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作者:21ST    来源:《翻译界》编辑部    日期: 2020-08-20

目 录
AI 时代:语言的人文硬核及翻译教学                                                                                                 




吕奇    王树槐

















邓志辉    郝令喆








赵田园    许勉君

摘 要

吕奇  湖北大学

王树槐  华中科技大学

摘   要:英国汉学家蓝诗玲在翻译中国文学作品时,注重叙事的流畅性,关切目标语读者的阅读体验。然而过犹不及,蓝诗玲对读者无微不至的阅读关切有时演化为凡事替读者代劳的“保姆式翻译”,主要体现在:不定点的过度填充、变异的过度自然化、情感的过分移入、文化的过度归化、叹词的过多省略。蓝诗玲有时因译者介入程度过大造成译文留白不足,在兼顾“读者本位的译者”和“再创作者本位的译者”双重身份上存在些许瑕疵。


Abstract: When translating Chinese literary works, Julia Lovell, renowned British sinologist and translator, attaches importance to the reading experience of target language readers, which is applaudable. Yet sometimes her meticulous concern about reading experience leads to overattentive translation, which is demonstrated by filling in of “spots of indeterminacy” for the reader, neutralization of deviations, excessive empathy, over-domestication of source culture, and unnecessary omission of interjections. It is difficult for a translator to balance the two roles of “translator from reader’s stand” and “translator from rewriter’s stand”.

Keywords: overattentive translation; spots of indeterminacy; translator’s intervention; reading experience


曹培会  对外经济贸易大学

摘  要:本文从翻译、阅读两个方面分析庞德所译的《长干行》,并在中、英文学的互动中探究《长干行》的世界文学地位的形成,指出《长干行》之所以能够代表中国古典诗歌在英语世界历久不衰,是庞德的创译与目的语读者的语境化阅读共同作用的结果。


Abstract: This article analyzes “The River-Merchant’s Wife: A Letter”, a poem translated from Chinese by Ezra Pound, from two aspects - translation and reading - and aims to explore the English translation’s status in world literature. It argues that the imperishable charm of “The River-Merchant’s Wife: A Letter” in world literature is caused by the co-effort of the translator’s transcreation and target readers’ contextualized reading.

Keywords: Ezra Pound; “The River-Merchant’s Wife: A Letter”; transcreation; contextualized reading; world literature


张 欣  上海外国语大学

摘  要:余华的长篇小说《第七天》自首次付梓便引发热议,更凭英译本享誉海外。尽管如此,译作重虚构现实而轻叙事话语的审美背离并非无迹可寻。在文学文体学的观照下,本文拟借用“假象等值”这一概念囊括叙事话语的审美考量在小说翻译中蒙受遮蔽的消极现象,聚焦于具有典型性的句式层级,考查《第七天》英译本在节奏缓急、过程仿拟、伪共时性、叙事重心与累赘编码五个维度的假象等值局面,以求对中国文学“走出去”视域下的小说翻译和翻译批评有所警示与启发。


Abstract: The Seventh Day, a Chinese novel by Yu Hua, has witnessed a heated discussion ever since its publication in 2013 and becomes renowned overseas largely owing to its English translation. Nonetheless, the aesthetic treason caused by the translator’s neglect of narrative discourse and bias towards fictional reality can be found in the translation; the consequent deceptive equivalence, which conveys approximately the same fictional reality but fails to recreate the aesthetic effects generated by the linguistic forms of the original, cannot be overlooked. Informed by literary stylistics, this study focuses on the syntax of the narrative discourse and examines the deceptive equivalence in the English translation of The Seventh Day in terms of narrative pace, process imitation, pseudo-simultaneity, narrative prominence and redundant encoding. It is hoped that the discussion will provide inspiration for contemporary Chinese fiction going global and the Chinese-English literary translation criticism.

Keywords: literary stylistics; syntax; deceptive equivalence; The Seventh Day


孙三军  北京外国语大学

摘  要:广义上的翻译策略是翻译研究中的核心论题,与主流翻译理论有着千丝万缕的联系。然而由于“翻译策略”近义词众多,同时在不同的研究领域有着不同的含义与用法,该词概念界定不清,用法混乱。本文将“翻译策略”的近义词分为内圈、中圈和外圈,对其用法与联系进行了描述和解析,同时依据研究现状,识别出翻译策略研究的三条路径:即翻译过程、翻译教学、译文分析。在这三条路径中,翻译策略的含义及其近义词的使用各不相同。本文认为,“翻译策略”“翻译方法”“翻译技巧”三个概念的区分可基于翻译单位:翻译策略对应着文化(传播)层面,针对不同的翻译目的;翻译方法对应着语篇层面,针对一个翻译目的;翻译技巧对应着语段及语段以下层面,针对不同的翻译问题。


Abstract: Translation strategies in the general sense have been a core topic in translation studies and have direct connections with mainstream translation theories. Yet, the term “translation strategy” suffers from conceptual confusion due to the abundance of synonyms in common use and of meanings in different research areas. This study organizes “translation strategy” and its synonyms into three concentric circles based on the strength of their relationship and frequency of use, and describes their similarities and differences. It identifies three major research paths for translation strategies, i.e., translation process research, translation pedagogy, and textual analysis of translation; in these three paths, the meanings of translation strategy and the uses of its synonyms are different. This study suggests that the distinction of translation strategy, method and technique can be based on the concept of translation unit; translation strategies work on the cultural level and are for different purposes; translation methods work on the textual level and are for a determined purpose; translation techniques work on paragraphs or smaller units and are for different translation problems.

