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559期 高三 Quiz time

Day 1
Risks of killer robots (P1)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the author’s main purpose in writing the text?
A. To analyze why the T-800 model appeals to moviegoers.
B. To promote Schwarzenegger’s new movie Terminator Genisys.
C. To explore the development and impact of autonomous machines.
D. To show that the technology shown in science fiction can become a reality.

2. What is the unique characteristic of autonomous weapons?
A. They are able to select targets very quickly and accurately.
B. They are driven by artificial intelligence instead of humans.
C. They are killing machines more powerful than tanks and battleships.
D. They are red-eyed robots able to carry out all kinds of strike missions.

3. The underlined word “inevitable” in Paragraph 5 probably means ______.
A. to be expected B. to be improved C. to be prevented D. to be controlled

4. What is scientists’ attitude toward autonomous weapons?
A. They could be used to fight against terrorists in the future.
B. Their decision-making abilities should be further developed.
C. They could bring a huge disaster to the human race if they are not banned.
D. They should replace gunpowder and nuclear arms in future wars.

Day 2

Ireland’s great works (P4)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the author’s main purpose in writing the article?
A. To inform the reader of Ireland’s colonial history.
B. To analyze the characteristics of Irish literature.
C. To describe the cultural renaissance in Ireland.
D. To recommend works by some famous Irish writers.

2. According to the article, Irish works of literature ______.
A. have much in common with English literature
B. are well-known for their frequent use of satire
C. were greatly inspired by Ireland’s struggle for independence
D. have always reflected Irish people’s anger toward the English

3. “Bloomsday” is celebrated in Dublin to honor ______ and his masterpiece.
A. Samuel Beckett
B. Jonathan Swift
C. WB Yeats
D. James Joyce

4. How is the article mainly developed?
A. Through examples.
B. With comparisons.
C. Through cause and effect analysis.
D. By following the order of time.

Day 3
Look into hunters’ eyes (P5)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the article mainly about?
A. How animals keep track of moving objects.
B. Why animals have evolved with different shaped pupils.
C. How animals change their pupils’ shape when hunting for food.
D. How the pupils’ shape influences an animal’s ability to detect a predator.

2. According to the study, slit pupils ______.
A. help to provide a wider field of vision
B. are more likely to belong to big predators
C. are more likely to belong to those to get hunted
D. provide the sharpest way to judge hunting distance

3. What can we conclude from the article about plant-eating prey animals?
A. Their pupils allow more light to be received from both above and below.
B. Their pupils are able to help them scan their surroundings for threats.
C. Once they detect a predator, their eyes rotate to help them find where to run.
D. When they lower their heads to eat, they narrow their eyes to vertical slits.

Day 4

Getting me home (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. What trouble did the writer have?
A. She was informed of the web-based training too late and was going to miss it.
B. Her plane was delayed and she had to rearrange her connecting flight home.
C. She failed to give the web-based training as no one was informed to log in on time.
D. She had a big argument with an annoying airline gate agent and missed her flight.

2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A. The writer cancelled her web-based training permanently.
B. The writer took it for granted that Jim would pick her up from the airport.
C. Jim drove the writer all the way home from the airport to get her there in time for her training.
D. The writer caught her connecting flight and was back home in time for her training.

3. The writer felt worried about owning up to Jim because ______.
A. she knew he would get really upset and yell at her
B. she was afraid he might tell her friends
C. she was sorry that it had taken him so long to get home
D. she had mistaken the date for the training and he needn’t have picked her up

4. What do we know about Jim from the text?
A. He cares about his family.
B. He does not want to feel regret.
C. He is willing to do anything for his wife.
D. He loves driving more than anything else.

Day 5

One day, I was eating an apple when suddenly, I felt an apple seed in my mouth. I wanted to throw it away. But 1 , I looked at the apple seed – really looked. It was dark brown, almost black. Its shape 2 me of a candle flame. A little dark brown candle flame …
I realized I was 3 an apple tree in my hand - a little seed with the 4 to become a beautiful tree and 5 thousands of fruits and seeds, each able to grow a new tree again. 6 , then, wasn’t the world filled with apple trees?
It is a(n) 7 of nature that only a few of these seeds grow. Most 8 do or are destroyed early on in their growth. I put the apple seed on the table and bent down to 9 how the light was reflected from it, this tiny wonder of nature. I wondered, how many seeds would a farmer have to 10 for one seed to grow into a tree? How much 11 would it require?
Then it occurred to me that it’s quite often so with people’s 12 . Wonderful ideas come to our minds but they 13 too soon. We don’t protect them as we should. And then one day we 14 why our dreams never come true. The seeds of our dreams could never 15 on their own. Like the planting of an apple tree, it might take many 16 – such as the application sent a hundred times for that one good job, 17 the many people you meet in life before a true friend can be 18 .
I picked up the apple seed again – but instead of 19 it away I took an empty flower pot, poured some earth into it, and 20 the seed. I thought that maybe one day it would grow into a proud tree, and I would never know if I didn’t try.

1. A. still B. instead
C. also D. rather
2. A. warned B. convinced
C. reminded D. informed
3. A. catching B. expecting C. imagining D. holding
4. A. potential B. courage
C. intention D. patience
5. A. raise B. bear
C. gain D. eat
6. A. When B. How
C. What D. Why
7. A. rule B. step
C. order D. game
8. A. nearly B. just
C. never D. always
9. A. prove B. see
C. show D. guess
10. A. bury B. collect
C. produce D. save
11. A. money B. earth
C. work D. water
12. A. conditions B. dreams
C. chances D. faiths
13. A. increase B. change
C. die D. appear
14. A. explain B. doubt
C. decide D. wonder
15. A. grow B. develop
C. live D. destroy
16. A. choices B. goals
C. tries D. challenges
17. A. or B. yet
C. so D. as
18. A. kept B. helped
C. noticed D. found
19. A. putting B. throwing
C. taking D. giving
20. A. used B. removed
C. studied D. planted

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