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高二教案 第509期


Giving a holiday to those in need (Page 4)
青岛天龙中学 刘睿君
I.     Pre-reading
The winter holiday has just passed, so, come on, friends, say a few words about your holiday.
Where did you go?
What did you do?
Who did you see?
Answer the following questions
1. What’s one thing you did last year during the holidays you hope to do again this year?
2. What is your favorite part of winter break?
3. What will you miss most about school while you’re on winter break?
4. If you could have just one thing this holiday season, what would it be?
5. What is the best gift you’ve ever gotten and why?
6. What is your favorite holiday food?
7. Who is the one person you hope to spend time with during the winter break?
Ⅱ. Questions
1. What was the purpose of the author’s project Vacproj according to the article?
To help poor children go on holiday
2. Where did the money to pay for the children’s holiday come from?
From businesses and from ordinary people in the street.
3. What role did the author and the other volunteers feel like they were playing during the holiday?
4. What is the main idea of the article?
The author’s experience with the Vacproj program.
5. The author found the trips with the children to Sussex ____.
Ⅲ. True or False
1.The author is helping to promote tourism in the city of Oxford.  F
2. The volunteers always made the children’s safety a priority during the trips.  T
3. The trip to the castles was children’s favorite. F
4. Most children didn’t like the food during the trips.  F
5. It was unbearable to stay with the children during the holiday.  F
6. Every trip the author took with the children was to Sussex.   T
. Writing
Have you ever been on a trip?
How did it go?
Choose one that made the biggest impression on you, and tell your friends about it.
Keep your phone clean (Page 5)
青岛天龙中学 刘睿君
I.                    Pre-reading
What is the brand of your smartphone?
What do you usually do with your smartphone?
Have you ever been concerned about whether your smartphone is hygienic?
You probably won’t want to touch your smartphone any longer after hearing these facts:  
AN iPhone can get more germ-infested than a toilet in a train, a study has found
“If you put a virus on a surface, like an iPhone, about 30 per cent of it will get on your fingertips," Mr Julian said.
In turn, "a fair amount of it may go from your fingers to your eyes, mouth or nose," the most likely routes of infection.
Earlier this year, a British study found that smartphones carried 18 times more bacteria than a flush handle in a men's toilet.
Ⅱ. Scanning
1.The underlined word “dark” in the first paragraph means ____.
2. Choose one word that describes the tone of the third paragraph.
3. What’s the author’s suggestion for reducing the germs on your phone’s surface?
Wash your hands regularly.
Ⅲ. Questions
1. Rewrite the following sentence in your own words: “Some things we think are personal are actually more public than we imagine”
Smartphones are used in public places more than people realize  
2. Why are smartphones more likely to transmit germs than ordinary cell phones?
Because smartphones make contact with our hands more often.
3.What is the article mainly about?
Health problems related to the use of smartphones.
Ⅳ. True or False
1. Most people don’t know how dirty their cell phones are. T
2. Smartphones are greasier and need more alcohol to clean. F  
3. Smartphones have a big influence on our lives. T
4. The more things our cell phones touch, the dirtier they are. T
Ⅴ. Group work
Have you ever imagined what life would be like without communication devices, such as PCs, cell phones, Internet, etc.?
Write an essay on the topic, “Life without the Internet.”
A high-flying job (Page 6)
青岛天龙中学 刘睿君
Ⅰ. Pre-reading
Have you ever had a day when from the time you got up to the time you went to bed you felt annoyed? In other words, have you ever had a really bad day?
Tell us about your experience.
Ⅱ. Questions
1.Why did the author feel upset at the beginning?
Because of all the unlucky things that happened.
2. Use one word to describe how the author felt when he found the boy was coming toward him.
3. What did the author have that the boy was so interested in?
A pilot hat.
4. How do you understand of the “wisdom” of the boy?
Stop complaining; try to appreciate the bright side of your life and the things around you.
5. Why did the author feel relieved after seeing the boy?
Because he realized that the boy was not coming to him but his hat.
Ⅲ. Vocabulary
Random            随意的
due to              由于
Cautiously           慎重的
Glance              一瞥
Imitate              模仿
From ear to ear      满面笑容
self-pity            自怜,自哀
Ⅳ. Translation
Translate the following sentences
I get to baby-sit a 5-year-old. My day is now complete.
I was just happy to have been briefly distracted from my self-pity
Ⅴ. Discussion
When you’re trapped in a frustrating situation, how do you usually respond?

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