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高二教案 第571期

Popular film (Page 4)
辽宁大连开发区八中 程国良
I. Warming up
What’s your favorite film? Why do you like it so much?
What do you know about the film The Shawshank Redemption?
II. Skimming
What does the article mainly tell us about the movie?
How the movie became such a lasting classic.
III. True or false statements
1. __The film was unpopular at first because of its lack of artistic value.
2. __ Andy was innocent but wrongly sentenced for a crime.
3. __ Andy was defeated by the ugly realities of prison life.
4. __ The relationship between Andy and his fellow inmate in the movie is very positive.
5. __ The hope, and lasting pursuit of, freedom reflected in human nature have made the film a classic.
IV. Vocabulary
Match the following with a proper word or phrase from the article.
become friends with; help                       ______
consider yourself to be similar to sb else   _______
state to be true or existing                       ______
propose as a candidate for an honor               ______
assign a grade or rank to                        ______
founded on                                   ______
V. Vocabulary
Translate the following with a proper word or phrase we learned above.
All of the work we do is based on science.
They claim to have discovered a cure for the disease.
I really identify with these young inventors.
Our teachers score our group work at the end of the semester.
We’re going to nominate Zhang Liang as the club president.
I befriended two Americans on my trip.
VI. Further thinking
The Shawshank Redemption shows viewers that with strength and patience, “hope, and the preservation of that hope, is a good thing, maybe the best of things.”
How do you understand the quote above? How can it benefit us in our lives?
Putting people on Mars (Page 5)
辽宁大连开发区八中 程国良
I. Warming up
What are the names of the planets that go around the Sun?
What do you know about them?
How much do you know about Mars?
II. Skimming
The article includes three main parts. Please look through the article quickly and find out which question each part of the article answers for us.
Part I   ______________________
Part II  ______________________
Part III  ______________________
III. Reading for detail
1.Who is Elon Musk?
He’s the founder of the space technology company SpaceX.
2.Why does he think that humans will settle on Mars?
It will protect the human race from extinction.
3.What's the threat to humans on earth?
The sun will grow hot enough to kill off any plant and animal life on Earth.
4.What did a Dutch entrepreneur set up?
He set up the Mars One foundation, hoping to put humans on Mars.
5.How is it possible for humans to stay alive on Mars according to Mars One?
It is possible to do it with existing technologies.
6.What's the most basic need on Mars?
There needs to be water in the Martian soil.
7.How will people get there?
It is rumored that Musk already has a design for the Mars Colonial Transporter.
IV. Vocabulary
Fill in the blank with a proper word or phrase from the article.
1.I’ve ________ him often.
2.Gum can help ______ the bacteria living on our teeth.
3.There is a need to improve ______ products.
4.It is everyone's responsibility not to spread  _____ online.
5.The plane ____ in half when it hit a high mountain.
6.That's my _____ of how the world could be.
V. Exploration
Imagine that you live on Mars and then write a passage about it according to what you know. The information below may help you:
housing, shopping, food and drinks, weather, schools, transportation, sports...
Mother’s advice (Page 6)
辽宁大连开发区八中 程国良
I. Warming up
What do you think of your mother?
Do you think you are good at listening to her? Why? Or why not?
II. Reading
1. What did the dialogue in the first part imply?
There was misunderstanding between the author and her mother.
2. What did the author's experience with her kids make her understand?
Her mother was always trying to help her.
3.Why does the author smile when hearing her daughter tell her grandchildren to slow down?
All mothers say words like that, even if they sometimes don't really follow them.
4. What helped the author understand the words?
She broke two toes when she was in a hurry.
III. True or false statements
1.__The story involves four generations of a family.
2.__The author explains why kids don’t follow their elders’ advice.
3.__The author tells us that what elders do is only to try to help their children.
4.__It took a long time for the author to understand her mother’s words.
5.__The author think mothers always talk too much.
6.__The author’s tone in the article is light.
IV. Reference items
Who or what does the underlined part of the following sentence refer to?
1. "I would say the same things to them that she had once said to me."  
2. "That’s when I first saw it."
3. "That thought came to mind yesterday as I lay down getting my foot X-rayed."
4."I told you that to say this:"
V. Language practice
If you get too nervous, take deep breaths to slow yourself down.
We must get out of trouble by ourselves.
You should find an opportunity and grab it. 
It is a really good lesson in building self-confidence.
They learned the hard way that success comes from hard work.
VI. Further thinking
Some parents find it hard to communicate with their children, even though all that they want to do is make sure that their kids learn to do things the right way.
Why do you think this is?
What suggestions would you make to your parents to improve the communication between you?

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