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高三教案 第363期

S363-S3 Answers to Quiz time 

1—4 BBCA
5. One can be rich and successful without any hard work.
6. You can’t let your failures define you.
7. (1) work hard                (2) learn from failures
(3) ask questions              (4) never give up on yourself
8. 并且,即使在你痛苦挣扎时,在你灰心失意时,在你感觉其他人都对你不抱任何希望时,你也不要自暴自弃。
9—11 CCA                       12—15 DCCD

Mongolian meal (P3)
1. Before the lunch, the author ____.
A. felt strange having a traditional Mongolian lunch
B. felt a little uncomfortable when visiting the house
C. was happy for getting away from the city
D. was excited to see the animals and green grass
2. The author felt the clash between her American ways and Mongolian traditions most strongly when ____.
A. she saw the portrait of Genghis Khan over the bed
B. she was invited to watch the butchering of a sheep
C. she was helping to place the chairs around the table
D. she was offered food by the hostess
3. The author found joy when eating and drinking because ____.
A. she liked the Mongolian dishes and liquor
B. she was moved by the Mongolian family’s hospitality
C. eating and drinking are universal customs that can bridge differences in cultures
D. it helped her forget the unhappy experience before the lunch
4. We can infer from the passage that the author ____.
A. tried to follow the local traditions
B. regretted not seeing sheep butchering
C. felt that it was alright to say no to the hostess
D. hesitated to drink the liquor because her family was with her

1. B 细节理解题。文章第三段中描述当地蒙古家庭的居住情况时提到起居室被用做厨房和屠宰房,死羊上苍蝇飞舞,因此答案选B。
2. B 细节理解题。文章第四段描述女主人邀请作者看宰羊,她礼貌地拒绝并走开了。
3. C 细节理解题。根据文章最后一句得出正确答案。
4. A 推理判断题。当女主人敬酒时,作者虽然未满饮酒年龄,但还是按当地的习俗喝下烈酒,表明作者尽力做到入乡随俗。


Obama tells students how to overcome failure (P4)
5. What false impression about success can students get from TV, according to Paragraph 1? (within 10 words)
One can be rich and successful without any hard work.
6. Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?
You shouldn’t judge yourself by your failures.
You can’t let your failures define you.
7. List four things that you need to do to achieve success, according to the text. (within 15 words)

  1. work hard
  2. learn from failures
  3. ask questions
  4. never give up on yourself

8. Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.
And even when you’re struggling, even when you’re discouraged, and you feel like other people have given up on you – don’t ever give up on yourself.


Black hole mystery (P6)
9. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A. A black hole looks dark and has nothing in it.
B. The larger a black hole is, the more gravity it has.
C. Nothing can escape the gravity of black holes, not even light.
D. Scientists find black holes by lighting them up.
10. We can infer from the passage that ____.
A. scientists have found out how large black holes are formed
B. the newly discovered black hole is formed in a supernova
C. we still don’t know how galaxies and black holes have managed to evolve together
D. US and Japanese astronomers are competing to be the first to discover new black holes
11. Which of the following is the right order of the formation of a small black hole?
a. The remains of a star get squeezed into a tiny space.
b. A supernova sends light and matter into space.
c. The inner part of the star breaks apart.
d. A star reaches the end of its life.
A. d-c-b-a                                    B. d-b-c-a 
C. b-c-d-a                                     D. b-d-c-a

9. C 细节理解题。从文章第五段可以看出黑洞引力连光都能吸进,因此看上去是黑的,选项A错误;黑洞的引力大小是由其密度和体积决定的,因此选项B错误。阅读文章第六段确定选项D错误。
10. C 逻辑推理题。根据文章最后一段,排除选项A。新发现的黑洞比太阳大近十亿倍,属于大黑洞,而大黑洞的成因还是一个谜,选项B错误。文章并未描述美国和日本天文学家之间的博弈,选项D错误。从文章第四段可以推测出正确答案为C。
11. A 细节理解题。文章第七段内容。

Coffee shop kindness (P8)
12. Why wasn’t the writer happy with her job at first?   
A. The customers didn’t tip her enough.
B. It was difficult to make iced coffee perfect.
C. Everybody had an enormous order.
D. The job didn’t turn out as she had expected.
13. The man came to the coffee shop to ____.
A. buy his favorite doughnut                   B. complain to the author
C. buy a cup of iced coffee                  D. get out of the rain
14. The man felt thankful for the writer because ____.  
A. she offered him coffee and food for free.
B. she knew exactly how the man felt.
C. she was genuinely kind to him in a time of need.
D. she comforted him by sharing his pain.
15. What can we learn from the passage? 
A. Don’t count your eggs until they are hatched.  
B. A man is happy so long as he chooses to be happy.
C. The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships.
D. If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path.

12.D 细节理解题。由第一段最后一句和第二段可以看出,作者本来以为这份工作很轻松,能和顾客友好相处,但是实际情况跟想象的大相径庭。
13. C 细节理解题。从第四段一、二句可以看出,作者给这位顾客了一杯冰咖啡和一袋食物,顾客很奇怪,因为他只点了咖啡。
14. C 细节理解题。从这位顾客给作者写的感谢字条的内容可以看出,他感谢作者在他需要的时候给了他温暖和关怀。
15. D 推理判断题。作者对顾客的关怀温暖了顾客的心灵,当作者情绪低落时,顾客的感谢字条也给她带来安慰与鼓励。D选项的意思与文章的主题思想最为接近。

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