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高一教案 第550期



Spain’s long lunch (P2)

沈阳市第二中学  吴俣


.Warming up

1.    Have you ever been to Europe?

2.    Do you enjoy the ‘slow life’ there?

3.    Would youHow would you compare the Chinese lifestyle with the European lifestyle?



set …apart from  使……分离

make up for   弥补

complain about  ……抱怨

have a negative effect on  ……有负面影响

take any action  采取任何行动


III. Reading

Fast reading--read the passage quickly. Try to get the answers.

1.  What sets Spain apart from the rest of Europe according to this article?

2.  How many hours do most Spanish workers people work?

3.  Do all Spanish people enjoy the work schedule?

4.  Why did the Spanish parliament recommend to turn back the clocks by one hour?

5.  What actions does are the Spanish government taketaking?



1.  It might be “siestas”, the three-hour lunch break that is customary (惯例的) in the country.

2.  8 hours.

3.  No,M many Spanish people complain about their never-ending workdays.

4.  Spanish people sleep almost an hour less than the World Health Organization recommends, which has a negative effect on productivity, stress, accidents and school dropout rates.

5.  None -- e, it hasn’t taken any action yet.


Careful reading--read the passage carefully this time. Decide whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE.

1.    The work schedule is the only fact that sets Spain apart from the rest of Europe.

2.    The Spanish,  , who work 12 hours a day , start work at 8 or 9 am.

3.    Many spanish Spanish people don’t think that it is a good work schedule and want to change it to the European schedule.

4.    The Spanish government doesn’t isn’t paying great attention to the campaign, which is why and  it hasn’t taken any action yet.

5.    The Spanish work schedule dates back to the World War II.

Answers: F F T F T


IV. Practice

Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. When they return to their offices at 4 pm, Spanish workers often have to make up for the lost time by working until 8 or 9 pm. So, while most other Europeans are sound asleep, Spaniards are still having dinner or watching television.

2. Under the proposed new schedule, the lunchtime break would be cut to an hour or less. And a regular eight-hour workday would be introduced.

3. It was during World War II that the country moved the clocks forward to align (结盟) them with those of Nazi Germany.


1.    当他们下午四点钟回到办公室的时候,西班牙工人不得不工作到晚上八点到九点,来弥补失去的时间。所以,在其他欧洲人都已经睡熟的时候,西班牙人正在吃晚饭或看电视。

2.    根据提议的新时间表,午餐时间将会缩减到一个小时或更少。西班牙将引进八小时的工作时间。

3.    二战期间,这个国家为了结盟纳粹德国,把时钟调快了一小时。



Why first reactions stick (P5)



I. Lead in

1. When you meet strangers, how do you judge their characters? By Do you use what they say or how they dress themselves, or anything else?

2. Have you ever met someone who you thought were was cold but later turneds out to be friendly?

II. Fast reading

1. What is the main idea of the article?

First impressions is are often right and it’s can be difficult to change itthem.

2. How fast cab can a person make a first impression?

In a small fraction of a second.

III. Careful reading

1. What shocked those the US scientists mentioned in the article?

The That people’s first impressions proved to be right.

2. How do people judge people whom they meet for the first time?

They rely more on instincts than logic.

3. Which provides more information of about a person according to the article, his or her appearance or his or her profile?

His or her profile.

4.  Is it difficult to change a first impression?

NoYes. Once it’s formed, it’s hard to get over it, even if it is wrong.

5. Why do people tidy themselves up before meeting guests or doing job interviews?

To leave a good first impression on others.

IV. Vocabulary


1. But according to a new study, the famous quote might not be correct after all.

情态动词might not表示“有可能不是”。

2. People may learn more about another person over time once they get close to each other, …


3. It means that you shouldn’t build your first impression of someone on his or her looks alone.


4. You mustn’t smoke heredrink so much soda before bed.


5. You needn’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.




Wall of good will (P6)

沈阳市第二中学    吴俣

I. Warming up

What do you think will make you truly hapwould make you truly happypy? Why?


II. Vocabulary

Place an order 下订单

Have a chance to do sth. 有机会做某事


III. Practice

Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. While we were enjoying our coffee, a man who appeared homeless entered. As he seated himself, he looked at the wall and said: “One cup of coffee from the wall.”

2. Now it was no surprise for us – the matter was very clear. The great respect for the needy shown by the inhabitants (居民) of this town made our eyes well up with tears.

3. Without asking or knowing about the one who was giving this cup of coffee to him, he only looked at the wall, placed an order for himself, enjoyed his coffee and left.


1. 当我们正享用咖啡时,一个看起来无家可归的人走进咖啡馆。他坐好后看了看墙,说“一杯墙上来的咖啡。”

2. 现在我们一点也不惊讶了,事情已然很明了了。小镇居民给予需要帮助的人的尊重让我们湿润了眼眶。

3. 他没有问,也不知道是谁给了他这杯咖啡,他只是看了看墙,为自己点一杯,享受这杯咖啡,然后离开。


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