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605期 高二 Quiz time

Trans fats’ dangers (P2)
Choose the best answer:
1. Why do food makers like to use trans fats?
A. They make foods fresher and can be stored for longer.
B. They are less expensive and tastier than animal fats.
C. They are made healthier by adding hydrogen to vegetable oil.
D. They can turn solid food into liquid, making it easier to transport.
2. Which of the following foods are said to contain trans fats?
A. Chips and coke.
B. Cakes and cookies.
C. Popcorn and hotdogs.
D. Noodles and dumplings.

3. Trans fats may cause diseases in ______, according to the article.
A. the skin and bones
B. the nerves and the brain
C. the lungs and the digestive system
D. the heart and blood vessels

4. What efforts have been made to regulate trans fats in food products?
A. In China, the level of trans fats must be shown on food labels.
B. In the US, food makers have to label foods that contain over 3 percent of trans fats.
C. The WHO has issued a ban on using trans fats in food products for children.
D. In Canada, food labels are required to say if products have over 1 percent of trans fats.

New coin shows UK’s symbols (P4-5)
Choose the best answer:
1. According to the author, what is the new coin’s most popular feature?
A. The picture on it.
B. The 12 sides it has.
C. Its young designer.
D. Its royal meaning.
2. When will the new coin be used?
A. In less than one year.
B. In about two years.
C. In about three years.
D. In about four years.

3. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. The rose stands for England and was first grown in England.
B. Scottish soldiers once used a thistle as a weapon.
C. People in Wales believe that a leek can cure colds and tell the future.
D. The shamrock has been a symbol of Ireland for over four centuries.

Looking at Earth’s core (P5)
Choose the best answer:
1. The author mentions Jules Verne’s novel Journey to the Center of the Earth in the first paragraph to ______.
A. discuss the possibility of going down to Earth’s center
B. show how much humans have discovered about Earth
C. paint a picture in our imagination of the dark world below
D. show humans’ deep interest in Earth’s center
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE about current research into Earth’s core?
A. Earth’s center is completely made up of iron.
B. Scientists have found samples of Earth’s core from the Kola Superdeep Borehole.
C. Scientists have no idea when and how iron made its way down to Earth’s core.
D. Earth has a higher density at its core than on its surface.

3. We can learn from the article that “S-waves” ______.
A. are often used to predict earthquakes
B. cannot travel through liquid material
C. are the most noticeable shockwaves produced by earthquakes
D. can travel most rapidly at 3,000 kilometers below Earth’s surface

4. We can infer from the last three paragraphs that ______.
A. research into Earth’s core has hardly made any progress in recent years
B. improvements in GPS systems could help people find out more about Earth
C. Earth’s core helps to protect humans from harm
D. scientists are likely to reach Earth’s center within dozens of years

Learn from birds (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. What did the author’s friend see out of the window?
A. A goose struggling to fly.
B. A goose whose wings were broken.
C. A goose whose feet were stuck in the ice.
D. A goose buried in the snow except for its head.

2. The author’s friend thought the swans would ______ when they saw it.
A. help the goose B. join the goose
C. ignore the goose
D. attack the goose

3. What did the swans do to the goose?
A. They stayed close to it to keep it warm.
B. They led it to find other geese in the sky.
C. They pulled it from the ice with their beaks.
D. They removed the ice surrounding its feet and wings.

4. What is the main purpose of the article?
A. To complain about humans’ coldness.
B. To urge people to help those in need.
C. To show friendship among animals.
D. To tell us to appreciate the good things around us.

A couple of months ago, I made a promise to myself.
I had put some money in an envelope in my 1 and set an intention to give this envelope 2 to the first person I came across who 3 it.
Months passed by, and 4 my daily life got busy, I was unable to keep my own 5 . Whenever I opened my wallet and saw the 6 , I was reminded of my 7 for it, and I would feel a little 8 for having not acted upon it.
The voice within told me to do 9 .
Today, while walking to work on a busy street, I passed a 10 elderly lady with her hands out on the sidewalk. Seeing her wrinkled (布满皱纹的) face and sightless eyes, I stopped 11 . Waves of sympathy washed over me, and I 12 the envelope of money that had been lying in my wallet all these months.
I 13 the money from the envelope and bent down to her level. 14 , I took her hand, pressed the dollar bills into her hand, and closed her fingers over them so that she could 15 the money and understand my gesture.
When I got up, I slowly moved away. I felt like I had 16 something. I had kept my 17 to myself. The lady slightly nodded her head. I felt 18 and moved on.
Afterwards, I thought about why such a 19 act had taken so long. This small act was a huge step toward facing and walking through my own fears around 20 . What a blessing it is to complete these generous (慷慨的) little gestures!

1. A. coat B. wallet
C. pocketD. handbag
2. A. back B. out
C. awayD. up
3. A. foundB. used
C. earned D. deserved
4. A. as B. until
C. though D. if
5. A. attentionB. promise
C. belief D. principle
6. A. sign B. note
C. photo D. envelope
7. A. intention B. respect 
C. design D. longing
8. A. satisfied B. disappointed
C. surprised D. angry
9. A. anythingB. nothing
C. somethingD. everything
10. A. deaf B. blind
C. tiredD. weak
11. A. immediatelyB. gradually
C. calmly D. unhappily
12. A. discovered B. ignored
C. forgot D. remembered
13. A. threw away B. took out
C. counted out D. added up
14. A. Nervously B. Proudly
C. GentlyD. Quickly
15. A. feel B. see
C. accept D. keep
16. A. missed B. explored
C. noticed D. achieved
17. A. idea B. word
C. experience D. message
18. A. worried B. awkward
C. blessed D. hopeful
19. A. brave B. heartwarming
C. common D. practical
20. A. givingB. doing
C. promisingD. communicating

D1 1-4BCBA
D2 1.Lazy, disorganized,untidy/casual. 2.Her casual lifestyle.
3.Because they are sad about their lost innocence and childhoods.
4."像日本一样,东亚国家的核心家庭(即两代人组成的家庭)越来越多",Hyun说,“所以人们很怀念樱桃小丸子三代同堂的家庭。”5.Makuro's popularity and the reasons behind it.
D3 1-3 ABA D4 1-5 DACAB D5 1-4 BCCD

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