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高二教案 第688期

Dive beneath the ocean from home (P4)
山东烟台二中 孔洁
I. Lead-in
•"Our planet is a blue planet: over seventy percent of it is covered by the sea. The Pacific Ocean alone covers half the globe. You can fly across it non-stop for twelve hours and still see nothing more than a speck of land. This series will reveal the complete natural history of our ocean planet, from its familiar shores to the mysteries of its deepest seas."
— David Attenborough
•A British nature documentary series 
•Began 12 September 2001 in the United Kingdom.
•Narrated by David Attenborough.
•“The first ever comprehensive series on the natural history of the world's oceans”.
• Each of the eight 50-minute episodes examines a different aspect of marine life. The underwater photography shows creatures and behavior that had previously never been filmed.
•The Blue Planet 
•Ocean World
•The Deep
•Open Ocean
•Frozen Seas
•Seasonal Seas
•Coral Seas
•Tidal Seas
•Deep Trouble
II. Skimming
Read the passage quickly and match the main idea of each part 
Para 1 & 2
The mysterious undersea world 
Para 3
Blue Planet I
Para 4--6
Blue Planet II’s features
III. Scanning
Read the passage thoroughly and find out the answers to the following questions 
1. According to the passage, what is the “undiscovered world”?
The “undiscovered world” refers to the world beneath Earth’s oceans and seas, which covers over 70 percent of the planet.
2. What is Blue Planet I about?
The documentary, narrated by the TV scientist David Attenborough, took us down to the depths of the ocean, opening up an environment almost no one had ever seen. It quickly became beloved by many people across the world. 
3. Compared with Blue Planet I, what are the features of Blue Planet II?
The underwater photography will be even more impressive than it was in 2001.  
The cameras would show us stories about submarine animals that we would enjoy just as much as we do those of the animated characters in the Disney movies The Little Mermaid (1989) and Finding Nemo (2003). 
4. Will Blue Planet II be a success? Why?
It would be no surprise if Blue Planet II turns out to be even more successful than the first one. After all, viewing these programs will almost certainly be the closest we ever get to the mysterious world beneath the waves.
IV. Language focus-sentences
1. We’ve learned that it is Earth that goes around the sun, rather than the other way around.
it is…that/who 强调句
It was in 1939 that the Second World War broke out.
It was Tom who helped me out. 
It was the culture, rather than the language, that make it hard for him to adapt to the new environment. 
2. Mark Brownlow, the show’s producer, told the BBC that the cameras would show us stories about submarine animals that we would enjoy just as much as we do those of the animated characters in the Disney movies The Little Mermaid (1989) and Finding Nemo (2003). 
that 1:宾语从句
that 2: 定语从句
those: stories? submarine animals?
fascinating, beneath , covers , remarkable, feature 
•unusual or surprising and therefore deserving attention or praise
•in or to a lower position than something, or directly under something
•to include or show something as a special or important part of something, or to be included as an important part
•interesting and attractive
•to spread over an area
Complete the sentences with words in the box
1. 这个城市占地25平方英里。
The city covers 25 square miles. 
2. 马达加斯加是我去过的最迷人的地方.
 Madagascar is the most fascinating place I have ever been to. 
3. 海豚消失在波涛中。
The dolphins disappeared beneath the waves
4. 这次展览重点展出毕加索的画作。
The exhibition features paintings by Picasso. 
5. 这对公司来说是一个非凡的成就。
It’s a remarkable achievement for the company. 
V. Post-reading   
Have you watched any other BBC documentaries exploring the world? Share your experiences with us.
VI. Homework
•Make a poster for Blue Planet II
•Basic information should be included: released time, features 
Price to pay for beauty (P6)
山东烟台二中 孔洁
I. Lead-in
Do you like fireworks? Why?
Olympic Games 
II. Skimming
Read the passage quickly and summarize the main idea of the passage
It discusses the negative effects of fireworks, especially on humans and birds. 
III. Scanning 
Para. 1 
Judge whether they are true or false
•Fireworks have enjoyed great popularity since they were invented in China during the Tang Dynasty hundreds of years ago.
•From small family gatherings to huge global celebrations, there isn’t a party that could be made more fun with a few fireworks.
•A big price is paid for some brief beauty and entertainment.
Para. 2-7 
Read this part in detail and find out the answers to the following questions 
1. Considering what fireworks are made of, what makes them a cause for concern? 
It’s been discovered that fireworks contain metals such as copper and lead, in addition to other pollutants like perchlorates.
This is a cause for concern because perchlorates negatively affect the thyroid gland, which impacts important bodily functions like blood pressure and heart rate.
2. According to Terry Gordon’s study, how can fireworks affect our health? 
By examining the emissions whose sizes were big enough to enter the lungs, it was concluded that these emissions may lead to various dangerous conditions like cancer, heart attacks, and strokes.
3. What negative impacts can firework emissions have on birds? Explain with examples.
Launching fireworks close to wildlife areas may cause confusion among birds.
In 2010, an incident involving 5,000 red-winged blackbirds falling out of the sky on New Year’s Eve in Arkansas, US supported this idea. A fireworks display held at a nesting ground for blackbirds led to the birds’ night vision being affected, causing them to fall to their deaths. 
4. What is one reason for people still being in favor of fireworks? What is suggested to improve fireworks?
Arguably, the use of fireworks during celebrations may be due to a general lack of awareness of how they pollute our environment. Companies and researchers could take this cue and find new, eco-friendly, alternatives.
IV. Language focus-sentences
1. A fireworks display held at a nesting ground for blackbirds led to the birds’ night vision being affected, causing them to fall to their deaths. 
•held 过去分词做定语,与逻辑主语为被动关系
•causing 现在分词作结果状语,与逻辑主语为主动关系
•lead to doing 
2. After all, for all the beauty fireworks bring, there’s no better beauty than that of our planet’s. 
No better than… 否定+比较级
The beauty of our planet is the best, much better than the beauty brought by fireworks. 
Learn to use
Complete the following sentences
1. He got up late and hurried to his office, _______(leave) his breakfast untouched. 
2. After completing and signing it, please return the form to us in the envelope _____(provide).
3. Last night, there were millions of people _____(watch) the opening ceremony live on TV. 
•家庭聚会•全球性庆典•付出代价•包含 v.•除了…•影响 v.•此外/而且adv.•推断/总结•尽管如此conj.•呼吁/力劝•放烟火•造成混乱•由于缺乏…意识•对生态环境友好的•替代品•family gatherings•global celebrations•pay a price for•contain•in addition to•affect/ impact•furthermore•conclude•nonetheless•urge•launch fireworks•cause confusion•be due to a lack of awareness of•eco-friendly•alternative
V. post-reading
Please debate the following question:
Should fireworks be prohibited? 
VI. Homework 
Write a composition on the negative effects of fireworks and make some suggestions to solve this problem.

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