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高二教案 第645期

Exciting ‘new Earth’ found (P1)
沈阳市第二中学 常虹
Let’s review what we know about space
1. What is a star?
A star is a huge ball of plasma (very hot gas) held together by gravity (重力). The Sun is a star. There are many other stars like the Sun in the universe.

2.How is a planet different from a star?
Stars sometimes seem to twinkle in the night sky while planets shine steadily. Stars keep a constant position over time, while planets appear in different areas at different times.

Our Solar System The Sun and other planets

Earth II?
•What makes life possible on a planet?
Gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide that support life;
The temperature should not be too cold or too hot.

While reading
Read the article and answer the following questions.
ØWhat is Earth II?  Why are scientists excited about its discovery?
ØWhat has the US done to attract aliens' attention?
ØCan we visit Proxima b now?

What is Earth II?  Why are scientists excited over its discovery?
  It is a planet "more or less" like Earth that is orbiting Proxima Centauri, the star nearest to our solar system. Therefore, scientists are wondering if there is life on this new planet.

The imaginary landscape of Proxima b


While reading
What has the US done to attract aliens' attention?
In the early 1970s the US sent its Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 space probes with pictures of a man and a woman, diagrams of the solar system and space postcards. Gold records were also launched into space on Voyager probes in 1977.
Aliens might also have heard a message from former US President Jimmy Carter.

While reading
Can we visit Proxima b now?
   It might not be time to plan a visit to Proxima b just yet. Even if it has an atmosphere, we would need to invent a way to get there in less than the 78,000 years and it would take at 36,000 mph (about 57,900 km/h).





英国著名物理学家霍金(Stephen Hawking)正着手研发一只以1千亿瓦特的光束进动、能以时速近1.61亿公里的小型太空船,可望20年内便能到达“Proxima b”。



While reading
Part Part
Main idea
Main idea

Main idea


Language bank
create, attempt, slight, go south, hit the jackpot, promise
1. Proxima b is _________ bigger than our Earth.
2. The sky on its world is orange without any blue at all, ________ an everlasting sunset effect.
3. He ________. He won a great deal of money.
4. We are _________ survive our time so we may live into yours.
5. Proxima b looks to us like a _______ Plan(et) B.
6. Never give up, even if your efforts _______.
Key: slightly, creating, hit the jackpot, attempting to, promising, goes south

Discussion: (Choose a topic)
1.Do you believe there are aliens in space? Why or why not?
2.What would be your message to the aliens?
ØWrite a short message to the aliens in space.
ØWrite a mini sci-fi story about what people will experience when they finally land on Proxima b.

To the teachers: reference articles
Reference website about space
http://kidsastronomy.com  http://www.nasa.gov


UK Slang celebrated (P4)
中国人民大学附属中学  宋玖青
I. Warm up
Do you understand the following sentences? Can you guess what they mean?

II. Pre-reading
Guess what they mean.
plates of meat
trouble and strife(冲突)
Ruby Murray
Richard Burtons

III. While-reading
Read the article and answer the following questions.
1.How did rhyming slang probably start?
It probably started either as a way for market stall traders to communicate in secret or as a way for thieves to trade information without giving themselves away.
2.What is the general rule for making up rhyming slang?
The general rule is to replace one word with a two-worded phrase that rhymes with it.

Close reading:
Activity 1: Find the rhyming slang mentioned in the article and fill in the chart.
Rhyming slang Meaning
dog and bone phone
Ruby Murray curry
Scooby Doo clue
brown bread dead
 sausage and mash cash

Activity 2: Read the article again, and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
1.The origin of rhyming slang is clearly known to historians. F
2.According to the survey by the Museum of London, rhyming slang might soon vanish. T
3.Rhyming slang has become popular again. T

IV. Post-reading
Can you guess their meaning now?
plates of meat: feet
trouble and strife: wife
Ruby Murray: curry
Richard Burtons: curtains

1)After reading the article, what do you think the significance of rhyming slang in London’s culture is? Is it outdated or not?

2) In China, we also have various intangible cultural (非物质文化) resources, such as dialects and handicrafts, and some of them are near extinction. Share your knowledge of China’s intangible culture with others. Has the article given you any inspiration for how we should treat our own cultural heritage?

V. Homework
Based on your discussion, please choose one intangible cultural resource. Briefly write about its origin, the situation it is currently in and your suggestions for how to treat it.

Fixing my hair first (P6)
山东省烟台第二中学  柳力文



I. Discussion
1. Have you ever been troubled by your hair?
2. Do you think a person’s hair can affect a person’s life? Why?

II. Skimming

1. In what order are the events in the article described?
In the order in which they happened.
2. Can you summarize the main idea of the passage?
The writer experienced the great pain of losing her brother, and learned to be the master of her own fate by fixing her hair first.

