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现在完成时表示到现在为止已经完成的动作,或状态持续到现在。现在完成时常与already, just, for + 一段时间, since + 点时间 / 从句等时间状语连用。例如:I have just finished my homework.

She has already bought three books.

We have lived in the city for ten years / since ten years ago.


I have lost my pen. (表示笔现在不在我这里)

I lost my pen. (笔现在可能已经找到)

1) – How clean the bedroom is!– Yes. I’m sure that someone _____ it. (09武汉)

A. cleans B. cleaned

C. has cleaned D. had cleaned

2) She _____ as an animal trainer since 2003. (09北京)

A. has worked B. works C. will work D. worked

3) Sam _____ Chinese since he came to China. He speaks good Chinese now. (09广东)

A. learns B. learned

C. has learned D. will learn

4) – Are you going to help John with his Chinese this evening? (09威海) – No, he _____ to England. He will be back next month.

A. returned B. has returned

C. returns D. will return


反义疑问句是附加在句子后面的简略问话,其构成为:助动词+(not) + 指代主语的代词?如果句子是肯定句,则反义疑问句用否定形式;若句子是否定句,或含有否定词nothing, little, few, hardly, rarely等,则反义疑问句用肯定形式。例如:

Karen plays the piano, doesn’t she?

He came late, didn’t he?

You haven’t seen Mary before, have you?

注意There be句型的反义疑问句:

There was a lot of traffic, wasn’t there?


1) Tom won’t be late, __________?

2) You’re tired, __________?

3) You weren’t listening, __________?

4) There were few people at the meeting, __________?

5) You have little money with you, __________?


1. since prep. conj. 自从

用法:后接点时间或从句,与现在完成时连用。例如:They have been there since two o’clock.

I won’t forget my teacher because she ____ so kind to me since I came to this school. (08陕西)

A. has been B. will be C. was D. i

2. anyone pron. 任何人 = anybody

用法:辨析:someone = somebody 有人,某人;no one = nobody 没人;everyone = everybody 大家。形容词修饰不定代词要后置。

Believe yourself. You’re better than _________. You’re the best. Wish you success! (08哈尔滨)

A. anyone else B. someone else

C. else anyone

3. thousand pron. 千

用法:thousand, hundred, million等词前有数词时,用单数;没有数词时,则用thousands of / hundreds of / millions of 等表示数量多。

___ visitors come to China every year. (09安顺)

A. Thousands B. The thousand

C. Ten thousand of D. Thousands of

4. mind v. 介意

用法:后接名词或V-ing形式。Do you mind / Would you mind doing sth? 你介意做某事吗?如果介意,要说Yes, you’d better not. / I’m afraid you can’t. 如果不介意,则说:Of course not. / Not at all.

– Would you mind looking after my dog while I’m on holiday? – _____. (09广州)

A. Of course not B. Yes, I’d happy to

C. Not at all. I’ve no time D. Yes, please

5. allow v. 允许

用法:allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事。被动为:be allowed to do sth.

– Can sixteen-year-olds drive their cars to school? – No. They shouldn’t _____ to drive because they are not serious enough.(09湖北襄阳)

A. allow B. allowed C. be allowed D. have allowed

6. receive v. 收到

用法:receive表示收到,但不一定接受;accept表示主观上接受。receive a letter from sb = get a letter from sb = hear from sb 收到某人来信。


I’m sorry I didn’t call earlier, but I’ve only received your message. (04河北)

A. got B. posted C. gave D. fall

7. instead adv. 代替

用法:辨析:instead常用在句首或句尾,instead of 后接名词或V-ing形式。

He didn’t help me. _____, he laughed at me. (05青海)

A. Instead B. But C. So

8. besides prep. 除了;adv. 此外

用法:辨析:besides 做除了讲,表示除……之外还有;except 表示除了(要去掉)。

– All the students in Class One went to the cinema ____ Li ping. Why?

– Because he had a stomachache. (09河南)

A. besides B. without C. except D. beside

– How much will you be paid?

– Judy, I don’t do it for money, but for experience. ______, it’s voluntary (志愿的) work. (08山东)

A. However B. Besides C. Finally D. Possibly

9. population n. 人口

用法:表示人口多少要用large / big / small 来修饰,不能用many 或much。问人口多少要用What, 不用How many。如:What’s the population of China?

The population of Tianjin is _____ than that of Shanghai. (05天津)

A. larger B. less C. smaller D. fewer


1. by the way 顺便说/问一下

用法:辨析:on the way to 在去……的路上;in the way 挡住某人去路,妨碍;in this way 照这样。


_________, do you want to ___________ with us?

2. turn down 关小(音量、水、燃气等);拒绝

用法:辨析:turn up 开大(音量、水、燃气等);出现 turn on 打开(电、水、燃气等)turn off 关上(电、水、燃气等)。

– I want to sleep. Could you please _____ the TV a little? – Oh, sure. Sorry about that. (08巴中)

A. turn down B. turn on C. turn up

3. how about ……怎么样

用法:用来征求意见、提建议等,与what about同义,后接名词或V-ing。辨析:Why not…? Why don’t you…?也可以提建议,但是后接动词原形。

– You look rather tired. _____ stop to have a rest? – All right. (05烟台)

A. Why not B. How about

C. Why not to D. Why don’t

4. give away 送出,给出

用法:辨析:give up 放弃;give in 屈服;give out 分发。

The rich man has decided to _____ everything he has to charity. (08襄樊)

A. set up B. turn on C. put off D. give away

5. rather than 不愿,不要,不是

用法:常用在平行结构中,如两个形容词、状语、名词、to do或V-ing结构。当主句有带to的动词不定式时,rather than后接不带to的不定式。例如:I’d prefer to go in August rather than in July.

I decided to write rather than phone.

When people want to relax themselves, they prefer _____ TV or listen to music rather than ____ newspapers. (06临沂)

A. watching, read B. watching, to read

C. to watch, read D. to watch, reading

6. have a hard time 有困难

用法:have a hard time / trouble / difficulty doing sth (in) doing sth做某事有困难。 have fun / have a good time (in) doing sth 做某事玩得很高兴。

We went to Hainan Island on May Day and had great fun _____ in the sea. (07 潍坊)

A. surf B. surfs C. surfing D. to surf


一、1. 1)–4) CACB 2. 1) will he 2) aren’t you 3) were you

4) were there 5) do you


三、By the way, go swimming –AADCC

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