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463期 初三Quiz time

1. Where was Sam and Tom’s mother?
A. In the bedroom.
B. In the kitchen.
C. In the living room.

2. How did their mother feel when
she called the two boys?
A. Happy.
B. Angry.
C. Calm.

3. Who went into the room and got
a book that morning?
A. Tom.
B. Sam.
C. The father.

4. Who broke the china horse?
A. Tom.
B. Sam.
C. The father.


The happiest country (P2)
Choose the answer:
1. Which country ranks second according
to the World Happiness Report 2015?
A. Switzerland. B. China.
C. Iceland. D. Togo.

2. Besides the statistics, the research also
asked questions to see _____.
A. if people know much about their own nation
B. if people are satisfied with their life
C. if people have a good relationship with their friends
D. if people like to do charity work

3. Which of the following is TRUE of happiness?
A. The more money you have, the happier
you will be.
B. Happiness only can be measured by your
own feelings.
C. Happiness is also important for a nation’s
D. Happiness doesn’t belong to those who
live in poor countries.


US teens design ‘ultimate’... (P3)
Answer the following questions:
1. What was the assignment for New
Jersey eighth-graders in statistics class?

2. How would the students improve the

3. What did the kids think of their own pizza?

4. Did Pizza Hut like the students’ pizza

5. What did Pizza Hut prepare for the kids?


The positive power of feeling... (P5)
Choose the answer:
1. The aim of the first paragraph is to _____.
A. show that Villalta loves scuba diving
B. share Villalta’s experience with the reader
C. introduce the old sunken ship
D. introduce the feeling of awe

2. We are more likely to have the feeling
of awe when _____.
A. we swim in a swimming pool
B. we hang out with friends at night
C. we help people in need
D. we take part in a sports meeting

3. What can we benefit from feeling awe?
A. We will become braver.
B. We will like being challenged.
C. It can release our stress.
D. We can become kinder than before.

4. From the article, we can learn that _____.
A. the awe feeling will disappear soon after
the experience
B. writing the experience down can help
people keep their feeling of awe
C. on average, it is not easy for people to feel
awe in daily life
D. some extreme sports can bring people the
feeling of awe


You might go to a museum to look at old cars or the remains of an ancient civilization (文明). Would you go to see ice cream?
Believe it or not, there is a museum 1 ice cream in Iowa, US. Visitors can see a video that tells of the history of the delicious 2 .
It seems that ice cream dates back to 200 BC, 3 the Chinese mixed together ice, milk and sugar. 4 an afternoon looking at ice cream-related exhibits can make you a little 5 . No problem, the site has its own ice cream store, where you can taste some of them.
In Edinburgh, Scotland, there is a museum of 6 . The museum shows objects related to the lives of children in Scotland, past and present. You would 7 just toys, dolls, teddy bears and train sets. But there are also 8 which tell you what it was like to be a child in Scotland in older times.
It would be wonderful to visit the Children’s Discovery Museum in Bangkok, Thailand. The museum is 9 into sections of nature and environment, technology and kids’ activities. In this museum, you get to 10 the exhibits. You can pretend (假装) to be a firefighter in a fire truck or surround yourself by a giant soap bubble!
1. A. of B. on
C. at D. for
2. A. drink B. snack
C. place D. meal
3. A. where B. when
C. what D. how
4. A. Taking B. Costing
C. Spending D. Paying
5. A. hungry B. tired
C. upset D. worried
6. A. friendship B. childhood
C. entertainment D. toys
7. A. wish B. hope
C. expect D. dream
8. A. courses B. exhibits
C. stores D. reports
9. A. separated B. divided
C. spread D. changed
10. A. come up with B. take part in
C. run out of D. stay away from


【Listening Cafe】ABCC
听力原文:The “Walk to School Week” activity began in 1997 and has grown into an international event. The idea of this activity was to reduce the number of cars on the road during the rush hour of the day.The tenth “Walk to School Week” took place in Northern Ireland in 2012. The theme, “Step Forward in Time”, was encouraging children to develop the habit of green travel.
“It would be great if more people should leave their cars at home and take their children to school on foot. It saves money and makes the traffic better around school gates,” said Andy Bready, one of the organizers of the activity. In fact, one fifth of people in Northern Ireland use a car during the rush hour of the day to pick up their children after school. But many of these children live very close to school. Walking to school takes them less than ten minutes!
【Cloze】1-5 CABCA 6-10 BCACD


【Listening Cafe】 CBAC
听力原文:One Saturday afternoon, the sun was shining and the birds were singing outside. Sam and Tom were upstairs when they heard their mother call them. She was downstairs in the living room. They knew they were in trouble from her angry voice, so they went downstairs at once. The mother was standing by the window. Her favorite item, a china horse, was in pieces on the floor.
“Which of you broke it?” she asked. “It wasn’t me,” said Sam. “I’ve been out all day. I only got home ten minutes ago.”
“It wasn’t me either,” said Tom. “I came into the living room to get a book this morning, but the horse was still in one piece on the shelf when I left the room.”
Just then, the father walked in carrying a tube of glue. “I’ve come to repair your china horse,” he said to his wife. I happened to knock it off the shelf when I opened the window at lunchtime. I hope you didn’t think one of the boys was to blame. It wasn’t their fault.”
The mother looked worried. “I’m sorry I shouted at you,” she said to Sam and Tom.
【P2】 CBC
【P3】 1. To improve a kind of food they all like.
2. They would add everything they like and make it as crispy as possible. 3. They felt excited/happy with their pizza. 4. Yes, they did.
5. A pretzel-bacon-macaroni-and-cheese pizza A pizza made from their recipe.
【Cloze】 1-5 ABBCA 6-10 BCBBB

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