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502期 初二Quiz time

Day 1
1. Where does Susan come from?
A. China. B. The US. C. The UK.

2. Where did Susan go last Sunday?
A. To a cinema.
B. To a bookstore.
C. To a zoo.

3. How did Susan make herself
A. By drawing.
B. By making gestures.
C. By speaking Chinese.

4. Who helped Susan find the way?
A. A girl. B. A boy. C. A policeman.

Day 2
Raising the right type of ... (P3) Answer the following questions:
1. When did Goodpasture start breeding

2. What are Goodpasture’s chickens like?

3. What award did Goodpasture get?

4. Why was Goodpasture selected?

5. What other interests does Goodpasture

Day 3
Our universe: is it the only ... (P5)
Choose the answer:
1. Paragraph 1 mentions Zayn leaving One
Direction to _____.
A. introduce the multiverse theory
B. show how popular One Direction is
C. tell us how to be a good music fan
D. tell us something about Stephen Hawking

2. According to the multiverse theory,
A. Earth is better than any other planets
B. our universe exists among many similar
C. theoretical physics is fictional
D. there are no other planets like Earth

3. It’s difficult for us to reach other
possible life forms because _____.
A. we are too far away to reach them
B. we are two different kinds of life forms
C. we’re not as strong as them
D. our planet is too small

Day 4
Girl with a rose tests ... (P6)
Choose the answer:
1. When Steve saw the plain-looking
woman with a red rose, he felt _____.
A. disappointed B. happy
C. nervous D. upset

2. Miss Maynell did the test to see if Steve
A. came to the meeting on time
B. was young and handsome
C. could recognize her at once
D. judged people by their appearance

3. From the last paragraph we learn that
A. Steve invited the woman to dinner with
B. the woman was Miss Maynell’s close
C. the woman was Miss Maynell
D. Miss Maynell wanted to test Steve before
they met

4. The story tells us that _____.
A. friendship can bring people happiness
B. looks can give other people wrong ideas
C. inner beauty is more important than looks
D. good looks and a great mind can go

Day 5
The other day I was talking to a stranger on the bus. He said he had a good friend in Chicago. He wondered if I 1 him. For a minute, I thought he might have a 2 . But I could tell from his expression he did not. He was serious. I felt like saying that was funny to say I could possibly have ever met his friend in such a large city. But, 3 , I just smiled and told him Chicago was very big. I thought he would stop to talk about 4 else. But I was
5 . He was silent for a few minutes, and then he 6 to tell me all about his friend.
His friend’s main 7 in life seemed to be tennis. He was an excellent tennis player. He even had his own tennis court. I said I knew several people like that, including my brother, a doctor in California. 8 he asked me where my brother lived in California. When I said Sacramento, he said that was a coincidence (巧合) 9 his friend spent the summer there last year, living next door to a 10 with a tennis court. I said that was really a coincidence because my next-door neighbor had gone to Sacramento last summer and lived in the house
11 my brother’s. For a moment, we looked at each other, but said nothing.
“Is your friend’s name Roland Kirkwood?” I asked. He 12 and said: “Yes. Your brother is a doctor named Ray Hunter?” It was my turn to laugh. “Yes,” I replied.

1. A. liked B. saw
C. knew D. found
2. A. joke B. brother
C. letter D. story
3. A. suddenly B. luckily
C. instead D. however
4. A. anything B. nothing
C. everything D. something
5. A. wrong B. surprised
C. sorry D. happy
6. A. agreed B. began
C. seemed D. failed
7. A. idea B. progress
C. interest D. experience
8. A. But B. Then
C. Yet D. While  
9. A. because B. when
C. so that D. as if
10. A. player B. friend
C. businessman D. doctor
11. A. away from B. far from
C. next to D. towards
12. A. laughed B. nodded
C. shouted D. stopped


【Listening Cafe】CABAB
Dear Emily,
How is it going? It’s more than five months since I saw you last time. How I miss you! I am glad to tell you that we had a school trip on April 24. We set out from our school by bike at 7:20 am. An hour later we arrived at Cool Park. There we watched a monkey show. I felt very excited. After that we had lunch in a small restaurant. In the afternoon, we boated on the lake and enjoyed the beautiful view. At 4:15 pm, tired but happy, we rode our bikes back to school. How was your school trip? I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
【P2】1. 41.8 million tons.
2. The gold, silver, iron and copper in the waste around the world are worth some $52 billion.
3. The toxic chemicals can get into the soil or air, affecting the environment and people’s health.
4. (1) We can buy longer lasting electronic equipment.
(2) We can give our unwanted electronics to charities.
(3) We can also take our electronics to see if companies offer recycling programs.
5. They will test and repair the used ones and sell them at lower prices.
【P3】1. once 2. class rank
3. top grades and names 4. position
5. keep students on specific websites
6. their own grades
Cloze: 1-5 ABACD 6-10 CABDC


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