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461期高一Quiz time

The world of Dickens... (P4)
1. What does the author intend to prove with the example of Great Expectations? (No more than 8 words)
2. What are the three themes that are relevant to modern readers in Great Expectations? (No more than 22 words)
3. What makes Dickens’ works so popular across the world according to the article? (No more than 25 words)
4. What does the underlined phrase “hold a mirror up to” mean? (No more than 8 words)
5. Translate the following sentence into Chinese.
It is a testimony to his talent that so many are still prepared to look into that mirror, despite the often painful characters they see staring back at them.

Ratty friendship is... (P5)
1. What is the main point of the first paragraph?
A. To describe how rats are viewed in Chinese culture.
B. To introduce a new discovery about rats.
C. To prove that people have got the wrong idea about rats.
D. To draw people’s attention to rats.
2. What did scientists discover in the experiment?
A. A free rat was excited when it saw another rat being trapped.
B. Five percent of the rats learned to open an empty cage.
C. Smart rats can learn to release another rat in a few hours.
D. Most rats learned to open the cage to free another rat.
3. When a rat and a piece of chocolate were trapped in different cages, _______.
A. the rats outside couldn’t decide which to release first
B. more rats wanted to free their friend
C. some of the rats even shared the chocolate with their friend
D. the rats opened the cages faster to free both the other rat and the chocolate
4. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. More evidence might be needed to prove this idea.
B. Rats are similar to human beings in many ways.
C. This is the first time that rats have been found to have empathy.
D. Scientists believe that empathy is unique to humans.

A good ‘thief’ (P6)
1. We can infer from Paragraph 1 that ______.
A. the author was hard on her daughter
B. the author’s daughter was not considerate
C. the author had a lot of money worries
D. the author hurt her daughter’s feelings
2. When the author was told that Shanna was stealing money, she ______.
A. believed that her other daughter had misunderstood Shanna
B. felt greatly disappointed in Shanna
C. knew that a trick was being played on Shanna
D. began to reflect on how best to treat Shanna
3. From the story, we learn that Shanna ____.
A. stole money from her mother’s purse
B. tried to find an excuse for her behavior
C. wished that she had a rich mother
D. tried to help her mother out
4. At that moment, the author probably felt that ______.
A. she was lucky to have such a thoughtful daughter
B. she should work harder to make more money
C. Shanna was more thoughtful than her sister
D. she needed to teach Shanna what it meant to be poor

After speaking to a number of foreigners, you might be forgiven for thinking that no question could be ruder than “How old are you?”
Yes, asking a person’s age will likely get you into hot water, especially if you ask a woman. ________
It doesn’t matter how curious you are, asking someone how much he or she earns is a recipe (秘诀) for disaster.
In Western countries, a person’s salary is considered as private as their age. But maybe you are feeling brave and still want to try to find out how much your foreign friend earns.
Do not say: “How much money do you make?” The most likely reply will be: “That’s absolutely (绝对地) none of your business.”
You may then feel bad. What you’ve done is step on an invisible (无形的) cultural landmine (地雷). _____
Ask the person: “What do you do for a living?” or “What’s your job title?” _______
After they tell you their job title, you can make a rough (粗略的) guess at their salary based on the industry average.
Once you learn their job title, you could ask: “That’s interesting. I’m considering a career in that line of work. Can you give me a rough idea what the pay scale (薪酬标准) is like?”
You have a much better chance of getting information with a tactful (得体的) question like this than with a straight question.
Of course, there are people who choose to sidestep the issue with replies such as: “Oh, I get by”. Some might jokingly reply “Not nearly enough.”
_______ After all, money isn’t everything.
A. Get over it and try again another time.
B. Most people will be happy to give you an answer.
C. Many people don’t mind talking about it, but some take offence (生气) if asked.
D. At this point, it’s best to change the subject.
E. Then you need to phrase the question tactfully.
F. Your foreign friend would probably get angry with you.
G. However, money is just as sensitive (敏感的) an issue as age.

In a class for adults, I gave the class homework. It was to go to someone you love and tell them you 1 them. It has to be someone you have 2 said those words to before or haven’t shared those words with for a long time.
The people in my class were all over 35. They had learned that it was not mature (成熟的) to express their 3 . So this was very 4 for some of them.
At the beginning of our next class, I asked 5 someone wanted to share his experience. A man raised his hand. He appeared quite 6 and a bit shaken.
He began, “Dennis, I was very 7 when you gave us this homework because I didn’t feel I had anyone to say those words to. 8 on my way home, there was a voice which told me exactly who I needed to say ‘I love you’ to. You see, five years ago, my father and I had a serious 9 and never resolved (解决) it since that time. We 10 seeing each other unless we had to be at Christmas or other family gatherings. So last Tuesday by the time I got home I had 11 myself I was going to tell my father I loved him.”
“The next day, I was at my parents’ house 12 the doorbell. It was Dad who answered the door. I took one step in the door and said, ‘Dad, I just 13 to tell you that I love you.’’’
“It was as if a transformation (转变) came over 14. Before my eyes his face softened, the wrinkles (皱纹) seemed to disappear and he began to cry. He 15 and hugged me and said, ‘I love you too, son.’”
“It was such a precious moment. But that’s not even my 16 . Two days after that visit, my dad, who had a heart attack and 17 in hospital, unconscious (不省人事的).”
“So my 18 to all of you in this class is this: Don’t 19 to do the things you know need to be done. 20 I had waited to tell my dad maybe I will never get the chance again!”
1. A. recognize B. respect C. appreciate D. love
2. A. ever B. never C. always D. regularly
3. A. emotions B. opinions
C. thoughts D. worries
4. A. curious B. simple
C. difficult D. boring
5. A. that B. what C. if D. why
6. A. angry B. moved C. calm D. annoyed
7. A. confused B. panicked
C. satisfied D. delighted
8. A. So B. But C. Even if D. Even so
9. A. project B. discussion
C. announcement D. disagreement
10. A. continued B. tried
C. avoided D. enjoyed
11. A. reminded B. convinced
C. excused D. adapted
12. A. knocking B. applying C. fixing D. ringing
13. A. came out B. came up
C. came over D. came across
14. A. my dad B. my mom C. me D. us
15. A. accepted B. reached
C. froze D. wandered
16. A. fact B. impression C. feeling D. point
17. A. made up B. set up
C. ended up D. took up
18. A. message B. note
C. report D. information
19. A. promise B. wait C. refuse D. forget
20. A. What if B. How come
C. If only D. Now that
D1 1. 1) Shiny silver and gold tinsel.
2) Paper snowflakes. 3) Mistletoe.
2. It grows on the branches or trunks of trees and gets nutrients from them.
3. They might kiss/It might end in romance.
4. To drive off evil spirits and prevent witches from entering the house.
5. 然而,在中世纪,槲寄生还有一个重要得多的用途。

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