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初二教案 第523期

Issue 523 For Junior 2
云南大学附属中学 凌红珊

Heating the south? P(2)
I. Warm up
Do you know what divides China into southern and northern parts?
In some places in southern China, it is also very cold in the winter. If you live in these places, what will you do to keep warm during the cold winter?
Do you think there is a need to provide central heating in southern China?

II. While reading
Check the true sentences:
1. Almost every home in Jiangxi has central heating.
2. The areas close to Qinling Huaihe get central heating.
3. People in the south use private heating methods to stay warm.
4. Most people are against central heating in the south.

Read and choose:
1. Which of the following is the requirement to have central heating?
A. The government makes the decision to do it.
B. The areas close to Qinling Huaihe in the south.
C. The air is humid and the temperature is high.
D. The number of days below 5 C is more than 90.
2. From the last three paragraphs we learn that _____.
A. it’s not good for the environment to use central heating
B. it is efficient to use private heating methods in the south
C. there is not a strong voice asking for central heating in the south
D. it is economical to build facilities for heating systems

III. Post reading
Read the related information and then discuss:
What’s the best way to stay warm in the winter in the south?

Finding the right way to accept a compliment P(4)
I. Warm up
If I say “You are beautiful!”, what do you say?
Imagine you apply for a job in a foreign company: what will happen if you  start with
“My English is poor.”

II. While reading
Read the first 2 paragraphs and answer:
1.What do people in the US do to accept a compliment?
Read Paragraph 3 and answer:
2.What do people in China do to accept a compliment ?
Read Paragraphs 4-5 and answer:
3. Does the writer accept the compliment? Why?
4. Does the Chinese accept the compliment? Why?
5. What does the passage want to tell us?
6. What is the main idea of the passage?

III. Post reading
It’s important to accept a compliment.
How many ways can you think of to accept compliments?
Besides “Thanks!”, we can___________
1. Thank you, that's very kind of you to say so!
2. I'm glad I could do this.
3. I really appreciate you noticing that. No one ever has before.
1.I'm flattered.
2.Oh no, not really!
3.It wasn't all my work. Sandy gave me a lot help.
1. Oh, thanks very much! You look very nice too.
2.Thank you. You’re looking very smart as usual…

Great genius changes the science world P (5)
I. Warm up
Which scientists do you know?
The top 10 scientists of all time:
Sir Isaac Newton laid the foundations for classical mechanics, explaining the law of gravity and the Laws of Motion.

Louis Pasteur developed the cure for rabies (狂犬病), anthrax (炭疽病) and other infectious diseases and also enabled the process of pasteurization (巴斯德杀菌法) to make milk safer to drink.

Galileo created one of the first modern telescopes, successfully proved Earth revolved around the sun.

Marie Curie discovered radiation and helped apply it to the field of X-ray.

Albert Einstein revolutionized modern physics with his general theory of relativity, discovered the Photoelectric effect (光电效应), which formed the basis of the Quantum Theory (量子论).

Charles Darwin: On the Origin of Species Otto Hahn discovered nuclear fission (核裂变).

Nikola Tesla worked on electro-magnetism (电磁学) and AC current (交流电).

James Clerk Maxwell made great strides in understanding electro-magnetism. His research in electricity and kinetics (动力学), laid the foundation for quantum physics. Einstein said, “The work of James Clerk Maxwell changed the world forever.”

Aristotle: Great early Greek scientist and philosopher

II. Pre-reading
1. What do you know about Einstein?
2. Is it a real photo or a photo made with photoshop?

III. While reading
Albert Einstein is a ______ from ______. His theory of _______ was made public to the world in November ____ years ago. This theory has changed the way people view ____________ completely.

Choose the answer:
1. What does the theory of relativity tell us? 
A. Time and space are the same for everyone everywhere.
B. Time and space can change in certain conditions.   
C. The theory stands strong although it is not true.   
D. People view time and space in the same way.
2. When trying to solve a problem, Einstein usually _____.
A. sat by the sea
B. took funny photos
C. took part in violin competitions
D. relaxed by doing his hobbies
3. Which of the following  is TRUE?
A. Einstein didn’t know how to relax.
B. Einstein disliked the person who took photos for him.
C. Einstein proved that Newton’s theory was not true.
D. Einstein liked wearing socks without shoes. 

IV. Post-reading
1. What is Einstein like?
2. Who is your favorite scientist? Why?

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