Keywords: translation strategies; translation techniques; translation methods

英国视听翻译教学及其对我国 MTI 教学的启示 

张娟  华中农业大学

摘  要:我国翻译专业硕士(MTI)的目标是为了培养应用型翻译人才,培养方向分两种:笔译和口译。英国的应用型翻译硕士专业往往有三个方向:视听翻译、科技翻译、口译。本文以伦敦大学学院为例,系统地介绍英国视听翻译方向硕士生培养情况,并将其特点归纳总结如下:注重机辅翻译教学、教学理念以市场为导向、教学师资分配合理、教学方法独特灵活、课程设置全面系统、提供在线翻译课程、教学设施先进齐全。根据这些特点,本文提出在我国现行MTI 培养体系中增设视听翻译方向、提供面向社会人员的翻译技能培训、充实教学师资队伍、完善教学软硬设备、广开实习实践渠道、开发在线翻译课程等建议。


Abstract: The Master of Translation and Interpreting (MTI) degree in China is to improve students’ translation and interpreting competence so that they can become proficient translators and interpreters when they graduate, and there are two tracks: (written) translation and interpreting. By comparison, in the U.K., the taught Master’s degrees in translation & interpreting often offer three tracks: audiovisual translation, scientific and technical translation, and interpreting. This paper takes the University College of London as an example and introduces the audiovisual translation programs in the U.K. It finds the following characteristics: emphasizing computer-aided translation, aligning with the development of the language industry, appointing experienced faculty members, having a balanced curriculum and advanced teaching facilities, and providing online courses. Accordingly, this paper proposes to add audiovisual translation track to the MTI degree and discusses the implications for MTI education in China.

Keywords: audiovisual translation; translation education; Master of Translation and Interpreting


陆艳  上海立信会计金融学院

摘  要:随着网络信息技术的发展,众包翻译开始逐步成为新型的翻译模式。对众包译者参与动机的研究可以揭示众包翻译能够吸引到大量的参与者的原因,从而更好地分析众包翻译的特征。通过对主流众包网站众包译者参与动机的质性研究,本文发现众包译者的参与动机可以划分为内部动机、外部动机和内部化的外部动机三大类。兴趣和爱好是内部动机最重要的构成,而技术驱动使众包译者参与的外部动机具有了内部化的特征,以发展机遇为目的的外部动机是保持众包译者持续参与的关键因素。


Abstract: With the development of technology, translation crowdsourcing has become a new practice. This study seeks to identify the motivations of crowdsourced translators. A qualitative exploration was conducted based on the posts published online by translators and organizations. It is found that crowdsourced translators are driven mostly by internal motivations, especially personal interests. Other factors like the needs of respect, socialization, improving skills also influence the participation of translators and are fostered by the use of technology. The external motivations like career prospects provide critical incentives for translators to be passionate. 

Keywords: translation crowdsourcing; motivation; qualitative research


徐鑫涛  南开大学

摘  要:伴随着“一带一路”建设的推进,我国与周边国家的跨文化交流活动日渐丰富,语言服务市场愈加繁荣,孕育出了一大批语言服务企业。译者能力是译者在语言服务业发展的关键。本文结合语言服务业的发展,追溯不同学者和模型对译者能力内涵的阐释,厘清语言服务业发展所需要的能力,提出语言服务业中译者能力的可行性培养路径,以满足不断发展的国内与国际翻译市场要求。


Abstract: In the growing language industry, translators have been playing a key role and their translation competence (TC) influences their survival in the industry as well as the industry’s performance. This study reviews various TC models and translation subcompetences proposed by Chinese and Western translation scholars, and suggests that translation competence models incorporate such subcompetences as in multilingual desktop publishing, machine translation post-editing, technical writing, terminology management, and translation project management. Translator training for improving these subcompetences can be facilitated by the university, the government as well as the language industry. Also, online courses would be a valuable complement to teaching on the site.

