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561期 高三 Quiz time

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  • Day 1
    Technology in the ... (P3)
    Choose the best answer:
    1. What is the article mainly about?
    A. The wide use of technology in US schools.
    B. The characteristics of American education.
    C. The advantages of using electronic equipment at school.
    D. The negative impact technology has had on education in the US.
    2. The underlined word “integrated” in Paragraph 2 probably means ______.
    A. divided B. banned C. limited D. included
    3. At the author’s school, _______.
    A. students are required to complete their homework and assignments online
    B. teachers are encouraged to use technology in their classes as often as they can
    C. authoritative databases are provided to help students learn math and science
    D. how well a student can use technology is linked with his or her academic performance
    4. What is the author’s attitude toward the use of technology in education?
    A. Doubtful. B. Negative.
    C. Supportive. D. Unconcerned.

    Day 2

    Film shows real war (P4)
    Choose the best answer:
    1. How is the documentary Images on Fire different from others?
    A. It is based on history books and archived films.
    B. It was filmed to commemorate a war victory.
    C. It has been made from real footage from actual historical events.
    D. It reflects the struggles and victories of Chinese people during the war.
    2. What are Paragraphs 5-9 mainly about?
    A. How Images on Fire was created.
    B. What Images on Fire focuses on.
    C. The impact of Images on Fire.
    D. The stories behind the filming of Images on Fire.
    3. Which of the following statements is TRUE of the documentary Images on Fire?
    A. It took the creators about two years to make it.
    B. All the frames were from 500 different archived films.
    C. It aims to remind people to learn from history and cherish peace.
    D. Anyone who sees the film will need time to recover from its tragic images.

    Day 3

    Mapping dark matter (P5)
    Choose the best answer:
    1. The author mentions aliens’ invasion of Earth at the beginning of the article mainly to ______.
    A. show that it’s a familiar scenario in Hollywood movies and video games
    B. tell the reader what Liu Cixin’s novel The Three-Body Problem is about
    C. lead up to the reasons why this scenario could just be imaginative
    D. get the reader to take an interest in the universe and basic physics
    2. What did Swiss astronomer Fritz Zwicky find out in 1933?
    A. Atoms are the basis of all matter in the universe.
    B. Atoms have been scattered into all corners of the universe.
    C. The galaxies are spinning so fast that they have a strong gravitational pull.
    D. There must be something invisible with a very strong gravitational pull in the universe.
    3. How can scientists find clouds of dark matter, according to the article?
    A. By studying the universe’s spinning.
    B. By observing the universe through telescopes.
    C. By finding clues from the “gravitational lensing” effect.
    D. By picking up the light that passes through it.
    4. What can we conclude from the article about the maps of dark matter?
    A. Currently, scientists are trying to figure out the shapes of dark matter.
    B. Scientists still have a long way to go to work out detailed maps of dark matter.
    C. The team working on the maps has already mapped out one-eighth of the universe.
    D. Gary Prezeau is pessimistic about getting enough detail for the maps.

    Day 4

    More than talent (P6)
    Choose the best answer:
    1. The author mentions the mechanic at the beginning of the article in order to ______.
    A. show respect for talented people
    B. say that everyone has talent in some field
    C. attract the reader’s interest in his following idea
    D. give his opinion that sometimes we all need professional help
    2. According to the business consultant, why can’t some people get rich?
    A. They don’t work hard.
    B. They lack professional skills.
    C. They don’t know how to manage money.
    D. They don’t seek help from business consultants.
    3. The underlined word “resigned” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to “_______ ”.
    A. dismissed B. quit C. refused D. quarreled
    4. What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?
    A. Job security leads you away from wealth.
    B. Talented people do not need to struggle to make money.
    C. People get rich simply by doing what they are capable of.
    D. Even talented people need to learn how to make a fortune.

    Day 5

    Listening test 1
    第一节 (共5小题)
    1. What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?
    A. Employer and employee.
    B. Next door neighbors. C. Two good friends.
    2. Why was Julie late?
    A. She got up later than usual.
    B. The bus was late.
    C. She forgot she had classes.
    3. What will the man and woman probably do?
    A. Stay where they are. B. Go for a walk.C. Go to a coffee shop.
    4. What did the woman buy her brother for Christmas?
    A. She bought him a watch.
    B. She has not bought him a present yet.
    C. She bought him a case for his coin collection.
    5. What does the woman mean?
    A. The fish is safe to eat.
    B. The man shouldn’t eat the fish.
    C. She doesn’t like fish at all.
    第二节 (共15小题)
    6. How does the man look today?
    A. He looks excited. B. He looks unhappy.
    C. He looks confused.
    7. What happened between the man and his neighbor?
    A. They had a big fight. B. He laughed at her.
    C. They have never talked to each other.

    8. When did the earthquake happen?
    A. 2:45B. 3:00C. 3:15
    9. Which floor did the man live on?
    A. On the first floor. B. On the second floor.
    C. On the third floor.

    10. When does the man usually go on his winter holiday?
    A. Before the 2nd week of January.
    B. Either in the 2nd or 3rd week of January.
    C. After the 3rd week of January.
    11. Which sport does the man love?
    A. Skating. B. Climbing mountains. C. Skiing.
    12. Why does the woman refuse the man’s invitation?
    A. She likes to stay at home.
    B. She dislikes the cold weather.
    C. She thinks it’s too far away.

    13. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
    A. Salesperson and customer.B. Old friends.C. Fellow workers.
    14. Where does the woman work?
    A. In a travel agency. B. In an oil company. C. In a law firm.
    15. What do we know about the woman?
    A. She is fond of her work.
    B. She is tired of traveling.
    C. She is interested in law.
    16. What is the man’s job?
    A. He’s a company manager.
    B. He’s a salesperson. C. He’s a lawyer.

    17. Why does the speaker suggest the passengers arrive early?
    A. To get a better seat.
    B. To get their boat tickets.
    C. To have time for breakfast.
    18. What does the speaker suggest the passengers bring?
    A. A hat. B. A jacket.
    C. A packed lunch.
    19. What are the passengers expected to do in Sausalito?
    A. Do some shopping.
    B. Visit the museum.
    C. Watch a performance.
    20. How long can the passengers stay at the Golden Gate Park?
    A. One hour. B. Two hours.
    C. Two and a half hours.

    D1 1-4 BCCDD2 1-3 BCD D3 1-3 CBCD
    D4 1-4 ABBAD5 1-4 BCCD

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