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初二教案 第549-J2期

北航实验学校 姜瑶

Learning math like us (P2)
I. Pre-reading
Tom put 16 pears in a table of 4*4.
He said Henry could get all 16 pears only if he could take out 6 to make each line and row even.

II. While reading
Choose the answer:
1. How many British schools will take the Shanghai math teaching style?
A. All of the British schools.
B. Half of the British primary schools.
C. All of the British middle schools.
D. Half of the British middle schools.

2. Which of the following is right about the Shanghai math teaching style?
A. Students can’t move to next lesson until all understood this one.
B. Students learn math in groups with different teachers.
C. Students learn different math knowledge in the same class.
D. Students can decide what difficulty of math class to learn.

3. What made the UK decide to use the Shanghai style?
A. British kids did worst for the 2012 Assessment.
B. Shanghai students did best for the 2012 Assessment.
C. A teacher exchange program showed the good side of the Shanghai style.
D. UK teachers asked to study the Shanghai style after training in Shanghai.

4. What are the worries that some other people have?
A. The Shanghai style is not good for British students.
B. British students can’t learn it exactly as Shanghai students.
C. The Shanghai style is insecure and not scientific at all.
D. Students may not put their math knowledge into use.

5. What news point does this article shows?
A. Remembering formulas is a major part of learning math.
B. To be the best, Chinese students should do more math exercises.
C. British students learn math in a fun way.
D. British primary schools will take the Shanghai math teaching style.

III. Words in use
1. 学生们经常抱怨作业太多。
The students often ________ about too much homework at the school.
Nowadays, there are more and more ___________ in the world.
___________ is the ladder of human progress.

IV. Post-reading
What do you think of the Shanghai math teaching style?
What’s the most important for math learning? Remember the formulas? Do more exercises?
What’s the use of math in real life? For example?

The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a worldwide study by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in member and non-member nations of 15-year-old school pupils' scholastic performance on mathematics, science, and reading. It was first performed in 2000 and then repeated every three years. It is done with a view to improving education policies and outcomes. It measures problem solving and cognition in daily life.
The 2015 PISA result will come out in December 2016.


It’s right to be left-handed (P4)
I. Pre-reading
What do they have in common?
Maybe something else…
They are left-handed!
Make a survey in your class, and find out if there are some left-handers. Who are they?
Let’s talk about the personality or talent they have!

II. While reading
Choose the answer:
1. Why did people set up the left-handers day?
A. To let more people try to use their left hands.
B. To let more people know the difficulties left-handers have in life.
C. To make more people know the small percent of left-handers.
D. To let people think about the life problems of right-handers.

2. Which of the following is TRUE about the use of our brain?
A. We use our brain’s left side to create things.
B. Usually the right side of our brain works out problems.
C. Left-handers use the right side of the brain more than right-handers.
D. Left-handers are better at dealing with problems than right-handers.

3. The second last paragraph shows that _____.
A. there are fewer left-handed people in the world
B. some left-handed people are quite talented
C. it is easy for left-handed people to become scientists
D. left-handed people are more clever than right-handed people

4. What problems might left-handers meet when in Indonesia?
A. They should always keep their left hands clean.
B. They should be careful to use their right hands.
C. They can’t eat with their left hands.
D. They can’t go to the toilet.

III. Words in use

Choose the proper expressions to fill in the chart.
deal with     make up       get used to     at least
1. 15 boys _________ half of Class Five.
2. It seems that parents are better at _________ all kinds of problems than kids.
3. More and more people _________ going to work by subway.
4. There were _______ 510,000 students taking part in the PISA last year.

IV. Post-reading
Do you know some benefits of being left-handed?
10 Proven Benefits of Being Left-Handed
Being left-handed is an advantage in many sports.
Lefties have a greater chance of being a genius-or having a high IQ.
Left-handed men may make more money.
Left-handed people adjust more easily to seeing underwater.
Lefties are better able to multitask.
10 Proven Benefits of Being Left-Handed
Some left-handed individuals have better memories.
Generally, lefties are better at playing video games.
Left-handed stroke victims recover faster than right-handed stroke victims.
Left-handed people are likely to be more visual than language-based, making them ideal for artistic pursuits.
Left-handed drivers are more successful at learning to drive than right handed people.


Whether to floss or not (P6)

I. Pre-reading
What do people often do to keep their teeth clean in your family?
Can you name some stuff we use to do that?
Dental floss

II. While reading
Choose the answer:
1. What does the word “thin” in Paragraph 2 mean?
A. not fat
B. not clear
C. weak
D. full

2. What changes are there in the recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020?
A. It says flossing can keep our mouths and teeth healthy.
B. It adds some evidence for the bad side of flossing.
C. It suggests people give up flossing.
D. It doesn’t talk about flossing.

