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高二教案 第689期

2017-2018学年第9期总第 689期高二教案
Great taste of success (P3)
山东烟台二中 李欣桐
Great taste of success
What is your definition of success?
I. Lead in
In today’s society, some people define success in terms of the amount on their paycheck. For others, it is the title on their business card, or the amount of awards they have won.
Success has just as many faces as any other theme, depending on the society in which it is measured, and the values of the person who measures it.
How do we succeed? How do we become successful?
II. Skimming
What is the success mentioned in the passage?
The ______ cafe in California, US was created by school administrators (行政人员) _____ wanted to ____ a restaurant to teach students cooking and restaurant management (管理) skills. In a place that ________ a classroom, teacher Stephanie San Sebastian leads 16 students in ________ delicious food. 
Key: student-run; who; set up; used to be; preparing 
III. Scanning
Judge whether the statements are T or F.
1. “The homemade potato chips were thinly sliced (切片), the soup was a balanced mixture of vegetables, and the apple pie’s crust was covered with a good amount of honey”is the description of a scene at the Blue Coyote Cafe.(T)
2. Teenage students, whose diets used to be made up of salty snacks and sugary drinks, are now preparing healthy dishes – and they don't like it.(F)
3.The school buys food directly from local farmers to reduce the price.(F)
4. Students can get job skills and provide good food to others in the cafe. (T)
IV. Language points-words & phrases
1.used to do
used to do 过去常常做某事
be used to doing 习惯于做某事
be used to do sth 被用来做某事
He used to smoke.  他过去常常吸烟。
He is used to hard work.他习惯于艰苦工作。
A metal bar was used to force the door open.一根金属棒被用来撬门。
当主语是物的时候是指被用来做某事,be used to是动词use的被动语态,在这种结构里,to是不定式符号。
2. incredible - beyond belief or understanding
E.g. We think this is a very incredible influence. 
翻译:It was incredible for you to fix that.
V. Language points-sentences
Analyze the structure of the sentences.
1. Sebastian’s teenage students, whose diets used to be made up of salty snacks and sugary drinks, are now preparing healthy dishes.
whose 引导非限制性定语从句,修饰teenage students
Sebastian’s teenage students are now preparing healthy dishes.
The teenage students’ diets used to be made up of salty snacks and sugary drinks.
2. It’s really amazing what these kids have been able to do.
what 引导主语从句,翻译为这些孩子们能做“什么”。
What these kids have been able to do is really amazing .
What I said is real.
3. Not only is Sebastian teaching them how to follow a recipe and use a knife properly, but she’s also educating them about buying local, seasonal produce.
not only...but (also)
将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前(如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前)
Sebastian is not only teaching them how to follow a recipe and use a knife properly, but ...
考点1:句首为否定或半否定的词语,如 no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, at no time, in no way, not until… 等。 
Never have I seen such a performance.  
当Not until引出主从复合句,主句倒装,从句不倒装。
The mother didn’t leave the room until the child fell asleep. → Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room. 
Only in this way, can you learn English well.  
Only after being asked three times did he come to the meeting.
Only when he is seriously ill, does he ever stay in bed.    
Only when we overcome difficulties can we see the light.
VI. Homework
Proverb: Failure is the mother of success. 
Share a story you know with your peers.
Blame genes for bad sleep (P6)
山东烟台二中 李欣桐
Blame genes for bad sleep
Do you have a sleeping disorder? If so, what might be the cause behind it?/ What is to blame? 
Sleep problems can be caused by things such as stress, anxiety, or even using a smartphone before bedtime. 
I. Lead in
But recently, a team of researchers discovered that genes (基因) could also be a cause of sleepless nights.
DSPD (delayed sleep phase disorder):
a condition that affects one’s sleeping patterns, is passed down via a mutated (突变的) gene.
DSPD sufferers wake up later and go to bed later than the average person.
II. Ask & Answer
Read the article quickly and find out the answer to the question.
1. What is “sleep” for a lot of people?
For a lot of people,        (get) a full night’s sleep is nothing more than just a dream. Some of us climb into bed in the early evening, and the next thing we know, it’s 2 in the morning and we’re still staring        the ceiling. 
Key: getting; at
2. To come to their conclusion, what did the team do? What was their result? How about the reason? 
The team studied a 46-year-old woman _____ is only usually able to fall asleep at 2 or 3 in the morning. 
It was discovered that the woman’s body _______ the hormone (荷尔蒙) _____ helps us sleep at night _____ seven hours later than regular sleepers. 
The scientists found this was caused by a mutation in one of the woman’s genes one ____ helps regulate (调节) the “body clock”.
Key: who; produces; that; up to; that
3. Are sleep troubles passed down through the generations?
Some of the woman’s family members were also found to share the same mutation.
However,        this mutation doesn’t mean you         have sleep problems. The team also found two people who had the mutation but reported no problems with their sleep. 
Key: having; automatically
4. Does the passage offer any advice to those who can’t fall asleep at night?
BBC       Michael Mosley produced a       in May in which he talked about his                with insomnia (失眠) and the       he used. 
“I       social media for at least an hour before bed, I do mindfulness (正念冥想) exercises, and if I wake up in the middle of the night, I read a book for an hour or so,” 
Key: journalist; TV documentary; battle; techniques; avoid
Language points
blame sb for sth因某事责备某人
stare at  盯着看
It's common knowledge that  众所周知(common sense)
cause  原因;事业 (the cause of community)
delayed sleep phase   睡眠时相延迟
pattern  模式;图案 
pass down 遗传;传递
automatically  自动地
battle  战斗,斗争
III. Translation
1. It’s common knowledge that sleep problems can be caused by things such as stress, anxiety, or even using a smartphone before bedtime.
that 引导实际的主语从句
That sleep problems caused by things such as stress, anxiety, or even using a smartphone before bedtime is common knowledge.
2. The scientists, from Rockefeller University in New York, US, found that delayed sleep phase disorder, a condition that affects one’s sleeping patterns, is passed down via a mutated gene.
第一个that 引导的是宾语从句
第二个that 引导的是限定性定语从句
3. It was discovered that the woman’s body produces the hormone that helps us sleep at night up to seven hours later than regular sleepers.
第一个that 引导实际的主语从句
4. The team also found two people who had the mutation but reported no problems with their sleep.
who 引导的是限定性定语从句
had 和reported为宾语从句中的两个并列的谓语动词
5. But while this is an interesting discovery, it offers no help to those who can’t fall asleep at night – although there are a few things you could try to help you sleep earlier.
while 引导的是让步状语从句
who 引导的是限定性定语从句
although 引导的是让步状语从句
IV. Exercise
Translate the sentences with a proper word, phrase or sentence structure in the article.
I am studying while my deskmate is playing games. 
2. 据说这个模式会遗传。(it is said that;pattern; pass down)
It is said that this pattern will be passed down. 
V. Role play
Suppose you were a doctor and a patient who suffers with insomnia turned to you for help. What advice would you give your patient?
Genetically ...
Customarily ...
VI. Homework
Write a composition to summarize the different factors that can influence our sleep.

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