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初三教案 第566期


 Is your hunger hidden (P2)
1. Have you ever heard of the term “hidden hunger”?
2. What do you think it means?
While reading
1. “Hidden hunger” refers to the situation when _____.
A. people eat a big meal
B. people can’t feel they are full
C. people feel an ache in their belly
D. people don’t get enough nutrition
2. How many people are suffering from “hidden hunger” in the world?
A. Two billion.
B. Three billion.
C. Three million.
D. Forty million.
3. What do Paragraphs 4 and 5 talk about?
A. What nutrients Chinese people lack.
B. Why Chinese people lack certain nutrients.
C. Why Chinese people enjoy processed foods.  
D. How vitamins and minerals in food are lost.
4. According to CNN, _____.
A. “hidden hunger” can cause serious problems
B. the world’s farmland is losing its nutrients
C. actions have been taken to deal with “hidden hunger”  
D. cooking styles affect the nutrition value in food
Words in use
result in   引起 导致,侧重于结果,即in后面接导致的结果。如:The accident resulted in three people being killed.
result from  起因于 是……的结果,更侧重于强调起因,即from后面接事情的起因。如:Nothing has resulted from his efforts.
The bad weather ______ traffic jams.
More storms might ______ temperature rises.
“Hidden hunger” has become a problem that cannot be ignored. Can you imagine what the consequences (后果) of this problem might be?
 How can we deal with it?
Don’t bother to go to the office (P4)
Some people are able to work from home these days. What do you think has made it possible for people to do so?
While reading
1. How long does Baz usually spend on his way to work?
A. About 35 minutes.
B. About one hour.
C. About two hours.
D. About two and a half hours.
2. What do Liz and Helen have in common?
A. They are both Baz’s sisters.
B. They work in a local college.
C. They both have part-time jobs.
D. They work as telecommuters.
3. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of working from home?
A. People will have more spare time.
B. People will feel more relaxing.
C. People will earn more money.
D. The company will save some money.
4. What do we learn from the story?
A. Baz became a telecommuter too.
B. Liz usually communicates with her trainees online.
C. Most people in the UK are telecommuters.
D. Helen found it easy to work from home
Words in use
1. The only thing she wants to do is to lie in bed listening to music after a s__________ day.
2. Once the cost i ________, they will have to stop the project.
3. His great height is an a________ in basketball.
If you could choose to work either from home or at the office, which would do you prefer? And why? 
Schools of the future (P4-5)
Technology and creativity allow us to build new and interesting schools.
What do you think your school would look like in the future?
While reading
1. What is special about The Beijing No 4 High School Fangshan campus?
A. It was built on rolling hills.
B. Its buildings are of the same color.
C. Its rooftops are turned into farms.
D. Students have classes in gardens.
2. Where do students run in Tiantai No 2 Primary School?
A. On the playground.
B. Inside the teaching buildings.
C. In a nearby park.
D. On the roof.
3. Heatherwick designed round classrooms because _____.
A. it matches the design of the teaching building
B. it makes people inside feel equal
C. this shape can save a lot of space
D. he likes this shape the most
4. What is the story mainly about?
A. Campuses of futuristic style.
B. Beautiful school buildings.
C. Creative campus architects.
D. New building technologies.
Words in use
1. 志愿者们尽了自己最大的努力去满足游客的需求。
2. 为了成为一个篮球运动员,Anna每天5点钟就开始训练。
3. 他们不仅买了沙发,而且换了餐桌。
Teaching methods will also change in the future, just like schools are changing.  
Can you imagine what classes might be like 10 years from now?
1. D。从文中第一段最后一句This means that what you eat may fill your belly, but it’s not giving you the proper nutrition (营养) that your body needs. 可以得知答案选D。
2. A。 由文章第三段At present, “hidden hunger” affects 2 billion people worldwide。故答案为A。
3. B。这两段分别从土地养分的流失和加工过的食品养分流失两个方面解释了中国人身体缺少某些营养元素的原因。故答案为B。  
4. D。从文章第最后一段For vegetables like carrots and broccoli (西兰花), boiling and steaming can better preserve (保留) their nutrition when compared to frying them, CNN suggests.可以得知烹饪方法会影响食物的营养。故答案为D。    
1. C。从文中第二段最后一句It takes him up to two hours to get to work every day. 可以得知答案选C。
2. D。由文章第五段but an increasing number of people work as telecommuters, whether full-time, like Helen, or part-time, like Liz. 可以得知虽然两人在家的时间长度不同,但都是在家上班的。故答案为D。
3. C。从文章第六段和第七段即是在讨论在家上班的优势,其中包括…people can save time…working from home is also less stressful 和第七段公司可以节省租金等。但并没有信息说人们会赚更多钱。故答案为C。  
4. B。从文章第三段Once every four weeks, she meets her trainees (学员) in person, but most of her work is done online.可以得知Liz每个月会亲自见学员一次,其余时间都是网上工作。故答案为B。
1. C。从第六段The most special part of the school is its rooftop farm.可知。故答案为C。
2. D。从文章第九段第一句The school is oval-shaped (椭圆形的), with a running track on its roof. .可以得知跑道是在屋顶上。故答案为D。
3. B。从文章最后一段This makes both students and teachers feel like they’re in a more equal position. 可知设计为圆形的初衷是为了创造平等的氛围。故答案为B。
4. A。由文章第二段最后部分What will future schools look like? Some schools have started experimenting. Let’s take a look. 可以得知此文是探讨未来校园的样子,下文给出的是几个具有未来特色的校园。故答案为A。

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