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高三教案 第655期

Celebrate literacy (P1)江苏省南菁高级中学 秦虞I. Warming upIf you weren’t able to read and write, what do you think your life would be like?II. Read the lines1. What is the traditional definition of “literacy”, according to the passage?The ability to read and write. 2. What is the aim of International Literacy Day?To highlight the importance of literacy and the progress that has been made.3. Can you give examples of how the themes of International Literacy Day keep changing? The theme for 2007 and 2008 International Literacy Day was “Literacy and health”, which targeted people’s ignorance of diseases like HIV and malaria. For 2017, the emphasis was placed on “Literacy in a digital world”, because not knowing anything about the internet in today’s world is just like lacking basic reading abilities in the 1960s – it’s the “new illiteracy”. III. Read between the lines1.How do you understand the sentence: To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelt out is a spark?Just like a fire or a spark lights up the world, the ability to read opens up a person’s world and expands their horizons, so that they’ll no longer be ignorant. Instead, a person will become enlightened.2. How do you understand the sentence: Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.Education doesn’t mean cramming knowledge into people’s minds. Instead, it opens up people’s minds and allows them to develop a variety of skills that already exist within them.IV. Read beyond the lines1. How does the author end the passage?By echoing the beginning. 2. What can be included when it comes to introducing a festival?Its origin, purpose, themes, etc.V. Critical thinking1.What is the value of literacy and education to individuals, societies and human beings? To individuals: Literacy and education open up people’s eyes and improve their skills, making them more confident and more likely to achieve career development, also more tolerant to foreign cultures.To society: Literacy and education help fight against social problems like poverty, hunger, diseases, violence, racial and gender discrimination, democracy, etc.To human beings: Literacy and education contribute to preserving and carrying forward cultural heritage as well as technological advances, thus resulting in a more civilized world.2. How can we improve our literacy in the modern world?Be a lifelong learner.VI. Language focus1.可能很难想象 It is probably hard to imagine…2.这意味着……This means that…3.没能做某事 fail to do sth4.对……作出反应 in response to5.实现 accomplish6.讨论中的in question7.仅举几例to name a few8.星星之火可以燎原 small flame turns into a big fireRelating to shy Matti (P4)河北省邯郸市第一中学 许蕾蕾I. Lead-in Q1: Do you worry about what people think of you? Q2: Do you get nervous in social situations?Q3: Do you have a fear of public speaking? If your answer is “yes”, maybe you will relate to MattiMatti, the main character in Finnish Nightmares, is a typical Finn who fears small talk and doesn’t like people entering his personal space. II. SkimmingRead the passage and summarize its main idea or meaningWith the development of society , many young people want to keep some personal space for themselves.III. ScanningRead the text carefully and answer the following questions1. What is the new meaning of the term “jingfen” in China ?It refers to being “spiritually Finnish” - Finnish people’s habit of avoiding unnecessary socializing. 2. How does the comic’s creator describe Matti?Matti tries his best to do to others as he wishes to be done to him: to give space, be polite and not bother with unnecessary conversations. 3. Why has Finnish social conduct struck a chord with so many young Chinese people? IV. Language studyTranslate the sentences, paying attention to the sentence structures.1. Matti, the main character in the comic, is a typical Finn who fears small talk and doesn’t like people entering his personal space. Who 引导了限制性定语从句, 修饰 a typical Finn the main character in the comic 为插入语译文: 漫画中的主人公Matti是个典型的芬兰人,他恐惧聊天也不喜欢别人打扰自己的私人空间。2. The phenomenon has also been attributed to the one-child policy, under which today’s young people were born. 本句为介词+关系代词 under which 引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰the one-child policybe attributed to 归因于the one-child policy 计划生育政策译文:这种现象也归因于当今的年轻人出生时的独生子女政策。V. Learn to useFill in the blanks with proper words. Correct these sentences in a proper way. VI. DiscussionDo you have similar social troubles to the ones Matti does? If yes, why?If no, what do you think of Matti?

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