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高一教案 第588期

苏州工业园区第二高级中学 孙炳芳
Keep on scoring (P4-5)
Do you know this basketball player?
P1 P(         ): Westbrook’s achievements
P2 P(         ): The reason for his success
P3 P(         ): The story behind his success
P4 P(         ): Westbrook’s positive attitude
Detailed reading:
1. What are Westbrook’s achievements?
He is now a must-watch player, and he became the first player since basketball legend Michael Jordan to get four triple-doubles in a row.
2. What qualities does he have that have made him so successful?
He won’t be distracted by anything, and he knew at a young age what he wanted to do and where he wanted to get.
3. What made him double his efforts?
His childhood best friend, Barrs, who was also his teammate, had a heart disease and suddenly collapsed during a game and never woke up. Through this, he saw firsthand how quickly life can be taken from us.
4. How does Westbrook keep a positive attitude?
He always proves to others that he can be successful while paying no attention to what the critics say.
Language focus:
1.As the Washington post puts it…
2. He won’t be distracted by anything…
When I am doing my homework, I am always distracted by _________.
How can we prevent ourselves from being distracted?
3. He doubled his efforts…

Mark Twain’s great writing (P4-5)
Lead in:
What do you know about Mark Twain?
Can you name any of his works?
P1 P(         ): Information about the name
P2 P(         ): Information about the works
1. According to the text, what was Mark Twain’s early life like?
His early life was colorful and adventurous,  and he was trained as a steamship pilot on the Mississippi  river for two years. 
2. How did Mark Twain’s life experience contribute to his writing?
His life experience gave him wonderful material to draw on and draw readers in. He wrote in a style called “local color”, because he had great knowledge of local people and their customs.
3. What is the meaning of “Mark Twain”?
“Mark Twain” was the cry shouted on a steamship when the ship entered a part of a river that was two fathoms deep. “Twain” is an old-fashioned way of saying “two”.
4. Besides his life experience and knowledge of local people and customs, what contributed to his success in writing?
He taught himself, making use of public libraries to help him with his fiction and journalism.
Language focus:
1. The answer shows Clemens’ colorful and adventurous early life…
2. He had to teach himself, making use of …
Time is so limited that we must work harder, making use of ___________.
3. His life experience gave him wonderful material to draw on and …
 “draw on” means__________.
If we want to improve our English, what materials should we draw on?

Why we see a different dress (P5)
Do you have any experience of one object having different colors in different situations? If so, give an example.
P1 P(         ): Introduction
P2 P(         ): The poll taken by Yik Yak
P3 P(         ): Color constancy
P4 P(         ): Analysis of the result of the poll
P5 P(         ): Conclusion
Detailed reading:
1. What is the “real science” mentioned in paragraph 1?
When we see the image, some brains think that the lighting in the room is very dim, so the dress must have very bright colors, like white and gold. Some, on the contrary, think that the lighting is very strong, therefore the dress must be in darker colors to look the way it does in the picture.
2. In what situations can our brains tell an object’s true color even if the lighting conditions keep changing?
Situations in which the brain understands how the light is affecting the color of the shirt.
3. How did “color constancy” help our ancestors to survive in the past?
For example, because of “color constancy”, ancestors could decide whether an apple was ripe to eat, and whether it was sunny or gray.
Language focus:
1. Have you and your friends settled your argument about what color this dress is?
How did you and your parents settle the argument?
2. “No one is wrong, no one is right” in this case because…
The road may be slippery. In this case, you should ________.
3. Through evolution, human brains have…
4. Some, on the contrary, think the opposite…
He says he is just tired of learning. His brother, ________, ________________.

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