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  • Reading

    Choose the best answer:

    The gadget king (P2)


    Steve Jobs, American teenagers' most a_____ (1) businessman.
    His a_____ (2):
    Jobs has changed the world three times
    Soon after he s_____ (3) up Apple with high school friend Steve Wozniak in 1976, the Apple II became the first p_____ (4) computer to succeed. With the Apple II computers could be found in classrooms and offices.
    In 2001, Apple produced its iPod music player and iTunes o_____ (5) store. An iPod has been a widely sought-after g_____ (6) worldwide for nearly ten years now.
    Apple's Pixar Animation Studios were the first to show that computer animation could be used to tell stories. In 1995, Pixar made the world's first a_____ (7) made wholly by computers, Toy Story, which became a h_____ (8).
    His shortcoming
    Some old e_____ (9) have described him as a strange, ill-tempered man. They say he is i_____ (10) with those who disagree with him or do not understand his ideas.

    Cindy notches up... (P3)

    11. Why does the author want to do 200 hours of community service?

    A. She can't graduate from high school without doing that amount of community service.

    B. The author wants to give a good impression when she applies for college.

    C. The author wants to raise money for people in need.

    D. The author is good at guiding people.

    12. Why was the marathon organized?

    A. To raise money for people in need.

    B. To attract students to take part in the sport.

    C. So that students could do more community service hours.

    D. The text does not give the reason.

    13. Which types of volunteer work are mentioned in the article?

    a. giving directions to the marathon walkers.

    b. dividing people into groups.

    c. cheering on the marathon walkers.

    d. handing out arrows and signs.

    A. ab B. ac C. abc D. bcd

    14. According to the text, _____.

    A. if a high school student does less than 40 hours, he or she can not graduate

    B. the writer got in touch with a community service group for an opportunity to contribute

    C. doing community service is no great challenge

    D. a student with 200 hours or more of community service is sure of a place at a top Canadian university

    Find of a lifetime (P6)

    15. Terry Herbert used a metal detector to search for treasure because _____.

    A. he had researched the area and was sure there was treasure there

    B. he was very interested in British history

    C. he wanted to be an archeologist

    D. he enjoyed searching for treasure

    16. Herbert's discovery is very important because _____.

    A. the treasure he found belongs to an ancient English king

    B. the treasure has changed people's understanding of early English history

    C. the treasure is proving a big help to the British economy

    D. it is the find that many British treasure hunters have been hoping for for year

    17. On the basis of the article, which of the following is TRUE?

    A. It might take three years for scientists to look through all of the treasure.

    B. Ancient English people buried treasure in the fields for future use.

    C. At the time England was a more violent and religious land than historians thought.

    D. Herbert prefers the fun of treasure hunting over the money he will earn for his discovery.

    18. Which of the following headlines best sums up the article?

    A. British treasure hunter makes big find.

    B. Scientists find out about the dark ages.

    C. How to find treasures using a metal detector.

    D. Archeologists win big lottery prize.

    Take your chances (P8)

    19. Those who went to attend the TV interview wanted to _____.

    A. get on TV themselve

    B. meet with the honor guest in person

    C. ask questions they had prepared for the honor guest

    D. learn about how to succeed from the honor guest

    20. We can learn from the article that the honor guest was _____.

    A. energetic B. inspirational

    C. proud D. secretive

    21. What can we infer from the article?

    A. Most people do what everybody else does.

    B. The honor guest was tight-lipped about his talent.

    C. It's easier to mine gold than ferry people.

    D. The honor guest was a great success at mining gold.

    22. In the opinion of the honor guest, the key to success is to _____.

    A. do what your heart tells you to do

    B. be hard-working in everything

    C. find a new way of doing thing

    D. hire other people to do all the work for you



    Topic: Festivals, holidays and celebration



    a. ( ) Children in the UK have a one-week break in February.

    ( ) Most children enjoy themselves by doing a lot of activities.

    b. ( ) Dragon Boat Festival is on the 5th day of the 5th solar month.

    ( ) Only Chinese enjoy Dragon Boat Festival.

    c. ( ) At Christmas students stop going to school in Australia.

    ( ) Traditional Christmas dinners are very popular in Australia.


    Thanksgiving Day
    A traditional festival that started in _____
    Date in the US:
    ____ Thursday in _____
    A time to give thanks
    Tips to give thanks:
    ·Give the person a _____ and tell him/her why you're _____ for him/her.
    ·Write a _____ and mail it.
    ·Send a _____ card via email.
    ·Leave sticky notes with _____ of thanks.
    ·Draw a ____ of your feelings about the person's _____ actions and give it to him/her.



    1. admired 2. achievements 3. set 4. personal 5. online 6. gadget

    7. animation 8. hit 9. employees 10. impatient

    11-14 BABA 15-18 DBDA 19-22 DBAC


    (一) a. T T b. F F c. T F

    (二) 1621, final, November, hug, thankful, note, greeting, messages, picture, kind

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