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初三教案 第565期


Different ways to be (P2)
Do you like the four young male actors who appeared on the CCTV show The First Lesson?
What did you think of their performance?
While reading
1. Which word can be used to describe the four actors on The First Lesson?
A. Traditional.               
B. Muscular.
C. Tough.                   
D. Slender.
2. Why were they criticized for their appearance?
A. Because they are bad dressers.
B. Because some thought they might have a bad influence on children.
C. Because they are public figures but acted badly.
D. Because they cared too much about their appearance.
3. According to People’s Daily, _____ is more important.
A. a man’s strength
B. inner quality
C. physical appearance
D. personal style
4. What is the topic of the story?
A. What traditional males should wear.
B. What idols should look like in public.
C. How men should dress and behave.
D. How men can become muscular.
Words in use
Fill in the blanks:
 Why do we care so much about a _______ (外貌) ?
 There are v _____ (多种的) ways to protect yourself from the sun.
 What will this mean for t_________(传统的) books and magazines?
Have a think:
In your opinion, how should a man dress himself?
How should a man behave?  
Not perfect, but quite lovely (P4)
Do you watch anime?
Who is your favorite anime character?
While reading
1. Who is Maruko-chan?
A. She is a cartoon character.
B. She is a famous Japanese actress.
C. She is a middle school student in Japan.
D. She is the author of a popular book series.
2. Why is Maruko-chan loved by millions of people?
A. Because she always makes mistakes.
B. Because she is perfect, funny and smart.
C. Because she has some special abilities.
D. Because she is just an ordinary person.
3. What does Paragraph 5 tell us about Maruko-chan?
A. She lives a hard life.
B. She has a positive attitude.
C. She is always in trouble.
D. She likes telling jokes.
4. According to the author, Maruko-chan _____.
A. is not a good student
B. is more clever than most adults
C. can still inspire others
D. will soon be forgotten.
Words in use
           consistent     spirit    identify
 1. I believe that most readers will i________ with the author.
 2. He has been a c________ friend to the Chinese people.
 3. Show a little fighting s____. We are playing a game.
In what way has your favorite cartoon character influenced you? 
Languages of the wild (P6)
Can animals communicate?
How do they communicate with each other? Give an example.
While reading
1. The sperm whales in Paragraph 2 are mentioned to show that _____.
A. animals can communicate with each other
B. animals have different dialects
C. whales communicate by using clicking noises
D. sperm whales live only in the Caribbean
2. Why do researchers believe that wolves have dialects?
A. Because there are different species of wolves.
B. Because wolves live in different areas of the world.
C. Because wolves of different species howl at different pitches.  
D. Because bats and dogs also have dialects.  
3.Which of the following does Darcy Kelley believe?
A. Most animals start learning their dialects as soon as they are born.
B. Macaques can learn a new dialect when in a new environment.
C. The environment has an influence on animals’ dialects.
D. Some birds can change their accents to deal with loud noises.
4. What does the last paragraph talk about?
A. The development of animals’ dialects.
B. The importance of animals’ dialects.
C. The differences between animals’ dialects.
D. The disadvantages of animals’ dialects.
Words in use
 We can __________ with others by using email.
Does the price _________ postage?
If you can’t arrive there on time, you should _____ them.
The natural world is wonderful and mysterious. What other interesting facts do you know about animals?
1. D。从文中第二段最后一句Different from the traditional male image of being muscular (强壮的) and tough, the four actors had slender frames (苗条身材) and wore elaborate (精致的) makeup.可以得知与传统的男性形象不同,这四个年轻的男演员并不强壮坚韧,而是有着修长的身材和精致的妆容。故答案选D。
2. B。 由文章第三段最后一句They also believe that popularizing this kind of soft male image is in poor taste and could have an impact (影响) on children’s personal development. 可以得知人们还认为普及这种软男形象的人品味不佳而且会影响青少年的个人发展。故答案为B 。
3. B。从文章第六段最后一句“A man’s strength should be judged on the basis of their inner (内在的) qualities – not their physical appearance.”可以得知一个人的力量应该根据他们内在的素质来判断,并不是他们的外表。故答案为B。  
4. C。从文章第一段How should a man dress, behave and talk? There is no single standard. But this topic has caused some debate lately.可以得知文章开篇点题,指出一个男人该如何打扮、举止和谈吐?没有单一的标准,但是这个话题最近引起了一些争论。下文便是各种争论。故答案为C。    
1. A。 从第一段最后一句However, as the main character of the Japanese anime series (动漫连载) 可以得知Maruko-chan(樱桃小丸子)是日本动漫的主要人物。故答案为A。
2. D。从文章第四段最后一句She is just like most kids – and that’s what has helped her win people’s hearts. She is a character people can identify with (感同身受).可以得知小丸子就像大多数普通孩子一样。她是一个能让人们感同身受的动漫人物。故答案为D。
3. B。从文章第五段第二句But she always finds a way to figure them out. 以及后面她的话可以得知小丸子总能找到办法解决问题,因此她有一个积极的生活态度。故答案为B。
4. C。 文章的最后一段最后一句Her creator may be gone, but Maruko-chan’s spirit and attitude will live on for many more years.可以得知尽管小丸子的创作者去世了,但是小丸子这个动漫人物带给人们的精神力量和对生活的的态度会一直激励着其他人。故答案为C。
1. B。文中第一段最后一句And humans aren’t the only ones who have different dialects. Animals do, too!和第二段最后一句This call has never been found in Pacific whales.可以得知人类并不是唯一有不同方言的物种,动物也是。科学家通过对比加勒比海抹香鲸和太平洋鲸鱼的叫声,发现他们的声音是不同的。故答案为B。
2. C。从文章中第三段最后两句They found that red wolves, Arctic wolves and coyotes (郊狼) have howls that vary in pitch (音高). In other words, they have their own dialects.可以得知不同种类的狼有不同的叫声,可以称之为有自己的方言。故答案为C。
3. A。从文章第五段第二句According to Darcy Kelley from Columbia University, most animals learn their accent (口音) naturally.和最后一句Their environment had no impact (影响) on their communication可以得知根据Darcy Kelley的研究,大多数动物的口音是自然习得并且不受环境改变的影响。故答案为A。
4. B。从文章最后一段A proper accent is crucial (重要的) to mating and warning the coming of enemies, which is the basis of survival,可以得知动物恰当的口音对寻求配偶和预警是至关重要的的,这是生存的必备。故答案为B。

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