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453期高一Quiz Time


Just a normal... (P1)

Choose the best answer:

1. Which of the following is NOT one of Taylor Swift’s achievements?

A. Selling over 20 million albums.

B. Winning four Grammy awards.

C. Getting a No 1 pop music hit.

D. Winning Billboard’s Awarded Woman of the Year award.

2. What does the sentence “Werde’s words do not come from nowhere” imply?

A. You can find Werde’s words in some media reports.

B. Werde has good reason to say what he says.

C. You can become a role model even if you are young.

D. Many artists are becoming famous at a young age.

3. What are the topics of Taylor Swift’s songs?

a. What growing up feels like.

b. What being famous feels like.

c. How to get along with your friends.

d. Experiences of heartbreak.

e. Passion for life to come.

f. Feelings of confusion at different ages.

A. b-d-e B. a-c-d C. b-e-f D. a-d-f

4. Which of the following statements about Taylor Swift is TRUE?

A. She is better at writing songs than many other singers.

B. Her songs are less popular among young people.

C. She has promised that her new songs will be quite joyful.

D. She doesn’t like to follow the rules or other people’s advice.


I wonder whether... (P4)


1. What does the writer suggest her Chinese friend should talk about with people in the US? (No more than 2 words)


2. Why do Americans enjoy talking to people around them about the weather, in the author’s opinion? (No more than 10 words)


3. List four topics that people should avoid talking about in the US. (No more than 5 words)


4. What does the underlined word “those” in the last paragraph refer to? (No more than 2 words)


5. Translate the following sentence into Chinese.

What is truly interesting is the fact that we can go on and on about it.



Beware of the... (P5)

1. What is the main purpose of the first paragraph?

A. To inform readers that antibiotics are harmful to health.

B. To inform readers of the dangers of antibiotics if they are not used properly.

C. To explain how serious the problem of antibiotics misuse is in China.

D. To report on the invention of new antibiotics.

2. What can we conclude from the second paragraph?

A. The use of antibiotics in China is strictly regulated at the moment.

B. Most Chinese people have developed a strong resistance to antibiotics.

C. Most Chinese people know what to pay attention to when using antibiotics.

D. Chinese people take too many antibiotics compared with people in other countries.

3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Antibiotics work against all kinds of everyday coughs and colds.

B. Bacteria may develop faster after becoming resistant to antibiotics.

C. Large amounts of antibiotics are needed to kill “superbugs”.

D. Penicillin is considered the best ever antibiotic in history.

4. Who should use antibiotics according to the article?

A. Those who are infected with bacteria.

B. Those who are infected with viruses.

C. Those who have antibodies in their blood.

D. Those suffering from fatal diseases.


Man’s best friend (P6)

1. According to the first two paragraphs, we can conclude that ______.

A. the puppy was not lovely

B. the puppy didn’t love her owner

C. the owner quickly got tired of her

D. the owner loved her and forgave her easily

2. The underlined phrase “a dog person” in Paragraph 3 refers to a person who ______.

A. loves dogs

B. trains dogs

C. is always happy

D. is as loyal as a dog

3. Why did the puppy’s owner send the puppy to the dog pound?

A. Because the owner had no space for the puppy.

B. Because he knew it would be a nice place for the puppy.

C. Because he was afraid the puppy might bite the children.

D. Because the puppy was not as lovely as she had been before.

4. What can be concluded from the last three paragraphs?

A. The dog loved the dog pound at first sight.

B. The dog wanted people to love her.

C. The dog hated people after this incident.

D. The dog knew she would find a better home one day.



This story happened 15 years ago but it has stayed with me ever since. On my way back from _1_ in the evening, more often than not there would be a _2_ man standing at the exit of the freeway. He always _3_ at every car. He was _4_ happy and smiling and sometimes almost dancing. Every day after work when I got there, I would quickly _5_ my window and give him a few coins. Occasionally the _6_ light would be on for a minute and we would ask each other about our days. His answer would always be _7_: “I’m blessed (幸福的)!”.

It amazed me that even in his situation of being homeless he was so _8_,and his answer would remind me of how _9_ I was. A single mother of four kids, with a place to call home and with a _10_ to provide for my kids.

Then one day I was called into my boss’s office and was told that I was being _11_ due to the economy. _12_ , on my way home that day I was very sad and upset. I didn’t remember to look for my spare _13_ and get it ready like I usually did. I wasn’t feeling _14_ as I got off the ramp (斜坡) where the homeless man would be. Yet there he was as always, as l turned off the ramp. He set his eyes on me, while still smiling and waving at others.

While I was _15_ the red light to turn, he walked over to my car. He had a big smile and looked me straight in the eyes. He said, “Today I will give you a dollar.” He then reached into his _16_ and pulled out a dollar bill. I was blown away (大吃一惊). I burst into _17_ . I wanted to jump out of my car and _18_ him!

You see that day he gave me _19_ a dollar bill; he taught me a valuable lesson. No matter what material things are taken from you, no one can take away your _20_ to be joyful.

1. A. work B. home C. school D. hospital

2. A. useless B. careless

C. homeless D. hopeless

3. A. pointed B. waved C. shouted D. looked

4. A. ever B. never C. seldom D. always

5. A. roll down B. lock up

C. turn down D. take up

6. A. green B. red C. yellow D. white

7. A. strange B. different

C. the same D. the most

8. A. smart B. kind

C. hard-working D. positive

9. A. blessed B. difficult

C. curious D. confident

10. A. family B. job C. help D. time

11. A. put away B. picked up

C. set aside D. laid off

12. A. What’s more B. Believe it or not

C. Needless to say D. After all

13. A. change B. time C. space D. job

14. A. surprised B. loving C. happy D. unkind

15. A. thinking about B. talking about

C. asking for D. waiting for

16. A. pocket B. schoolbag

C. car D. house

17. A. songs B. tears

C. laughter D. anger

18. A. praise B. meet C. shake D. hug

19. A. more than B. less than

C. other than D. rather than

20. A. turn B. wish

C. action D. knowledge



D1 1. It is the oldest university in Australia and Oceania and one of the top three universities in the southern hemisphere.

2. Meeting friendly people there.

3. Different clubs and societies at Sydney.

4. 悉尼大学提供了一种独一无二的校园生活体验,既培养了学生的社交能力,也提高了他们的学术能力。

D2 1. block 2. deadline 3. breaks 4. solved

5. use 6. totally/completely 7. predict

8. taken 9. lasts 10. side


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