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505期 高三Quiz time

Make the interview a ... (P3)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the author’s purpose in writing the article?
A. To discuss the main purpose of the interview from the college’s perspective.
B. To inform readers about how to communicate with college interviewers.
C. To introduce how to prepare resumes before the college interview.
D. To give tips on how to make a good impression during the college interview.
2. What are the benefits of bringing your resume to the interview according to the article?
a. It shows your respect for the interviewer.
b. It helps the interviewer to know more about you.
c. It shows the research you have done on the college.
d. It may lead the talk in the direction you desire.
A. a, b B. a, c
C. b, d D. c, d
3. The underlined word “demonstrate” in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. imagine B. show C. handle D. demand
4. Which of the following are you advised to do during the college interview?
A. Play with your phone while waiting for your turn to speak.
B. Tap your fingers or your feet when you feel nervous.
C. Avoid saying “um” “like” and “you know”.
D. Introduce to the interviewer all the achievements that you’ve made in the past year.

Day 2
Best cabs in the world (P4)
Choose the best answer:
1. According to the article, cab drivers in London tend to ______.
A. be friendly and serious
B. be impatient and rude
C. be talkative and skilled
D. take little interest in politics
2. In which of the following ways does the author develop the article?
A. Through cause and effect analysis.
B. With comparisons and examples.
C. By following the order of time.
D. By presenting research findings.
3. According to the article, the author prefers Beijing taxis mainly because _______.
A. they are much more convenient than those in London
B. the journeys are cheap, fun and educational
C. they are as reliable as those in London but much cheaper
D. she was always given discounts for practicing English with drivers
4. Which best describes the writer’s tone in the article?
A. Humorous. B. Scientific.
C. Loving. D. Concerned.

Day 3
Big change for the sun (P5)
Choose the best answer:
1. What will happen to the sun soon according to the article?
A. The sun’s magnetic activities will decrease.
B. The sun’s magnetic poles will reverse themselves.
C. The sun’s surface temperature will rise to about 5,500 degrees Celsius.
D. The sun’s magnetic field will increase its size and get closer to the Earth.
2. By mentioning a tide, Todd Hoeksema intends to _______.
A. show that the sun and the tide both have a cycle
B. explain how the sun’s magnetic field changes
C. analyze what leads to changes in the sun’s magnetic field
D. point out the differences in the magnetic activities of the sun and the tide
3. According to the article, when the sun switches its poles, _______.
A. sunspots usually appear near both of the sun’s poles
B. the sun’s activity increases and decreases in turn
C. few visible auroras will appear in the sky
D. the particles the sun sends into space can have some bad effects

No more machines (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. What’s the author’s purpose in writing the first two paragraphs?
A. To indicate high technology can make our future life very efficient.
B. To warn readers of the possible dangers of robotic nurses and doctors.
C. To describe a possible future scene where robots take control of our life.
D. To predict how technology can affect the way we see a doctor in the future.
2. What is the main reason that the author prefers being served by humans rather than by robots?
A. Robots don’t offer to give store coupons.
B. Robots are indifferent and emotionless.
C. Services from robots cost more time and money.
D. Robots can’t do a job as well as humans do.
3. What does “an element” in the second-to-last paragraph refer to?
A. Humor. B. The ability to speak.
C. Changes. D. Effective communication.
4. What’s the author’s attitude toward machines?
A. She is absolutely against their existence in her life.
B. She wishes that one day machines would come to life.
C. She doesn’t like that they get involved in her life too much.
D. She is afraid that they would take the place of human beings on Earth.

Day 5
My father was a simple man. I don’t__1__him “ooohhing” or “ahhing” over anything I did as a child. Don’t get me wrong; I knew that he__2__us, but he wasn’t the type to __3__his kids with compliments. He showed his love in other ways.
I always __4__that my parents had a good marriage,__5__just before I turned 16, that belief was tested. Things seemed__6__between them – that I had noticed. Still, I wasn’t__7__for my Mom to sit us down and tell us that Dad was actually__8__. The night before he left, I wrote a letter explaining how much I loved him and__9__him, with a baby photo of myself attached. I ran out to the car and secretly slipped the letter into one of his bags. I knew he would __10__.
Two weeks went by with no__11__from my father. Then, one afternoon, I came home from school to find my mom waiting to talk to me. With tears in her eyes, she told me that she and Dad had decided that their__12__was worth saving.
“Jane,” my Mom explained: “Dad said that when he found your__13__, it ‘made everything clear to him.’ Whatever you wrote, it__14__a lot.” She didn’t ask what it said, though. She knew that was our secret.
The next day, my dad came home __15__. My parents’ marriage grew stronger each year after that. When they eventually received the__16__from the doctor that Dad had heart disease, they__17__it together, all the way. He died at 55, too young.
Later that year, my brother came to my home for a visit. The first thing he said was: “Jane, Dad__18__this for you.” In his hand was the letter from all those years before. My simple father, who never showed his__19__, had saved the gift that came from the bottom of my heart.
A man of few__20__, Dad still made his love perfectly clear. He was a simple man, sure – but a great one.

1. A. remind B. remember C. forget D. recognize
2. A. loved B. respected
C. taught D. needed
3. A. teach B. ask C. show D. keep
4. A. believed B. doubted C. expected  D. persuaded
5. A. since B. so C. and D. but
6. A. simple B. tense C. exciting D. peaceful
7. A. surprised B. confused C. prepared D. certain
8. A. dying B. traveling
C. changing D. leaving
9. A. needed B. supported C. missed D. hurt
10. A. ignore B. understand C. reply D. return
11. A. money B. word C. present D. report
12. A. marriage B. work C. project D. house
13. A. doll B. card C. book D. letter
14. A. taught B. meant C. cost D. changed
15. A. at times B at one time C. for good D. for a while
16. A. letter B. story C. news D. message
17. A. went through B. went over C. turned to D. stuck to
18. A. made B. left C. collected D. prepared
19. A. care B. wealth
C. skills D. emotions
20. A. friends B. hobbies C. words D. ambitions

D1 1-4 BBCC D2 1-4 ACDA D3 1-4 BDDB
D4 1-4 DBDC D5 1-5 CDACB 6-10 ADBCC
11-12 BA

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