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476期 初二Quiz time

1. What did Mrs Green love?
A. Animals. B. Flowers. C. Summer.

2. Where did Mrs Green talk with the boy?
A. In her garden.
B. On the street.
C. Outside her door.

3. How old was the boy?
A. 7. B. 11. C. 17.

4. What did the boy want to do?
A. To buy flowers.
B. To sell flowers.
C. To pick flowers.

5. In the end, there were _____ in Mrs Green’s garden.
A. no flowers
B. many flowers
C. fewer flowers

Learning a lot from the ... (P3)
Answer the following questions:

1. Does the writer like sea animals?

2. What is the situation for hawksbill turtles and Steller sea lions?

3. Why did the workers ask the students to touch the stingray?

4. 翻译文中划线句子:
I know that we should learn to respect and
protect these endangered animals, because
that’s also how we can protect ourselves.

5. What was the form about?

6. What did the writer think of this trip? (No more than three words.)

Ouch! Why did that hurt ... (P5)
Choose the answer:
1. You can feel little paper cuts on your fingertips easily because _____.
A. you turn a page at a very fast speed
B. the paper that cuts you is the sharpest
C. there are more nerve fibers in fingertips
than in any other parts of the body
D. there are no nerve fibers in other parts of
the body

2. What do the nerve fibers do when the fingertips are hurt?
A. Send touch and pain messages to the
B. Receive information from the brain.
C. Send touch and pain messages to our
D. Help the fingertips heal.

3. According to the article, we learn that _____.
A. the edges of paper are much sharper than
B. paper cuts cause more damage
C. it’s better to use a dull knife to cut meat
D. our eyes can’t see paper cuts easily

4. You can reduce the pain of a paper cut by _____.
A. covering the wound with clothes
B. using a band-aid
C. killing nerve endings
D. exposing the wound to the air

Throw away bad stones (P6)
Choose the answer:

1. What did the writer think when his uncle took out a stone from his backpack?
A. He thought he said too many words.
B. He thought his uncle found better stones.
C. He thought his uncle wanted him to feel
D. He thought those stones were not useful.

2. From the sentence “The stones were almost bursting out”, we can tell that the writer _____.
A. complained too much on the way
B. did a great job for his uncle
C. enjoyed collecting stones very much
D. chose a wrong bag to carry the stones

3. The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 6 refers to _____.
A. the stones
B. the backpacks
C. active thoughts
D. negative thoughts

4. The story mainly tells us that _____.
A. we should be kind to take others’ advice
B. we should keep a sunny attitude toward
C. we should make a plan before doing things
D. we should be negative about life

When I was 13 years old, a boy gave me an important gift. It was a 1 . It was the early autumn of my first year at junior high school and my old school was far away. No one knew
2 I was. I was very lonely and afraid to make friends with 3 .
Every time I heard the other students talking and laughing, I 4 my heart break. I couldn’t talk to anyone about my problem, and I didn’t want my parents to 5 me. Then one day, my classmates talked happily with one another, but I sat at my desk 6 as usual. At that moment, a boy entered the classroom. I didn’t know who he was. He passed me and then turned back. He 7 me with a smile and said nothing.
Suddenly I felt the touch of something bright and friendly. It 8 me feel happily, lively and warm. That smile changed my 9 . I started to talk with the other classmates and made friends. Day by day, I became closer to everyone in my class. The boy has become my best friend now.
I believe that the world is what you think it is. 10 you think you are lonely, you may always be alone. So smile at the world and it will smile back.

1. A. smileB. magazine
C. box D. camera
2. A. where B. who
C. what D. how
3. A. someone B. everyone
C. anyone D. nobody
4. A. tasted B. smelled
C. feared D. felt
5. A. hear about B. talk about
C. care for D. worry about
6. A. slowly B. politely
C. unhappily D. naturally
7. A. listened to B. looked at
C. took pride in D. rushed at
8. A. made B. led
C. offered D. threw
9. A. life B. study
C. friends D. mind
10. A. But B. Although
C. Because D. If


【Listening Cafe】 ABCB
Hello, I’m Mike. I am 14. When I learned English at the age of 9, I thought it was enough to memorize the new words and the sentences. But when I was older, I found my listening was poor. I sometimes couldn’t understand people when they talked to me in English. I was so sad that I even lost interest in learning English. Then my best friend knew my problem and he advised me to join an English club to improve it. It was amazing. Talking with others really helped a lot. I felt very encouraged. I often go to the club now.
【P2】 BCB
【P3】1. To be kind and help others.
2. Because she likes helping others.
3. She finds joy in doing it.
4. From her own experience when she was 8 years old.
5. They should get help from teachers and parents.
Cloze: 1-5 BDABC 6-10 ABDBC

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