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601期 高二 Quiz time

Prom traditions (P3)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the article mainly about?
A. The routines that people follow for a prom.
B. Preparations before a prom.
C. Students’ opinions of the prom.
D. The impact of a prom on students’ social activities.

2. What happened to Mariah Scott on the day of the prom?
A. Her mother said she couldn’t go to the prom.
B. She was late for the prom due to a car accident.
C. Her date didn’t turn up to pick her up for the prom.
D. She was late for her makeup appointment but arrived at the prom in time.

3. Which of the following statements about the prom is TRUE according to the article?
A. Most students think it is an old-fashioned way to socialize.
B. It is no longer a way in which students celebrate their coming-of-age in the US.
C. Students are crazy about it and usually prepare well for it.
D. The fashions and music of the prom have stayed unchanged for decades.

Sunday roast ... (P4-5)
Topic: 1. ______ roast in the UK
trend● It seems to have been 2. ______ back in the old days and is getting less 3. ______.
● Only 4. ______ in 50 British families sits down to this weekly meal together.
5. ______ behind
the trend● In the busy modern world, people don’t seem to have the time or 6. ______ to make a roast.
● It takes several 7. ______ to cook a roast dinner.
● Nowadays people would rather spend time 8. ______ or at the cinema than staying at home cooking.
Suggestions● It would be a 9. ______ to let this fine old tradition disappear.
● Parents should turn the roast into a real 10. ______ event so that children can have fun cooking the food and clearing up together.

Experiences make ... (P5)
Choose the best answer:
1. The underlined word “empathetic” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. tolerant (容忍的)B. enthusiastic (热情的)
C. independent D. understanding

2. The following things are mentioned as awe-inspiring experiences EXCEPT ______.
A. scuba diving or witnessing the birth of a child
B. watching a meteor shower or visiting a forest
C. listening to your favorite music or going to a pop concert
D. looking at a waterfall or going on a nature hike

3. How do awe-inspiring experiences change the way people think about time and make them more prosocial, according to the research?
A. By changing their emotional response to something large.
B. By making them more focused on the present moment.
C. By making them realize that life is too short to waste.
D. By inspiring them to face the challenges ahead of them.

4. According to Paul Piff, ______.
A. awe is beneficial for social harmony
B. awe often comes in an unexpected way
C. only adventurous experiences inspire awe
D. awe makes us more confident in ourselves

Driving her crazy (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. What was the author’s reaction to his wife’s warning that he should fuel up before his fuel gauge dipped into the red area?
A. He was unhappy and argued with her.
B. He put his fingers in his ears when she spoke.
C. He followed her advice and did as she said.
D. He turned a deaf ear to what she said.

2. When the author’s car ran out of gas on his way to Hartland, he thought his wife would ______.
A. believe that he was able to help himself out
B. make fun of him
C. be sympathetic toward him
D. feel sorry that she wasn’t there to help

3. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A. The pastor encouraged the author to have faith in himself.
B. The pastor was amused by what the author was doing and couldn’t help laughing.
C. The author was happy that his pastor happened to drive by to help.
D. The pastor probably thought the author was pouring urine (尿) into the gas tank.

4. Which of the following best describes the author’s tone in this article?
A. Proud.B. Critical.
C. Humorous.D. Self-pitying.

Fitness Zone
Special offer
Look your best this summer with our wonderful equipment and a tailor-made (量身定制的) program made specially for you by one of our best personal trainers.
If you are having a difficult time getting active, Fitness Zone is where you want to be.
With a personal trainer assigned (指定) to you, you will be placed in a tailor-made program that will make you look your best in just 12 weeks.
With our program, you will get the full benefits of:
●Our one-on-one support and expert guidance by the top trainers in our industry.
●The use of the best fitness equipment, including free weights, treadmills and bikes.
●Ongoing group classes, from aerobics (有氧健身操) and yoga to dancercise and more.

So come for a free consultation (咨询) and get started today!
Don’t miss out!
Offer is good until this Friday.
610, St. George Street, Suite310, Chicago
Tel: 655-4866 Web: fitnesszone.com

1. Who can choose to join Fitness Zone?
A. People who want to keep fit.
B. People who are good at training others.
C. People who need a tailor-made suit.
D. People who have health problems.

2. What does the underlined phrase “look your best” mean?
A. Look in the mirror.
B. Try your best to see.
C. Look more confident.
D. Be in excellent condition.

3. What is not offered in the advertisement?
A. Group yoga classes.
B. The best fitness equipment.
C. Special fitness clothes.
D. Professional personal trainers.

4. This passage is written to _____.
A. recruit (招聘) top personal trainers
B. call on more people to do sports
C. call on people to join Fitness Zone
D. encourage people to get through difficult times

D1 1-3 DADD2 1-4 CDCB
D3 1-3 DDCD4 1-5 DFCBA
D5 1-5 AACDB
6. carrying 7. our 8. to tour 9. which 10. to
11. biggest 12. widely 13. that 14. were built 15. traditional

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