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高一教案 第714期

Argument for awards (P4-5)
山东省烟台第二中学 赵霞
I. Leading in
Have you ever won an award or a prize?
If so, how did you feel about it?
There are various kinds of famous awards in the world:
Many people work hard and make great contributions, hoping to win an award.

II. Fast reading
1. What does the author mainly talk about in this article?
   The author mainly talks about why we need awards.

2. Divide the article into three parts, then summarize the main idea of each part.
III. Careful reading
Read par1 to par3 and answer the question:
Why will there not be a Nobel Prize in literature this year?
Because the Swedish academy – the institution that awards the prize – was involved in a sexual harassment scandal.
award: v. 授予;判定
be involved in..被卷入到...中

Read para 4 to para 6 and answer the following questions:
1.  Why are the Nobel Prizes awarded (v.)?
2.  What other good effects do awards (n.) have ?
3.  How many examples have been used to show “awards can backfire”?
     (backfire: v. have the opposite effect to what was intended 事与愿违;产生反作用)

1.Why are the Nobel Prizes awarded?
They want to encourage people to achieve more by acknowledging the hard work of top figures in different fields.
     acknowledge: express the gratitude or appreciation of 对...表示欣赏或感激
     acknowledgement : n.表彰

2.What other good effects do awards have?
     Awards may also help establish standards of what’s considered high quality.
establish standards of:建立...的标准

3.How many examples have been used to show “awards can backfire”?
      Two. There was the #OscarSoWhite movement and the #GrammysSoMale movement.

IV. Language Learning
Sentence translation
1.This year, however, part of the excitement will be taken away, since there won’t be a Nobel Prize in literature due to the fact that the Swedish Academy - the institution that awards the prize - was involved in a sexual harassment scandal.

2. And with influential voices – like that of black actor Will Smith, who refused to attend the Oscar ceremony – the problems became more likely to be noticed and dealt with instead of being buried silently, again.

V. Summary Writing(概要写作)
According to the structure of the article, write a summary.

1. Steps:
1) Read the passage two or three times to find the structure
2) Divide the whole passage into several parts and find the key point of each part
3) Rewrite the key points by using your own words
4) Polish the whole passage

2. Language
•Use your own words
•Be concise(简明)                              
•Present the information objectively (客观地); do not give your own comments
•Retell the story in third person
•Use correct tenses

Birds mystery solved (P6)
苏州工业园区第二高级中学 孙炳芳
I. Lead-in:
Have you thought about why most birds can fly while birds like ostriches can’t fly?

II. Fast-reading:
P1: p (1- 4): Introduction
P2: p (5-10): The procedure and result of the research
P3: p  (11): Conclusion

III. Detailed reading:
1.Why can’t some birds fly?
Because they have flat breastbones and smaller wings, which means they have neither the strong chest muscles required for flying nor the long wingspans to lift their bodies off the ground.
2. How did the biologists do the study?
They analyzed almost 1,500 DNA samples from different bird species. They found that all flightless birds were closely related, meaning they evolved from one same ancestor.
3. How did flightless birds end up on all seven continents?
Flightless birds all came from flying ancestors and they flew to separate continents before losing their ability to fly. The reason why they lost the flying ability is that dinosaurs were gone and other mammals hadn’t emerged, so there weren’t any predators on the ground.

IV. Language focus:
1. … they have neither the strong chest muscles required for flying nor the long wingspans to lift their bodies off the ground.
fell off the ladder
Keep off the grass!
an island off the coast
get off the subject
“off” 的意思是“离开”
2. They evolved from one same ancestor.
Do you know how TVs evolved into the flat-screen ones available now?
3. How did they end up on all seven continents?
What would you do if your efforts ended in failure?
If you don’t know what you want, you might end up ____ (get) something you don't want.
4. However, its DNA says otherwise.
What’s the meaning of “otherwise” here?
It means differently.


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