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586期 高二Quiz time

Day 1
Happiness isn’t tied ... (P3)
Choose the best answer:
1. What was the main purpose of the Gallup poll among 29,650 college graduates?
A. To get a list of the most popular types of colleges in the US.
B. To find out the benefits of studying at a prestigious college.
C. To explore factors that have an effect on the happiness of college graduates.
D. To study the connection between the prestige of a college and happiness of its graduates.
2. We can infer from the article that ______.
A. graduates from Ivy League schools usually get higher income
B. teachers from prestigious colleges pay more attention to the needs of their students
C. admission to a famous college doesn’t guarantee students a happy and successful life
D. college graduates majoring in education are very popular in the US job market
3. Which of the following factors should be considered when choosing a college, according to the article?
a. the admission rate of a college
b. academic achievements
c. work ethics of the teaching staff
d. tuitions and scholarships
e. the prestige of a college
A. abc B. ace C. bcd D. bde

Day 2
Potatoes to become ... (P4-5)
Choose the best answer:
1. The main purpose of the first two paragraphs is to ______.
A. explain what makes up a healthy meal in Chinese cuisine
B. lead up to the topic of staple food in different cultures
C. present the popularity of potatoes in Chinese cuisine
D. inform readers of the history and changes of Chinese cuisine
2. According to the report from Xinhua News Agency, ______.
A. the yearly food demand in China will reach 50 billion kilograms by 2020
B. potatoes should not be considered as a vegetable any more
C. potatoes will replace wheat as a new staple food in China
D. potatoes will be a solution to China’s food shortage problems
3. Which of the following statements about staple food in foreign cultures is TRUE?
A. Britons prefer having their potatoes fried rather than steamed.
B. Potatoes have been a staple food in the UK for over 400 years.
C. People in the US never eat their bread without butter.
D. In Mexico, corn is mainly used to make corn chips.
Day 3
Growing food on Mars (P5)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the article mainly about?
A. A recent technical breakthrough in space travel.
B. An inspiring plan to grow plants on Mars.
C. A grand mission to build human settlements on Mars.
D. A detailed introduction to the harsh environment on Mars.
2. According to the article, a great challenge the #LettuceOnMars project faces is that ______.
A. plants need gravity to grow in space and on Mars
B. there is too much carbon dioxide in Mars’ atmosphere
C. it is impossible for plants to survive on their own in Mars’ environment
D. scientists are still finding ways to send the lettuce seeds through space
3. Which of the following procedures for the #LettuceOnMars project are correct?
a. Seeds, water, nutrients and an atmosphere are put into a greenhouse.
b. The lettuce seeds are frozen during the space trip.
c. The greenhouse is heated to a temperature above 24oC.
d. Carbon dioxide is taken from Mars’ atmosphere.
e. Water and nutrients are sprayed on soil to help lettuce grow.
A. acd B. abd C. ade D. bcd
4. The author of the article ______ the #LettuceOnMars project.
A. is doubtful ofB. is optimistic about
C. is strongly againstD. is uninterested in
Day 4
Too much wisdom (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. When the author found that she had three more wisdom teeth than a normal person, she ______.
A. found it quite funny
B. dealt with the pain calmly
C. was confused and anxious
D. kept it a secret from others
2. The intellect jokes from the author’s family and friends were intended to ______.
A. persuade the author not to remove her wisdom teeth
B. advise the author to work hard to improve her intelligence
C. make fun of the author in a light-hearted way
D. let the author know why she is often tongue-tied
3. When the author came up with the idea of tooth farming, she ______.
A. believed that her wisdom teeth would grow back
B. thought she could rely on it to make a living
C. had already made up her mind to remove all her wisdom teeth
D. was deeply aware that the idea couldn’t become reality
4. What is the article mainly about?
A. People’s different reactions to the author’s wisdom teeth.
B. The author’s ideas for making use of her wisdom teeth.
C. How the author has gotten on with her extra wisdom teeth.
D. How the author has decided to remove her wisdom teeth.
5. What is the tone of the article?
A. Humorous. B. Serious. C. Curious. D. Excited.
Day 5
For the past 15 years, Pauline Grace of Harper Woods, Michigan, has provided a lot of services to her local seniors group, Services for Older Citizens, a volunteer organization of 400. She updates computer lists, answers the telephones, calls bingo games, delivers bread to local 1 , and helps organize teas and parties.
Like many other 2 , this 77-year-old feels fulfilled (有成就感的). She also 3 volunteerism helps her manage the 4 she lives with daily. “I have fibromyalgia (纤维增生), and my neck and back 5 at times,” she said.
“When I am active, I 6 about it. Often when I get home, I think, ‘Oh, my gosh, I 7 the whole day without feeling the pain.’ I don’t like to 8 others about the pain, and it isn’t horrible. But I think volunteering helps me with it.”
It appears that volunteering may 9 special dividends (红利) for seniors who have chronic (慢性的) 10 conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, depression, high blood pressure, or Alzheimer’s disease.
About 75 percent of US seniors and 86 percent of Canadian seniors with chronic pain say that staying 11 through volunteering helps them 12 these conditions, according to research conducted by the Home Instead Senior Care® network.
The 13 benefits of volunteering are also 14 relevant for seniors with chronic conditions. 15 , 77 percent of seniors with chronic conditions say a(n) 16 reason they volunteer is to 17 feeling depressed (沮丧的), compared with 63 percent of seniors without chronic conditions.
Senior volunteer Pauline 18 . “It’s a pleasure to volunteer. I don’t know if I could just sit around at home and do 19 . I think that would 20 me, if I had to stay home without anything to do day in and day out.”

1. A. citizensB. patients C. studentsD. seniors
2. A. teachersB. deliverers C. volunteersD. pioneers
3. A. expects B. doubts
C. believes D. imagines
4. A. fearB. pain C. confusionD. anger
5. A. bendB. hurt C. brokeD. damage
6. A. forgetB. know
C. thinkD. complain
7. A. got through B. turned over C. searched for D. set aside
8. A. warnB. accept C. ask D. tell
9. A. catch B. pay C. decidesD. take
10. A. breathB. health C. safetyD. anxiety
11. A. activeB. careful C. patientD. friendly
12. A. considerB. prepare C. manageD. share
13. A. emotionalB. physical C. economicD. cultural
14. A. immediately B. particularly
C. finallyD. rarely
15. A. In turnB. In a word C. For exampleD. Obviously
16. A. extraB. funny C. excitingD. important
17. A. enjoyB. risk C. overcomeD. understand
18. A. agreesB. explains C. complainsD. denies
19. A. something B. everything
C. anything D. nothing
20. A. embarrassB. depress
C. confuseD. surprise

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