D. Because they don’t want to see US teenagers going to neighboring countries for a drink.
4. What can we infer from the passage?
A. Restaurants in the US don’t sell alcohol to people under 21 for fear of a $700 fine.
B. The author thinks that US teenagers should go to Canada or Mexico to drink.
C. In many places around the world, shop owners don’t mind selling alcohol to underage customers.
D. Teens in Milan have to pay a lot of money for their reckless drinking behavior.

1.B 事实细节题。米兰市新颁布的禁酒令是针对16岁以下的青少年,并规定向他们出售或者提供酒会被罚款,并不是意图恢复意大利的饮酒文化,因此选项A不正确。选项C、D错误比较明显。
2.A 事实细节题。对比文章第一、二和五段可找出答案。
3.C 事实细节题。见文章第五段最后一句。选项A、B和D是迷惑项,包含文中的一些细节,但不是大学校长们提议的依据。
4. C 逻辑推理题。根据文章倒数第二段得出。在美国,饭馆不敢向21岁以下的人卖酒是担心被吊销营业执照,因此选项A错误。作者说美国青年可以去加拿大或墨西哥喝酒,其实是在对比这几个国家的法定饮酒年龄,而非鼓励他们去邻国饮酒,选项B错误。选项D错误在于对文章最后一句中 “come at a high price” 的理解错误,这个短语的意思是“付出巨大的代价”。


New life on Earth (P6)
5. Craig Venter and his team are working to ____.
A. create a new animal     B. clone a new species
C. produce the first artificial bacteria
D. develop a new system
6. Which of the following is the right order of the experiment?
a. A gene was removed and put into a host bacteria cell.
b. The genes were put into a yeast cell.
c. The cell produced new healthy bacteria.
d. The genes were changed.
e. Some genes were taken out of Mycoplasma mycoides.
A. d-e-a-c-b           B. e-b-d-a-c   
C. a-d-e-c-b           D. b-e-d-c-a
7. According to the passage, complex artificial bacteria, which will follow the first simple man-made bacteria, are intended to _____.
A. cure deadly diseases
B. prepare the Earth for natural disasters
C. prove that the technology can work
D. improve the earth’s environment
8. We can learn from the passage that ____.
A. Venter and his team are the only scientists trying to create artificial life.
B. The experiment was based on research into different kinds of life on Earth.
C. A new type of bacteria was created in January.
D. All scientists are not in favor of the research.

5.C主旨大意题。根据文章第一段以及整篇文章的叙述,可以知道Craig Venter和他的团队正在致力于创造第一个人造细菌,故答案为C。
8.D细节理解题。从文章中看不出只有Venter 这支团队在致力于创造人造生命,故选项A不正确。根据第一段可以推断B选项不正确;根据倒数第四段第一句可以得知研究小组在一月份创造出了人造基因而不是一种新型细菌,因此C选项不正确;根据最后一段可以得知,有的科学家对这种人造细菌持肯定态度,而有的则持怀疑态度,all和not连用时表示部分否定,意为“并不是所有的科学家都支持这项研究”,故答案为D。


Always Dad’s little girl (P8)
9. According to Paragraph 2, the little girl showed ____ by pouting.
A. displeasure                    B. disappointment      
C. agreement                      D. excitement
10. According to the 5th and 6th paragraphs, the girl felt ____ when she returned home and saw her father in bed.
A. she was protected just as before          
B. she should never have left home
C. the difficulty of being old and sick        
D. the need to show him her love
11. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the story?
A. The daughter left her home because she had a fight with her father.
B. From the father’s example, the daughter learned to express her love.
C. The father recovered as if by magic soon after the daughter’s return.   
D. The girl returned home when she got a letter from her father about his illness.

9. A词义猜测题。生词pout的英语释义是:“to push out one’s lips as a sign of displeasure or to be sexually attractive”,根据上下文,能推断出本句中是“不高兴地撅着嘴”之意。
10. D细节推理题。女儿看到以往强壮能干的父亲卧病在床,泪流满面,说明她为父亲的遭遇悲伤,应该在此时表达对父亲的爱。但文中并未提及她为离家而后悔,父亲也不可能如以前一般庇护女儿的成长。所以正确答案是D。
11. B 细节理解题。整个故事呈现的是深深的父女之情,因为有父亲无私的爱,女儿是幸运的,而爱也是家庭共渡难关的魔力所在。在父亲生病卧床之际,女儿回来搂住虚弱的父亲,表现出了对父亲的爱。选项A、C和D与文章事实不符。


What does that look on your face mean? (P4)

Research by Glasgow University


13 westerners and 13 East Asians.


Observe pictures of expressive faces and put them into different categories of ______(13).

Research _____(12)

①Europeans look across a person’s whole face with ______(14) attention to the eyes and mouth, while East Asians focus mainly on ______ (15) and neglect ______(16).
②Easterners have difficulty telling apart facial expressions that look ______(17) around the eye region and tend to make ______(18) mistakes.


①It reflects ______(19) in the way people use their faces to express themselves -- easterners use the eyes more and the mouth less.
(Supporting example: The ______(20) in the use of text message “emoticons”)
② The results show that ______(21) between people is much more complicated than previously thought.

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