Keywords: language industry; translation competence; training approach


邓志辉  中山大学

郝令结  香港浸会大学

摘  要:郝令喆(Eirik Lang Harris)博士是西方较典型的中国哲学“学者型译员”,曾先后发表多部哲学典籍的英文节译以及《慎子》佚文全本英译。其专著《〈慎子〉佚文哲学分析及翻译》(Harris,2016)被美国和欧洲数所大学选作中国早期哲学的教学用书。2018 年年底,郝令喆博士受邀于中山大学讲学期间,我与他就中国哲学典籍英译在翻译过程、出版与传播中的典型困难与对策进行了讨论与交流,期望从西方汉学研究者与译者的角度对这些问题进行阐述。访谈稿基于交流内容翻译、整理而成,并经郝令喆博士过目审订。


Abstract: As a typical scholar-translator of classical Chinese philosophy from the U.S., Eirik Lang Harris has translated and published many extracts of the classics of Chinese philosophy. He also published a complete English translation of Shenzi (《慎子》) in his book The Shenzi Fragments: A Philosophical Analysis and Translation (Harris, 2016), which has been used by several American and European universities as a textbook on early Chinese philosophy. I was pleased to make an interview with Dr. Harris in his short academic visit to Sun Yat-sen University in November 2018, discussing the challenges as well as coping strategies in translating and disseminating classical Chinese philosophy, so as to draw some insights on these issues from a sinologist-translator’s viewpoint.

Keywords: classical Chinese philosophy; translation and dissemination; Chinese classics 


齐金鑫  中山大学

摘  要:语料库翻译研究虽然以量化见长,但是综合采用多种量化分析方法对得到的数据进行交叉验证的研究为数不多。本书为分析与翻译相关的现象提供了一个全新而又急需的框架。应用语料库多元互证模式,将不同类型的语料库(如类比语料库、平行语料库、共时语料库、历时语料库)和不同的分析方法(如量化分析和质化分析)按照一定的原则相结合,可以回答翻译研究中亟待解决的一些问题。


Abstract: Quantitative research plays a pivotal role in corpus-based translation studies, and yet studies that have adopted more than one quantitative method and cross-checked the results are scarce. The book offers a novel and much-needed framework for the analysis of translation-related phenomena, which allows for the combination of different corpora (e.g., comparable, parallel, synchronic, diachronic) and/or different methods of analysis (e.g., quantitative and qualitative). The use of various corpus data (e.g. parallel, comparable, synchronic, diachronic) as well as corpus methods (e.g. qualitative and quantitative) in a principled way demonstrates how the use of corpus triangulation can help answer pressing questions in translation studies.

Keywords: corpus-based translation studies; triangulation; quantitative research

—— 切斯特曼《翻译模因论:翻译理论中的思想传播》(修订版)评介

王洪林  浙江万里学院/四川大学

摘  要:近年来跨学科翻译研究推动不同翻译范式从“转向”走向“跨界”,从固守学科边界的独白逐步走向跨学科对话。《翻译模因论:翻译理论中的思想传播》(修订版)借鉴生物学的基因概念和波普尔的知识进化论探寻不同翻译理论范式之间的通约路径,对翻译研究具有重要的跨学科意义。鉴于此,本文从翻译模因视角切入,对该书主要观点、研究特色和创新之处进行评介并展开元理论思考,以期对翻译研究的跨学科路径提供元理论借鉴。


Abstract: Interdisciplinary translation studies have shifted the “turns” of translation studies to “border-crossings”, from the monologue within the border to the dialogue across borders. By referring to the concept of gene and Karl Popper’s theory on the evolution of scientific knowledge, the book Memes of Translation: The Spread of Ideas in Translation Theory (Revised edition) by Andrew Chesterman aims to find out the unifying thread among varieties of translation theories, which plays a significant role in enhancing interdisciplinary translation studies. This book review hereinafter introduces the main ideas, key features and innovative points of the book, and further conducts meta-theoretical studies on this subject so as to provide a cross-disciplinary path for future translation studies.

Keywords: translation memes; meme pool; variation; meta-theoretical studies


赵田园  许勉君


摘  要: 第九届亚太翻译论坛于2019年7月5日至7日在韩国外国语大学成功举办,会议主题为“现实与虚幻:从莫尔斯电码到机器翻译”。本文简要回顾了本届论坛的举办概况,论述了本届论坛呈现出的技术引领、多元融合的特点,分析了东道主韩国翻译专业教育和研究的特色和成就,进而提出了本届论坛带给亚太翻译研究界的若干启示。


Abstract: The 9th Asia-Pacific Translation and Interpreting Forum was convened at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, on 5th-7th July 2019 with the theme of “Reality vs. Illusion: From Morse Code to Machine Translation”. This paper provides a brief overview of the forum, which emphasized translation technology and multi-disciplinary integration. It analyzes the features and achievements of translation and interpreting education and research in South Korea, and suggests some research directions for Asia-Pacific Translation Studies. 

Keywords:  Asia-Pacific Translation and Interpreting Forum; overview; characteristics; professional translation and interpreting education of South Korea; development inspirations



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