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Singing like an angel (P2)

Choose the best answer:

1. Susan Boyle _____.

A. is a young actre

B. became famous after a show

C. used to be a good student

D. is good at dancing

2. Susan Boyle lives with _____.

A. her fans B. her cat C. her dog D. her children

3. Susan Boyle has many fans now because _____.

A. she has a beautiful face

B. she knows how to dre

C. she is well-educated

D. she has a beautiful voice

4. The phrase "just one step from" means "_____".

A. far from B. close to C. different from D. very likely

5. The passage is mainly about _____.

A. how to win fans B. how to sing well

C. a woman’s success D. a woman’s life

A day without Facebook, nearly (P3)

Fill in the blanks:

What problems did Emily meet when she was doing her experiment: "A day without technology"?

6. The alarm on her cellphone didn't ________.

7. She couldn't __________________________ when she got to school.

8. When she got home from school, she couldn't _____________, ______________ and _______________________.

9. Emily ________ the test.

Who packs your parachute? (P5)

Choose the best answer:

10. Charles Plumb _____ in Vietnam.

A. gave talks on his life

B. was caught by his enemie

C. spent five years in prison

D. failed to open his parachute

11. How did the man in the restaurant know Charles Plumb?

A. They were good friends.

B. He had bought Charles Plumb’s parachute.

C. He made Charles Plumb’s parachute.

D. He was the one who caught Charles Plumb.

12. The sentence "If your chute hadn’t worked, I wouldn’t be here today" implies (暗含) that Charles Plumb felt ______ towards the man.

A. angry B. excited

C. humorous D. thankful

13. The story tells us that ______.

A. we should be careful when taking a plane ride

B. we should know how to use a parachute

C. we should be thankful to those who have helped u

D. we should say hello to everyone we meet

I was proud to do my part for Grandma (P8)

Choose the best answer:

14. Why did the author decide to take part in the three-day charity walk?

A. He wanted to show support for his sick grandmother.

B. He wanted to be a member of the Susan G. Komen organization.

C. He wanted to find a cure for breast cancer.

D. He wanted to get fit.

15. How did the author raise money?

A. He wrote letters to friends and relatives.

B. He walked around his neighborhood with his mother.

C. He held a charity concert.

D. Both A and B.

16. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The author and his mother took part in this charity walk together.

B. The author raised $2,500 through his three-day charity walk.

C. The author was exhausted after the two-day walk.

D. The author and his mother slept in tents with other teammates.

17. The story mainly tells us about ____.

A. a volunteer’s charity walk

B. a young man’s dream

C. a great mother and her son

D. none of the above

Key:1—5 BBDBC

6. go off

7. print out her English project

8. chat with friends on Facebook, check E-mails, watch videos on YouTube

9. failed

10—13 BCDC

14—17 ADBA

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