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初三教案 第522期


Workshops for creative minds (P3)
1. Do you want to have creative mind? Why?
2. How can we make our mind creative?

While reading
Choose the answer: 
1. What did the 300 students gather at the university for?
A. They took part in a competition.
B. They shared stories and poetry and attended workshops.
C. They attended a lecture from a professor.
D. They visited the campus of the university.

2. What does Jeannie Allen think of the activity?
A. It helps them write more stories of their school life.
B. It helps students understand the world in their own way.
C. It’s a good opportunity for students to express themselves.
D. It makes students care more about their peers’ opinions.

3. What was Megan Rasmussen probably most interested in?
A. Writing stories.
B. Creating sculptures.
C. Learning photography.
D. Drawing pictures.

4. What did Dokota Broadniak use to make a dress?
A. Colored tape.    
B. Foam.
C. Old clothes.
D. Used papers.
Words in use
1. 志愿者们分享了他们难忘的经历。
Volunteers______ their unforgettable experiences.
I like challenging and _____ jobs.
Chain smokers don't ________the dangers of smoking.
4. 这些年轻人将利用自己的创造性改变世界。
These young people will use their creativity to  _________.
5. 他们用旧报纸和胶带制作了一个“足球”。
They  _____________ used newspapers and tapes.


More about the Young Writers and Artists Fest:
The Young Writers and Artists Fest is a gathering each year held at Utah State University for students who like to write or create artwork. It is an all day (school day) event where young writers read their work to others and artists display their pieces. It offers students the opportunity to pursue their creative passions (追逐他们的创新热情) and develop their craft through working with a talented and wonderful professional writer or artist in a small workshop.

Peach blossoms appear as spring arrives in China (P4)
1. What do you know from the poem line “人间四月芳菲尽,山寺桃花始盛开”?
2. What other poems are about peach blossoms?
3. Do you know the meaning of “桃花” in your daily life? List some.

Choose the answer: 
1. Which is NOT mentioned as a good place to enjoy peach blossoms?
A. Pinggu district, Beijing.
B. West Lake, Hangzhou.
C. Nanhui village, Shanghai.
D. Nyingchi, Tibet.

2. What is the peach blossom connected to, according to old Chinese poems?
A. Happy little kids.
B. Handsome young men.
C. Pretty young ladies.
D. Smart old people.

3. What do Chinese people believe if you have a pair of eyes in the shape of peach petals?
A. You may have the flush on your face.
B. You may be lucky in love.
C. You may have a fun day.
D. You may know everything about the flower.

4. What is the main idea of the story?
A. How to have peach blossom luck.
B. Where to enjoy peach blossoms.
C. An introduction of peach blossoms.
D. Poems of peach blossoms.

Words in use
1. The elephant is an important _____(象征) of Thailand.
2. _____(享受) today without worrying about tomorrow.
3. You can always see _________        (人山人海) in some scenic spots on holidays.
4. I was deeply impressed by the _____(美丽) of nature.
 what you told me.
5. The new product _____________________ (赢得年轻人的心) as soon as it was put on the market.


Stories in the background of peach trees or blossoms:
In the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms (《三国演义》)  by Luo Guanzhong, Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei swear an oath (宣誓) to save those in danger. In a peach blossom garden, the three men become sworn brothers (结拜兄弟).
 The Peach Blossom Spring (《桃花源记》), written by Tao Yuanming in 421 AD. The story follows a fisherman who sails upstream and discovers a forest of blossoming peach trees. He continues going upstream and finds a village isolated (隔绝) from the outside world. The fisherman stays in the joyful village for a week before leaving. Afterward, no matter how hard he tries to return he is unable to find it.

Pipe dream is reality (P6)
1. What is the literal meaning (字面意思) of "pipe dream"?
2. Do you know what “pipe dream” means as an idiom?

While reading
Choose the answer: 
1. Which of the following about Hyperloop One is NOT true?
A. Its speed can reach up to 1,000 km/h.
B. A person announced the idea in 2013.
C. It hasn’t been tested till now.
D.  It will do a public trial later this year.

2. The pods slide fast because _____.
A. there are tracks for them
B. they are like carriages on a train
C. the air moves fast in the tube
D. they float on an air hockey table

3. According to Elon Musk, the trip from Los Angeles to San Francisco on the Hyperloop One will take _____.
A. 35 minutes              B. 70 minutes
C. 6 billion dollars            D. 60 billion dollars

4. What is Dubai’s deal with Musk’s company about?
A. They want to build a train like the Shanghai Maglev.
B. They want to shorten the journey time between two cities.
C. They want to do business with big companies.
D. They want to connect Dubai’s city with the world.

Words in use
believable, at a speed of,  test, imagine, thanks to

1. Light travels _________ 300,000km per second.  
2. Today, that promise sound realistic and ______.
3. It is hard to _____ life without friends.
_____ their help, the old man was saved in time.
5. Now the new bridge _________ to see if it can be put in use.

1. Do you expect to take a trip on Hyperloop One? Why or why not?
2. What other transportation tools might appear in the future? Predict what they could be like?


Choose the answer:
1. 解析:B。根据第1段第3句Student writers shared their stories and poetry. …Others also attended workshops on telling stories…故选B。
2. 解析:C。文中第3段是Jeanie Allen的观点。She thinks that students need opportunities like this to express themselves. 故选A。
3. 解析:A。根据第4段得知,Megan Rasmussen写故事,并学习了很多有关写作的知识,愿意得到专业作家的反馈,可以推断她对写作感兴趣,故选A。
4. 解析:D。这是个提取事实信息的题。根据最后一段最后一句话Another student Dokota Brodniak made a dress out of used papers and wrappers. 故选D。

Words in use:
1. shared 2. creative 3. care about 4. change the world 5. made a soccer ball out of

Choose the answer:
1. 解析:B。根据第2段可知, Pinggu district, Beijing; Nanhui village, Shanghai; Nyingchi, Tibet都有提到是观赏桃花的好地方,
用排除法 ,故选B。
2. 解析:C。根据第3段第2句…the peach blossom is usually connected to beautiful young ladies.可知,答案选C。
3. 解析:B。根据最后一段And if your eyes are in the shape of peach petals , you have a pair of taohuayan . And you probably have peach blossom luck, that is,  being lucky in love. 故答案选B。
4. 解析:C。通读全文,作者分别从赏桃花的地点,关于桃花的诗句和有关桃花的日常用语“桃花运”介绍了桃花,故答案选C。

Words in use:
1. symbol 2. Enjoy 3. a sea of people 4. beauty 5. won the hearts of young people

Choose the answer:
1. 解析:C。根据第3段第1句According to Wired magazine, the pipe is being tested in the Nevada desert, US.可知,答案选C。
2. 解析:C。根据第5段The pods slide so fast thanks to fast-moving air inside the tube可知,答案选C。
3. 解析:A。根据第7段: …predicts the 560 km trip from Los Angeles to San Francisco would take just 35 minutes on the Hyperloop One可知,答案选A。
4. 解析:B。根据倒数第二段,They want to connect the city with Abu Dhabi and turn a two-hour car trip into a 12-minute journey, 可知,答案选B。

Choose the answer:
1. at a speed of 2. believable 3. imagine 4. Thanks to 5. is being tested

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