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初三教案 第533期


Decision on the young (P2)



•Match the words with the meanings

protect      put sth. or sb. else in their place to do their job


consider    a large group of people with shared  customs, laws


replace      to keep safe


society      chief; most importantly


mainly      to think of in a stated way




While reading

1. How long has Li Ting lived in the US?

A. For 26 years.

B. For 19 years.

C. For seven years.

D. For a month.


2. Why does she start to worry about her future?

A. Because she will be punished for breaking the law.

B. Because she lost her job in the technology company.

C. Because she may be asked to leave the US. 

D. Because she will lose most of her teachers. 


3. DACA is a program that _____.

A. protects young people in the US

B. was passed by US President Donald Trump

C. allows immigrants known as “dreamers” to stay in the US 

D. helps immigrants to go back home easily


4. From the story, we know that _____.

A. immigrants like Li Ting are facing a big problem

B. "dreamers" are mainly from Asia and the Europe

C. the US society doesn’t need these immigrants anyway

D. Americans supported the decision to end the DACA program



Words in use

Translate phrases:











Do you think the immigrants will really be deported?

What will happen if the dreamers are deported?




Aussie students celebrate Big Day (P3)




1.Have you ever tried making a milkshake?

2. How do you make a milkshake?



While reading

1. On the “Big Day” in Australia, students _____.

  A. sell old things in school 

  B. can change old things for new ones

  C. don’t have to go to school

  D. eat delicious food for lunch 


2. Paragraph 2 is written to _____.

  A. tell us that the writer is in Grade 10

  B. show what is the most popular drink

  C. tell us that lollipops are cheap

  D. explain that different grades sell different things


3. What was the writer’s job in the activity?

  A. To collect money.

  B. To sell lollipops.

  C. To shake cups to make milkshakes.

  D. To welcome the customers. 


4. Why couldn’t the writer feel her wrist?

  A. Because she doesn’t have wrists.

  B. Because she was too tired.

  C. Because her wrists are not real.

  D. Because she was busy drinking a milkshake. 



Word in use 

Fill in blanks

1.People are rushing to the market to buy things _____ ____.

2.The beautiful dress only _____ me £65. 

3. The toothache nearly killed him so he had to have his two teeth _____.

4. Your breathing has _____ up a bit after running.




Think about it:

1.    Do you want to sell old things for money?

2.    What will you do with the money?




Spending Sunday differently (P4)



What do you usually do on Sunday?



While reading

1. The first paragraph tells us Sunday means _____.

A. no freedom anymore

B. holding our breath

C. starting a new week

D. becoming busy soon


2. Why do Singaporeans prefer to stay indoors?

A. Because it is always rainy outside.

B. Because the sun would burn them. 

C. Because it is always hot outside. 

D. Because they hate the sun. 


3. Sunday roast in Britain includes _____.

a. roasted meat   

b. boiled potatoes  

c. roasted vegetables  

d. boiled meat 

A. a, b    B. b, c   C. a, c   D. c, d


4. The story mainly tells us that _____.

A. Sundays in Britain and Singapore are not important

B. British people enjoy more sunny days than Singaporeans

C. Sunbathing is getting popular in Singapore these days

D. in Britain and Singapore, people spend Sundays differently



Word in use









   Most Chinese students have to take after-school classes on Sundays. 

    Do you think it is necessary? Why?

    What do you think students should do on Sundays? 






1. B. 从文中第一段第一句 “Li Ting, a 26-year-old girl from China, has lived in the United States since she was 7 years old.”可以得知李婷今年26岁,而她7岁就来了美国,因此她在美国居住了19年。故答案选 B。 


2. C. 由文章第二段 “It all started from a decision US President Donald Trump made on Sept 5: ending a program called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (童年抵美者暂缓遣返计划, DACA).”可以看出美国总统特朗普决定结束DACA计划,导致李婷有可能被遣返回国,造成李婷担忧。故答案为 C。 


3. C. 从文章第三段 “DACA allows immigrants who were brought to the US illegally  as children to stay in the country” 和第四段第一句“these immigrants, called ”dreamers,“  可以得知DACA这个项目允许非法移民者,也就是那些“追梦人”,留在美国学习工作。故答案为 C。  


4. A. 从文章的第五段 “But now, the dreamers only have about six to 24 months before they become illegal and are deported (驱逐). This has caused a great stir (轩然大波). 

.” 可以得知像李婷这样的移民者因为DACA项目的终止,有可能在6到24个月之后被驱逐出美国。故答案为 A。  



1. A. 从第一段第二句 “Students put their old things on sale for charity. ” 可以得知学生们在这一天会卖旧的东西来为慈善筹钱。故答案为 A。


2. D. 第二段讲述了午饭后,不同年级学生会在自己的摊位卖不同的东西,并且每个学生都会有十分钟到本年级摊位帮忙的时间。故答案为 D。 


3. C. 从文章第五段第二行 “I was asked to shake each cup for 30 seconds to make it taste better.”可以得知 作者的主要任务是摇晃杯子来确保奶昔更加好喝。故答案为C。


4. B. 文章的最后一段 “Gradually I wore out and I couldn’t even feel my own wrist.” wear out 指精疲力尽,力气耗光。 说明作者的工作让她很累。故答案为 B。 



1. D.  文章第一段“…before another busy week begins.” 可看出“星期天是另外繁忙一周之前的一天。”所以意味着又要开始忙碌。因此选D。 


2. C.  文章第四段“Singapore is a tropical (热带的) island with two seasons: rainy and sunny. When it rains, it’s hot. When it shines, it burns.”可看出,无论新加坡是雨天还是晴天都很热。 因此,选C。 


3. C.  文章倒数第三段 “It is a meal with roasted meat, roasted potatoes and roasted or boiled (水煮的) vegetables.”  说明英国人的“星期天烘烤”包括烤肉,烤土豆,烤蔬菜或水煮蔬菜。故选C. 


4. D. 本篇文章通过对比新加坡和英国人星期天运动的选择,和所吃的食物,来阐述两国人不同的度过星期天的方式。故选D。 






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