III. Scanning
1. How did the writer feel after her brother’s death?
She felt sad, busy and yet empty inside.
2. When did the writer feel that it was important to control her hair?
She had the feeling when she was out walking her dog one day in 2010.
3. What has the writer learned from her hair?
a “letting go” process to make a way for the new;
Hair is the only thing we can change at will to show who we are.

IV. Understanding sentences
•1.  I had saved a bit of money – enough for me to live for the next two years if there was no work. But that was unlikely.
•What was unlikely?
•It was unlikely for her to have no work.
•that指代的是前面假设的情况, 即“如果没有工作的话”。也就是说, 作者在兄弟死去之后, 依然要忙于工作。
•2. I remember putting one foot in front of the other – things needed to get done,  tasks needed to be completed – but feeling terribly empty inside.
•我记得自己一步一步地往前走, 有事情要做, 任务要完成, 但是内心却感到很空虚。
•putting one foot in front of the other:get on with doing things carefully and in their proper order. 句中破折号中间的内容说明了自己忙碌的原因, putting one foot in front of the other及feeling terribly empty inside是句子谓语动词remember的两个宾语。
3. My savings had run out.
•In what other ways can we say it? (Try to use run out of & use up)
①I had run out of savings.
②I had used up my savings.
③My savings had been used up.
•4. And I would never have known that if it were not for my hair.
•e.g. If I had met her five years ago, she would be my wife now.
•Were it not for my hair, I would never have known that.
•Had I met her five years ago, she would be my wife now.

V. Comparing sentences
Group 1  What tenses are the verbs in?
① I had saved a bit of money – enough for me to live for the next two years if there was no work.
②My hair has annoyed me for most of my life.
解析:句①中为过去完成时, 指到兄弟去世的时间为止, 已经攒了一点儿钱。表示事情在过去某个时间点之前已经发生。
句②为现在完成时。指在(说话时间)之前大部分时间都为头发所困扰。没有其他时间状语的情况下, for+一段时间, 常与现在完成时连用。

•Group 2   Find two noun clauses in the article.
①I had the overwhelming (无法抗拒的) feeling that if I could get control over my hair,  I could get control over my life.
•我有一种强烈的感觉, 觉得如果我能掌控我的头发, 我就能掌控我的人生。
•句中的that引导的是同位语从句, 对feeling的内容进一步的解释说明。
提示:可以跟同位语从句的名词通常有news,  idea,  fact,  promise, question, doubt, thought, hope, message, suggestion, word(消息), possibility等。
•e.g. We doubt whether he can finish the work by himself.
•Word came through that he had been promoted again.
②Now, you can see why mastering my hair was so important to me.
      现在, 你明白为什么掌控我的头发对我如此重要了。
句中的why引导了宾语从句, 作动词see的宾语。
e.g. I wonder what language he is learning at the moment.
      Do you know who the girl is?
You cannot just do whatever you want.

•Group 3 Attributive clauses
①I was out walking my dog, Macarena, whom I had bought a year after my brother’s death.
②Theirs was a do-it-yourself community I was inspired by.
思考:Can you change the sentences into compound sentences? (并列句)

VI. Figure out the meanings of the following expressions in context
1. shoot 14 episodes of a TV series
2. unlikely, be likely/ unlikely to do;  It is likely/ unlikely that…
3. be in grief/ pain/ anger
4. start fresh
5. have control over sth/ be under control/ be out of control/ take/ lose control of…
6. annoy, annoying, annoyed
7. fix/ master my hair
8. inspire, inspiration
9. cultivate a loving friendship with…
10. make a way for, make room for, be in the way
11. do sth at will

VII. Learn to use
1.  如果处于你那种情况下,我很可能会做出同样的事。(subjunctive mood)
•I’d very likely have done the same thing in your situation.
2. 听到这个噩耗,她悲伤地哭了起来。
•Hearing the awful news, she cried in grief.
3. 这位艺术家创作出很多作品,其中很多的创作灵感都取自他的家乡。(attributive clause)
•The artist has produced many works, many of which have drawn inspiration from his hometown.
4. 与这么有素养的观众谈话非常高兴。(cultivate)
•I don’t know why you’d cultivate such a nasty habit.
5. 学生在校不应该随心所欲。
•Students are not supposed to be allowed to do whatever they want at will.

VIII. Discussion
Choose from the two topics:
1. What will be the first step you will take in order to become the master of your life?
•My first step will be to                   . I will do it by                 .
•I plan to                         first because                  .
•I am already the master of my life. I took control of it by                          .

•2. What problem has troubled you throughout your life?
Sentences that might help:
•____ has annoyed me for most of my life.
•If I could get control over ____,  I could get control over my life.



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