3. What does the American Dental Association’s website show about flossing?
A. There is no evidence to show flossing is good for us.
B. Flossing is good for our teeth and gums.
C. Flossing is not as important as we thought.
D. It matters little if we use flossing.

4. What does the writer think of flossing?
A. He thinks it is harmful to our health.
B. He suggests we keep flossing.
C. He doesn’t think it is worth talking about it.
D. He hopes people do more research about it.

III. Words in use
Fill in the blanks with the proper form of given words.
1. _____ (floss) is still an important way of taking care of our teeth in my eyes.
2. Anyone who is in _______ (favorite) of plan A can raise up your hand.
3. The cheater turned out to be no _____ (expert) at all.
4. There's the clear _____ (evidence) of  his alibi, so he isn’t the suspect.
5. The _________ (effective) of the new medicine can cheer many patients and their family up.

IV. Post-reading
How to floss effectively?
Hold the floss between your thumbs and forefingers of both hands. 
Gently slide the floss between your teeth.
Move the floss gently in a "C" motion when it makes contact with the gums and use a gentle up and down motion to clean the area.
Repeat the process between each tooth.
Don't forget the backs of your rear molars.


II. 1. B。本题为细节理解题。根据原文第二段“Half the British primary schools will take the Shanghai math teaching style”可知,会有半数的英国小学参与此项教学,故本题选择B。
2. A。本题为细节理解题。根据原文第三段“So what is the Shanghai math teaching style? The idea is to practice and do exercises that every student has understood in every lesson before they move to the next one. ”可知,上海数学教学模式就是全班一起学习同一知识,全班都学会后,再一起进入下一学习内容。故本题选择A。
3. B。本题为细节理解题。根据原文第四段“The UK is changing to this new style after seeing … Shanghai students did best on the list, scoring much higher than British kids. ”可知,英国是在2012的活动中发现上海学生的数学最好,比英国学生好很多才做出的这个决定。故本题选择B。
4. D。本题为细节理解题。根据原文第四五段“some others worry that the Shanghai style may not be the best way of learning math. They say this style can result in insecure learning and students may not be able to use math knowledge in real life.”可知,人们担忧上海教学模式不一定是最好的,而且会使知识学得不扎实,与现实脱节。故本题选择D。
5. D。本题为主旨大意题。原文第一段多为引言铺垫,根据主旨句“Well, now the British kids are going to learn math in your way.”可知,英国小学打算采用上海的数学教学风格。故本题选择D。
III. 1. complain   2. cultural exchanges  3. Knowledge
II. 1. B。本题为细节理解题。根据原文第二段“It was to let more people know the life problems of left-handers ”可知,左手日的建立是为了让人们了解左手人士在生活中的不便。故本题选择B。
2. C。本题为细节理解题。根据原文第5段“The left side of our brain is where we deal with problems. The right side of our brain is where our creativity comes from. ” 可知,左脑解决问题,右脑创造思维,AB错误。Right-handers usually use the left side of the brain more than the right side. Yet left-handers seem to use both sides more evenly than right-handers.右手人士用左脑更多,左手人士左右脑平均使用,故左手人士使用右脑比右手人士多一些。故本题选C。
3. B。本题为细节理解题。根据原文倒数第二段“Although there are fewer left-handed people in the world, some of them are thought geniuses ” 可知,左手人士虽然数目不多,但是有一部分是行业精英,从科学家到政治家。故本题选择B。
4. C。本题为细节理解题。根据原文最后一段印尼认为如厕使用的左手不干净,所以Indonesians never use their left hands to eat。故本题选择C。
III. 1. make up 
2. dealing with
3. get used to
4. at least
II. 1. C。本题为细节理解题。根据原文第二段“while nearly everybody knows the idea, the evidence turns out to be surprisingly thin.” 可知,虽然这个道理人人皆知但是证据却不充分,weak在语意上有不牢靠的意思。故本题选择C。
2. D。本题为细节理解题。根据原文第四段“The guidelines have left out the sentence about flossing…” 可知,指导意见去除了有关牙线的语句。故本题选择D。
3. B。本题为细节理解题。根据原文第八段“The American Dental Association’s website says flossing is an important part of taking care of your teeth and gums.”可知,美国牙科协会的网站还是认为牙线在口腔护理方面有重要作用。故本题选择B。
4. B。本题为推断题。根据原文最后一段“After all, there is no harm in flossing. So perhaps you should keep doing it, just in case” 意思为,毕竟使用牙线没有坏处,所以以防万一,还是使用吧,可推测出作者的态度为B选项。
III. 1. Flossing  2. favor  3. expert   4. evidence   5. effectiveness


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