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初二教案 第589期


Brits learn math like us (P2)


1.Are you good at math?

2.How do you learn math?

3.Do you know how UK students learn math?

4.Which way of learning math do you prefer?


While reading

1. We can tell that _____ students in the UK will use Real Shanghai Maths.

A. college

B. middle

C. primary

D. kindergarten


2. What's the difference between the Chinese textbooks and the English versions?

A. There are more exercises in the Chinese versions.

B. There are more formulas in the English versions.

C. The British versions will use pounds rather than yuan.

D. There are no pictures in the Chinese versions


3. In the 2012 Assessment, UK students were _____ in math.

A. No 1

B. No 26

C. No 11

D. No 36


4. Why does the UK want to learn from Chinese math instruction?

A. Because Chinese textbooks have lots of exercises.

B. Because UK students fell behind in math.

C. Because parents in the UK prefer the Chinese way of teaching.

D. Because UK students are less hardworking than Chinese students.


Words in use

Fill in the blanks:

1. There are all sorts of animals, _____ (包括) bears, pigs, and kangaroos.

2. Only a small number of Kadare's books have been ______ (翻译) into English.

3. We must _______ (学习) the fighting spirit of Lu Xun. 

4. Work hard, or you’ll _______. (落后)  



Jim is from the UK. Please recommend a book that is helpful for his math studies and list the reasons why you choose it.


Boy DJ mixes beats (P3)


1.What does a DJ do in his/her job?

2.If you had the chance to become a DJ, would you accept the job? Why or why not?


While reading

1. We know from the story that Aughenbaugh is _____.

A. a singer

B. a dancer

C. a song writer

D. a disc jockey


2. From the third paragraph, we can infer that _____.

A. Dan Quinn didn't support the boy’s dream

B. the boy showed less interest in music in the camp

C. the boy started his dream at the DJ camp

D. DJ camp is for children who like music


3. Which is TRUE of his parents?

A. They asked Aughenbaugh to make money by himself.

B. They didn’t expect Aughenbaugh to become a DJ.

C. They helped Aughenbaugh a lot in his show.

D. They bought the equipment for Aughenbaugh.


4. The author used the example of the couple to show that _____.

A. women prefer pop music to country music

B. it is impossible for the boy to satisfy everyone 

C. Aughenbaugh learned to meet different people’s needs

D. there are no big differences among music styles



Lang Lang is a famous pianist in China. Write a brief introduction using the following information.

Name: Langlang

Birthday place: in Shenyang, Liaoning, China      

At age 3: began piano lessons with Professor Zhu Ya-Fen. 

At age 5: won first place at the Shenyang Piano Competition 

In 1993: won the Xing Hai Cup Piano Competition in Beijing 

At age 15: left for America and began studies at the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia.



Youths build robots in Beijing (P4-5)


1.What do you think a robot can do? 

2.Please give some examples of how robots can help us in our daily lives.


While reading

1. How many universities and companies brought their robots to the 2017 WRC?

A. 23.

B. 27. 

C. More than 150.

D. More than 240.


2. According to the second paragraph, robot competitions were for _____.

A. adults

B. college students

C. high school students

D. teens and kids


3. What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

A. Zhang's dream has to do with robots.

B. Zhang has become a leader of his school robotics club.

C. Zhang dreams to be be a programmer in the future.

D. Zhang thinks robots are just machines.


4. What might Zhang Yitong’s dream robot do?

A. Place building blocks.

B. Do surgeries.

C. Check patients.

D. Do daily chores.


Word in use


1. 他们筹备了一个大型敦煌艺术展览。      

They prepared a big _______ of Dunhuang Ar

2. 他对威尔士的历史知之甚多,让我们惊讶。

He _____ us by his knowledge of Welsh history.

3. 我梦想去非洲旅游。

I ________ have a tour in Africa. 

4. 他喜欢洗并且从未打破过一个碗碟。

He likes to ________ and never breaks a dish.



If you had the chance to design a robot, what kind of robot would you create? Draw a picture of it and explain what it can do.




1. C。从文中第二段第一句In August, a whole set of Shanghai’s primary school math textbooks, Real Shanghai Maths, went on the UK’s book market.可以得知英国从小学开始采用中国教授数学的方法。故答案选C。


2. C。 由文章第三段第二句The only change is the Chinese yuan become the British pound.可以看出引入英国的中国数学教材做了唯一的改变是书中的Yuan变成了pound。故答案为C 。


3. B。从文章的最后一段的最后一句In the 2012 Program for International Student Assessment, Shanghai students were No 1 in math. British students, however, were No 26.可以得知在国际学生评估项目中,英国的学生排在了第26位。故答案为B。 


4. B。从文章的最后一段的第一句The reason behind this is because the UK doesn’t want their students to fall behind.可以得知英国这样做的原因是他们不想英国的学生落后。故答案为B。 



1. D。 从第二段第一句Now the teenager is using his talent to become a disc jockey, or DJ.可以得知Aughenbaugh 成为了一名DJ。 故答案为D。


2. C。从文章第三段第一句Aughenbaugh’s career started with a DJ camp.可以得知Aughenbaugh的职业生涯开始于一个DJ camp.故答案为C。


3. A。从文章第四段第二句But they ask him to buy everything himself.可以得知他的父母要求他自力更生。故答案为作者A。


4. C。 文章的最后一段举例主要是支持作者的观点即本段的段落大意。文章最后一段最后一句After such shows, Aughenbaugh became more confident and better at meeting people’s needs.表明在这次演出后, Aughenbaugh可以更好的去满足不同人的要求。故答案为C。



1. C。文中第二段第二句提到More than 150 universities and companies brought their robots over for exhibition or sale.可见150多所院校参加了这次机器人的展览。故答案为C。


2. D。从文章中第二段第三句There were also robot competitions for teenagers and kids.可以得知这次展会还有为青少年设计的机器人比赛。所以选择D。


3. A。 本题是本段的主旨大意题,从第三段的细节我们可以得知Zhang对机器人很感兴趣,并积累了很多相关的知识。故答案为A。


4. D。从文章最后一句“My dream robot can do everything,” she said, “like washing dishes and doing homework.”

可以得知Zhang Yitong梦想他的机器人可以洗碗,做家务。故答案为D。

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