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312期初二 Quiz time

Shanghai heat (P1)


Super Bus saves the day (P2)

Choose the best answer:

8. Which is not true about the Super Bus?

A. It is much larger than normal buses.

B. It can go to every corner of the city.

C. It can carry more than 1,000 people.

D. It runs on electricity and solar power.

9. If it costs 100,000 yuan to build a subway from A to B, how much will it cost to build the same line for Super Bus?

A. About 10,000 yuan.

B. About 1,000,000 yuan.

C. About 50,000 yuan.

D. About 860,000 yuan.

10. Which is NOT an advantage (优势) of the Super Bus?

A. The bus doesn’t take up road space.

B. The bus can do the work of 40 buses.

C. The bus is very easy to build and drive.

D. The bus can save a lot of energy every year.

11. According to Song, why is it safe for small cars to drive under the Super Bus?

A. Because the bus is tall enough.

B. Because the road is wide enough.

C. Because there are scanners between its legs.

D. Because the bus travels at 60 km per hour.

12. We can guess that Song’s purpose (目的) for building the bus was _____.

A. To cut car accidents.

B. To replace small buses.

C. To show off his ability.

D. To solve traffic problems.

The big rocks of your life (P6)

Choose the best answer:

13. What did the teacher first put on the table?

A. A small table. B. A large jar.

C. Some rocks. D. Nothing.

14. How many big rocks did the teacher put into the jar?

A. One. B. Two.

C. Four. D. Some.

15. What did one of the students think about the jar after the teacher placed the big rocks in it?

A. It was full of rocks.

B. It could hold nothing more.

C. You could put more big rocks in it.

D. There was still space for something else in it.

16. In what order did the teacher put things in the jar?

A.water, sand, smaller rocks, big rocks

B.big rocks, sand, smaller rocks, water

C.water, big rocks, smaller rocks, sand

D.big rocks, smaller rocks, sand, water

17. The teacher wanted to tell his students that _____.

A. small things were also important

B. they should do important things first

C. it’s important to make full use of a jar

D. it’s not difficult to find time to study

Respect for teachers (P8)



18. What rights does a teacher have, according to the passage? (List two points)


19. What does the underlined phrase “teacher’s pet” mean?



20. Teachers care about our studies and lives, and it seems they know everything about the subjects they teach.


21. If it turns out that the teacher has made a mistake, the teacher will say “sorry” in front of the whole class.



22. China _____________ 23. US _______________

a. Teachers chat with students after class.

b. Students don’t dare to point out teachers’ mistakes.

c. Students express their opinions in class freely.

d. Students never contact teachers after class.

e. Students call teachers by their names.

f. Teachers say “sorry” to students when they make mistakes.


Once there was an old man who lived in a town. He always forgot 24 things. So his wife had to keep telling him, “Don’t forget this!”

One day, he went on a long trip (旅行) alone. Before he 25 home, his wife said, “Now you have all these 26 . They are what you need for your trip. Take care of your things during the trip.” He went to the station, bought a ticket and 27 the train with it.

About half an hour later, the conductor began to check the 28 . He came to the old man and 29 , “Will you please show me your ticket?” The old man looked for his ticket in every one of his pockets, but he could not find 30 . He was very worried. “I can’t find my ticket. I really bought a ticket 31 I got on the train,” said the old man.

“I believe (相信) you bought a ticket. All right, you don’t have to buy 32 one,” said the conductor kindly. “But how can I know where I’m going? I don’t 33 my station!” the old man said sadly.

24. A. a lot of B. a kind of C. a piece of D. a pair of

25. A. stayed B. left C. returned D. moved

26. A. money B. food C. grass D. things

27. A. had on B. went from C. got on D. put on

28. A. people B. tickets C. trains D. pockets

29. A. say B. said C. says D. saying

30. A. it B. this C. that D. ticket

31. A. during B. till C. before D. after

32. A. other B. the other C. the others D. another

33. A. forget B. get C. remember D. see


1.The sports meet will continue _____ it rains this afternoon.

A. otherwise B. since C. as soon as D. unless

2. The present that my desk-mate gave me _____ more than 100 yuan.

A. spent B. took C. cost D. paid

3. – Long time no see!

– Oh, it ___ like years since I last saw you.

A. looks B. seems C. feels D. sounds

4. Talking loudly on a mobile phone is _____.

A. impolite B. friendly C. afraid D. proud

5. The boy easily gets angry with others. It is hard for him to _____ his classmates.

A. be afraid to B. get along with

C. come up with D. care about

6. She _____ the mistakes and it made her father very angry.

A. pointed in B. pointed from

C. pointed out D. pointed with

8. Ten people, _____ one child, were injured during the accident.

A. contained B. containing

C. included D. including

9. A young boy _____ the branches of the apple tree so that the apples fell down.

A. shook B. dropped C. pushed D. pulled

10. Who was the first person to go into _____?

A. room B. place C. outside D. space

11. When she looked up, he saw that her eyes were _____ of tears.

A. filled B. open C. full D. crowded

12. Chicago _____ into a big city in the late 1800s.

A. reached B. became C. moved D. developed

13. – What is the _____ of China?

– About 1.3 billion.

A. area B. population

C. culture D. history

14. Today, we're going to practice _____ in front of others.

A. to speak B. speak C. speaking D. speaksCheck

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