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初一教案 第555期

UN will have new leader (P2)

I. Pre-reading
Is the secretary-general the top leader of the UN?
How do you become the secretary-general and what are the job’s responsibilities?

II. While Reading
Choose the answer:
1. When did Guterres start to work for the UN Refugees Agency?
A. Since 1995.
B. Since 2002.
C. Since 2005.
D. Since 2015.
2. Guterres can be the new secretary-general because _____.
a. he is good at politics
b. he worked as the leader of Portugal
c. he helped many refugees
d. he once was a refugee
A. abc        B. abd         C. acd         D. bcd
3. How old is the United Nations?
A. 67.    B. 71. 
C. 100.   D. 193.
4. What will happen to the United Nations next year, according to this story?
A. It will have a new top leader.
B. It will move to Portugal.
C. More countries will join in it.
D. It will try to keep peace in the world.

III. Words in use
1. 她在跳远中的表现好吗?
    Did she ___________ the long jump?
2. 只要是正当的事,我都尽力去做。
     I’ll ________ whatever is right. 
3. 这些学生中有很多来自世界顶级学校。
     Many of the students come from the world’s  ____ schools.
4. 我从他那里学到了许多关于运营书店的东西。
     I learned a lot from him about how to ____ a bookstore. 

IV. Post-reading
Who is the secretary-general of the UN now?
What do you know about him?
Please give us a simple introduction of him.

Dressing the right way (P4)

I. Pre-reading
Does your school have a uniform?
Do you like your school uniform? Why?

II. While reading
Choose the answer:
1. What can we learn from the first paragraph?
A. American students don’t wear uniforms.
B. American private schools don’t have uniforms.
C. All public schools in the US should have uniforms.
D. Uniforms are more popular in private schools than in public schools.

2. What problems does the story tell about uniforms?
A. Uniforms can’t help students with their studies.
B. Students spend too much time on uniforms.
C. Uniforms are a good way for parents to save money.
D. Some students think their uniforms are boring.

3. Which of the following pictures may refer to (指代) dress codes?

III. Words in use
Fill in the blanks:
1. Hope you can  _____ me ____ (帮助) my homework.
2. Don’t _____  too much time ____ (花费) games.
3. My parents were very  _____ (严格).
4.  _________(即使)  it should rain tomorrow, we will continue our work.  

IV. Post-reading
Does your school have a dress code? What is it?
Do you have other codes or rules? For example, hair or make up rules?


Flying to a comet (P6)

I. Pre-reading
What is a Space Probe?
What is it used for?

II. While reading
Choose the answer:
1. When did Philae land on Comet 67P?
A. In 1994.
B. In 2004.
C. In 2014.
D. Last month of 2016.

2. Why couldn’t Rosetta see Philae on the comet?
A. Because Philae was lost forever.
B. Because Philae went into a dark hole.
C. Because Rosetta couldn’t work any more.
D. Because the comet went into a dark hole.

3. With the comet flying away from the sun, _____.
A. Rosetta will stop working because it has no power
B. Rosetta will crash into the comet by itself
C. Philae will fly back to Rosetta
D. Philae will work longer than Rosetta

III. Words in use
1. She met a new friend c_______ Lucy in New York this summer.
2. It t_____ me two hours to finish this task. 
3. I t _____ many photos of kinds of flowers in the park yesterday. 
4. He  wanted to s____ a telegram to Sam.
5. My plane will l____ at ten o’clock.

IV. Post-reading
As we know, a space probe went into outer space on a rocket. What keeps the probe moving after the rocket no longer pushes it?

II. 1. C。文中第二段第四句“He also led the UN Refugees Agency from 2005 to 2015”可知,他2005年开始工作于联合国难民署。
2. A。 本文第二段对其政治工作生平做了介绍“He does well in politics. He was the leader of his own country…helped many refugees get a place to live”,题目陈述中a,b,c符合文意,d文中未提及,由此可得出A正确。
3. B。文中最后一段第一句“The UN started in 1945”可知,联合国成立于1945年,到今年2016年刚好71年。
4. A。文中第一句“The United Nations will have a new secretary-general next year”可知,明年将有新任的联合国秘书长。结合最后一段“The secretary-general is the top leader of the UN”可知,A正确,BC明显错误,D为联合国成立初衷,不符题意。
III. 1. do well in  2. try to do   3. top   4. run

1. D。第一段介绍时说到,in the United States, most private schools have uniforms. Some public schools have them,可知大部分私立学校有校服,部分公立学校有校服,所以D正确。
2. D。第二段“…uniforms help students with their studies…. students don’t spend much time on clothing”,可知A&B与文意相反,所以错误;第三段中“…spend too much money on uniforms”,可知C陈述与文意不符;“Some students say their uniforms are boring”, 可知D陈述与文意一致。
3. B。选相中只有B选项和衣物着装相关,符合题意。
III. 1. help, with   2. spend, on   3. strict  4. Even if

1. C。第二段中...In 2004, the European Space Agency sent Rosetta into space...,可知Rosetta发射时间为2004年,第三段It took Rosetta 10 years to fly from Earth to Comet 67P,可知Rosetta用了十年时间着陆Comet 67P ,正是2014年。
2. B。 文中…Rosetta could not see Philae on the comet… Rosetta found Philae earlier this year. It was in a dark hole  on the comet...可知之所以看不到Philae,是因为其在a dark hole 中。B正确。
3. A。由“The Sun powers Rosetta and Philae. So Rosetta will soon stop working”可知, Rosetta and Philae的能量来自太阳,当远离太阳之后,Rosetta and Philae将无法正常运作。
III. 1. called   2. took   3. took   4. send   5. land

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