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初三教案 第579期


Help “left-behind” kids (P2)
1. How do your parents take care of you?
2. What kinds of problems do “left-behind” children have?
While reading
1. According to the story, China has about _____ rural children.
A. 2.32 million           B. 6.97 million
C. 13.94 million          D. 20.91 million
2. What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us about left-behind children?
A. Who they usually live with.
B. How they get on with their grandparents.
C. What kinds of problems they have.
D. Why they perform badly in school.
3. The best way to help left-behind kids is _____.
A. send social workers to the countryside
B. reunite them with their parents
C. help them attend schools more easily
D. train more volunteers to help them
Words in use
Fill in the blanks:
1. Don’t ________________ (认为理所当然) when you receive help from others.
2. He likes listening to music, although he doesn't _________ (喜欢) classical music.
3. Many people have ____________ (遭受) this terrible disease.
What suggestions can you give to help “left-behind” kids ?
Changing the world (P3)
1. Pollution is a serious problem. How many kinds of pollution can you name?
2. Is your life affected by pollution? How do you feel about it?
While reading
1. Unlike other 7-year-olds, Quisocola _____.
A. didn’t do his homework
B. lived on his own
C. set up his own “eco-bank”
D. had an account at a local bank
2. What do students have to do to open an account at Quisocola’s bank?
A. Provide 5 kilograms of solid waste.
B. Donate money to the “eco-bank”.
C. Provide at least 1 kg of waste each day.
D. Help local companies organize workshops.
3. What do we know about Quisocola’s “eco-bank”?
A. It helps kids save money and protect the environment.
B. His teachers encouraged him to start it.
C. Anyone in Peru can apply for an account there.
D. He made a lot of money from the “eco-bank”.
Words in use
1. How did you m_______ to persuade him?
2. R________ also helps control pollution by reducing the need for landfills (垃圾填埋地).
3. If you raise the issue at the meeting, I'll s________ you.
1. What do you think of this “eco-bank?
2. What else can we do to help reduce pollution?
Do people still speak the Welsh language? (P5)
1. What language is used in our class?
2. Do you speak any dialects?
3. Do you know how many languages are spoken in the UK?
While reading
1. What language does “araf” belong to?
A. English.                    B. Welsh.   
C. Scottish.                   D. Irish.
2. The writer uses the Welsh name of a small town to prove that _____.
A. Welsh looks quite different from English
B. English is more popular than Welsh in Wales
C. it’s just a matter of time until Welsh dies out
D. Welsh is not easy to pronounce
3. What do we know from the story?
A. Welsh is the last living native language of the UK.
B. Welsh speakers live in every corner of the world.
C. Welsh is still widely used in Wales.
D. All children in the UK are required to study Welsh.
Words in use
1. 恐龙是如何灭绝的?
How did the dinosaurs _____________?
2. 我们必须跟上时代前进的步伐。
We must ___________ the times.
3. 这个问题不过是你的想象,简。
The problem only ________your head, Jane.
Many languages are dying out around the world. What can we do to prevent them from going extinct?
1.D。从文中第二段第一句...China had 6.97 million left-behind children, accounting for about one-third of all rural children.中可以得知中国697万留守儿童约占农村儿童总数的1/3,所以农村儿童数量用697万乘以3即20.91million, 故答案选D。
2.C。文章第三段提到“不和父母住在一起的孩子会面临很多问题”,接着在文章第四段开头以“For example...” 讲出会遇到的具体的问题。。故答案为C 。
3.B。从文章第六段第一句 But the best solution is to bring parents and children back together.可以得知帮助留守儿童最好的解决办法是让父母和孩子团聚。B选项中reunite意为“团聚”,故答案为B。
1. C。从文中第一段第二句But Jose Adolfo Quisocola from Peru, now 13 years old, managed to set up his own “eco-bank” when he was just 7. 可以得知来自秘鲁的这个孩子7岁时就建立了自己的“生态银行”, 故答案选C。
2. A。从文章第二段第二句If students want to open an account with the bank, they have to provide a “deposit (存款)” of 5 kilograms of solid (固体的) waste, such as paper or plastic.可以得知学生要想开户得提供5公斤固体垃圾的存款。故答案为A 。
3.A。从文章第三段最后一句 The bank’s members.... allowing them to save up money by recycling.可以得知银行成员通过循环利用来存钱。其中 “recycling”和保护环境有关。故答案为A。
1. B。文中第二段第一句提到 Perhaps the first Welsh word you’ll see on the road into Wales is “araf”.可以得知在去威尔士路上看到的第一个威尔士单词时“araf”。故答案为B。
2.D。从文章第二段第四句、第五句It sounds very different too. If you think English pronunciation is difficult, try this: 可以得知威尔士语发音难。故答案为D。
3. C。从文章最后一段可以得知威尔士所有学生都学习威尔士语,许多学生选择去一所全是威尔士语的学校。你可以用威尔士语获取公共信息,在法庭上说威尔士语或在大学里选修威尔士语课程等。这些都说明威尔士语在威尔士被广泛使用。故答案为C。

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