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高三教案 第308期

When politics invades sport (P2)

Check your understanding:

1. Why does Steven Spielberg reject participating in the 2008 Beijing Olympics?

A. He takes no interest in sporting events.

B. He is against China 's foreign policy in Darfur .

C. He will be too busy directing films to spare time for the Games.

D. He will be staying in Darfur to solve humanitarian crisis there.

2. What does Jacques Rogge think of Spielberg's decision to quit?

A. Spielberg's absence has no effect on the Games.

B. Spielberg's absence will be a great pity for the Games.

C. He strongly criticized Spielberg's decision.

D. He hopes Spielberg can return to serve the Games.


3. What can we learn from the text?

A. Sport is closely related to politics.

B. Sport is more important than politics.

C. Politics should be kept out of sport.

D. Politics can speed up the development of sport.


1. B 。由第三段的“ when a Hollywood movie director rejected participating in the 2008 Beijing Olympics because of different political views. ”以及第四段的“ He cited concerns over the humanitarian ( 人道主义的 ) crisis in Darfur, which he linked to China. ”可知 Spielberg 因政治观点,即对中国在 Darfur 的外交政策持有异议,所以拒绝参加 2008 年奥运会。

2. A 。由第六段的罗格的讲话 “Spielberg's absence won't harm the quality of the Games. The Beijing Games are much stronger than individuals.” 可以看出罗格认为奥运会不会因 Spielberg 拒绝参加受到影响。

3. C 。由第六段罗格的观点“ The IOC is a sporting, not a political, association, ”以及第九段的 Belgium's Justine Henin 的观点“ Politics and sport must remain separate. ”可以看出 C 项符合题意。


Gatsby inspires (P3)

1. Why is the book so popular among students?

A. It's about colorful campus life.
B. They want to learn from the story how to make a fortune.

C. It's required reading at most high schools in the US .

D. The hero of the story inspires students to pursue their dreams.


2. What is Wang Jinzhao's greet light?

A. Becoming her parents' pride.

B. Admission to Harvard.

C. Being able to support her family.

D. Being financially stable.


3. Why is it said that Gatsby resonates powerfully among urban teenagers?

A. They are working as hard as Gatsby.

B. They want to succeed most in 21st-century America .

C. Their background and experiences have a lot in common with Gatsby's.

D. They are emotional and touched by story.


1. D 。由第二段的“ Wang Jinzhao, a sophomore in the US, finds The Great Gatsby very inspirational . The novel by American author F. Scott Fitzgerald interests her with its themes of possibility and aspiration ”以及第八段的“ many students see their own identities and dreams in Gatsby . ”可以看出这本书之所以受欢迎是因为它能鼓励青少年有梦想并为自己的梦想努力。

2. B 。由第四段的 “My green light?” she said. “My green light is Harvard.” 可知 B 项正确。

3. C 。由第五段的“ Some US educators say Gatsby resonates ( 共鸣 ) powerfully among urban teenagers. Many of them are first- and second-generation immigrants, who are working hard to succeed in 21st-century America. ”可以看出《了不起的盖茨比》让这些城镇青少年产生共鸣主要是由于他们的生活背景以及生活经历或多或少地与盖茨比相似。


Chou's kungfu dunk (P4)

1. What role does Jay Chou play in the film Kungfu Dunk?

A. He is the director of the film.

B. He acts as a famous singer who knows martial arts well.

C. He acts as the hero, who is good at martial arts and basketball.

D. He acts as a basketball teacher in a martial arts school.


2. Wang Li invites Shi Jie to join the university's basketball team mainly because _____.

A. he wants to help Shi Jie find his family

B. he wants Shi Jie to earn money for him

C. he thinks highly of Shi Jie's basketball skills

D. he hopes to learn kungfu skills from Shi Jie


3. What does the word "it" in the last sentence of the text refer to?

A. Everyone's acting.

B. Teamwork.

C. Individual ability.

D. The court.


4. What's the author's attitude towards the new film?

A. The story is touching.

B. The plot is uninteresting.

C. It could have been better.

D. It couldn't be better.


1. C 。由第二段的“ Now, he turns out to be a basketball genius – he combines martial arts with basketball. ”可知 C 项符合题意。

2. B 。由第三段的“ On the pretext ( 借口 ) of helping Shi Jie find his family, his agent ( 经纪人 ), Wang Li, invites him to join the university's basketball team in hopes of making money off him. ”可知 Wang Li 是想利用 Shi Ji 为自己谋利益。

3. B 。本句考查代词指代。 It 在这里不是用做形式主语或形式宾语,所以它是指代前面的东西。上文重点是 the importance of teamwork (意识到合作的重要性),下文用的是虚拟语气表达一种遗憾的语气:“它原本可以更好地发挥出来”,所以 it 在这里只能是指“ teamwork ”。

4. C 。由文章最后一段的“ However, everyone's acting is a little too cool, leaving little room for the main characters to add depth. ”以及最后一句话的虚拟语气可以看出作者觉得该影片还有不足之处,所以 C 项正确。

Not just for people (P6)

1. What does the text focus on?

A. The function of sleep.

B. The importance of sleep.

C. Two types of sleep.

D. Animals' different sleeping habits.


2. All of the following are features of REM sleep except that _____.

A. you are likely to dream

B. you have the deepest sleep

C. there is busy brain activity

D. the eyes move fast under the lids


3. We can learn from the text that_____.

A. an elephant usually sleeps longer than a lion

B. all mammals are REM-sleeping animals

C. it's believed that REM sleep can promote animals' intelligence

D. some animals sleep with one eye open to protect themselves from harm


4. According to the text, a duck on the edge of a group most probably shares its sleeping habit with _____.

A. a bat B. a dog

C. a whale D. an elephant


1. D 。文章谈到了睡眠的重要性,但没有重点分析;文章第二段谈到动物的睡眠时间,第二部分( What is sleep? )分析了两种睡眠类型,为下文的 Strange sleep 做铺垫; Strange sleep 部分又着重列举了几种奇怪的睡眠习惯;综上所述, D 项符合题意。

2. B 。由第四段“ In the first type, brain activity slows as the body enters a deep sleep. In the second type, known as rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep, our eyes move quickly under their lids and our brains become almost as active as they are when we're awake. This period is also when we dream. ”可知, B 项描述的是第一种类型睡眠的特征。

3. D 。由第八段的 Keeping partly alert may be one way these animals protect themselves in the open ocean. Siegel says: “They have no safe place to sleep.” 可知 D 项正确。

4. C 。由第八段的“ While some animals, like dolphins and whales, have no REM sleep, they keep some strange sleeping habits. When they sleep, just half of their brain sleeps and only one eye closes at a time. ”以及第九段的“ Ducks do something similar. When sleeping together, the birds on the edge of the group sleep with the outside eye open and half of their brain awake ”可以看出 C 项符合题意。


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