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467期 高二Quiz time

Their world, our... (P4)
Choose the best answer:
1. With the article, the author intends to tell us ______.
A. that Dickens’ works are no longer popular among young people
B. why the British government puts Dickens on school reading lists
C. why Dickens’ books still appeal to readers today
D. why Dickens is considered the greatest writer in the world
2. According to the article, people still read Dickens because of _______.
a. government education instructions
b. the books’ moral messages
c. romance in the books
d. his insight into human nature
e. his descriptions of the current economic crisis
f. his colorful characters
A. a, b, d, f
B. a, c, d, f
C. b, d, e, f
D. b, c, d, e
3. What can we infer from the article?
A. The current economic crisis is similar to that in the 19th century.
B. Dickens’ works show people something about their own time.
C. Human nature seems worse during bad times.
D. It’s better to read Dickens’ novels during difficult times.
4. Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the article?
A. Dickens is as great a poet as Shakespeare.
B. Great works remain powerful as time goes by.
C. Some of Dickens’ unknown works have recently been discovered.
D. Strange works do not remain popular.

The cartoon life of... (P4)
1. What do The Simpsons mean to Americans? (No more than 10 words)

2. What makes The Simpsons so successful, according to the article? (No more than 10 words)

3. What changes did The Simpsons bring to the cartoon in Western society? (No more than 15 words)

4. Translate the following sentence into Chinese:
The show runs on hilarious dialogue and jokes that make fun of popular culture, religion, politics, family values and the ordinary struggles of living.

5. What is your favorite cartoon series? Why? (No more than 25 words)

Saying no starts... (P5)
Choose the best answer:
1. The example of a girl eating cheesecake is used to ______.
A. prove most girls lack willpower
B. show how easily people give in to their desires
C. introduce the issue of willpower
D. indicate the connection between willpower and success
2. What can we infer from the experiment?
A. The scientists did not expect the results to turn out as they did.
B. It indicated that willpower is the most important factor for success.
C. The children who chose to wait were likely to succeed in their future careers and lives.
D. The children who only accepted one marshmallow at that start had stronger willpower.
3. Why can we say that willpower is like our muscles?
a. You shouldn’t overuse it.
b. Rest and good food are good for it.
c. Setting goals is good for it.
d. It needs regular exercise.
A. abc
B. acd
C. abd
D. bcd
4. What is the article mainly about?
A. What the effect of willpower is.
B. How willpower and muscles are similar.
C. How willpower is linked to success.
D. The significance of willpower and how we can strengthen it.

Just doing my job (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. What does the underlined word “complement” in the third paragraph mean?
A. Cause trouble for.
B. Combine well with.
C. Bring changes to.
D. Make it easier for.
2. Which of the following is TRUE about the author’s husband?
A. He is as cool as the author in the children’s eyes.
B. He loves adventure even if it is dangerous for the children.
C. He doesn’t spend as much time as the author does with the children.
D. He does more exciting activities with the children.
3. What kind of mother is the author, according to the article?
a. one who is careful about the children’s health and safety
b. one who is good at using household appliances
c. one who is warm and gentle
d. one who loves being close to nature
A. abc
B. ac
C. acd
D. ad
4. What is the biggest difference between the author’s parenting style and role and that of her husband, according to the article?
A. The author focuses on the children’s studies, while her husband is in charge of their entertainment.
B. The author watches sports games with the children, while her husband teaches them how to play.
C. The author looks after the children at home, while her husband takes them to play in the open air.
D. The author takes care of the children, while her husband mainly has fun with the children.


1. Which of these people can get into the Houses of Parliament free of charge?
A. Interpreters.
B. Disabled people.
C. Children younger than 4.
D. People older than 60.
2. How much do a couple and their son in college need to pay to enter the Houses of Parliament?
A. 36. B. 37.
C. 38. D. 40.
3. Which of the following is TRUE of language tour times?
A. After 15.30, only French is available.
B. Spanish is only available in the morning.
C. Tours in Italian and Spanish are the most frequent.
D. The time that German is available is the shortest of all.

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